Saturday, December 19, 2015

Charity Fair Project blog

When we were doing the charity fair I learned that selling things could be hard or easy. I also learned that working ahead is a lot easier than being on time because it is less stressful and when you have to present you have more time to practice. I also learned where all of the things that we used to make our product came from, the sunglasses buttons, buttons and hair ties all came from China and the thread came from New Jersey. I also learned how the things we used to make our product got here. The sunglasses buttons, buttons and hair ties all got here by plane and the thread got here by train. I learned all that and more.

Backward-looking: Have you done a similar kind of work in the past (earlier in the year or in a previous grade; in school or out of school)? I have done one thing that was close to this and that was the charity fair last year. It was not the same as this year because we only worked on it in math so we did not do a presentation or a carbon footprint like we did this year. The similarities are that it is called the same thing as last year, we sold things and we did work in math. I like this year better if anything because we worked on it in every class.

Inward-looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work? I feel that this was one of my favorite projects. I like that we got to do a small part in each class to make one big thing. I also liked doing it with Sienna because I feel like we both worked equally. I can not think of anything that I disliked because it was all awesome.

Outward-looking: What's the one thing you particularly want people to notice when they look at your work? I want people to notice that it took a while to do and that we put time and work into doing this project. I also want people to notice that we are trying to donate to a worthy cause that helps innocent children that get cancer. I also want them to notice that we made a one of a kind hair band that is actually really easy to make.

Forward-looking: What's one goal you would like to set for yourself for next time? Next time I want to have it be the same because it was perfect this time because I got it done early and I loved it. The reason that I want it to be like this is because I had tons of fun doing this but I also got everything that I needed to get done, done. It was my favorite project that I have done this year. I want it to be the same.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Weekly Blog 12/7-12

What I did this week is we worked on finding what would be the best combo for a park so that no holes appear. What I got is Plant to help stop erosion, low incline, low amounts of water and silt sand. We had to write a paragraph about what the park should use to make it so that less erosion happens. We also worked on our charity fair carbon footprint. What we did is we had to find where all of our stuff to make the product comes from, how it got here and more.

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems:
This week I asked where the things to create my charity fair product came from? What I did to answer that question is I looked up the name of the item + country + manufacturer. I also got help from the teacher for the other ones. For the other things Mrs. Garcia came because my partner and I were having trouble and she said that they probably came from China. The last thing was thread and it came from New Jersey. For the thead we got the thread for the company and found where it comes from.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Weekly blog 1130/1204

This week we watched everyone's presentation about where the safest place in America is. I found from this that everyone has an opinion that has a good reasoning for that opinion. We also talked about weathering and erosion. What we talked about is that weathering is when you break down and erosion is when you move the weathered material. The last thing that we learned about this week is how important soil is. We started research for a project and the class watched a video about how we could not live without soil and the importance of soil. The things that we learned about this week was about the safest place in America, weathering and erosion and soil.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information:
This week we presented where we thing the safest place in America is. Previously we did the project so this week we had to present. Some people made a video and some made a presentation and spoke. My team and I made a video about how Allentown, PA is the safest place in America because my team and I did research that Allentown is safe from earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornadoes. Other people said what they thought like someone said that Henderson, Nevada is the safest place in America but it could have severe weather like wild fires.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Safest Place in America Essay

               You will be reading about the safest place in America. I wondered as a kid where the safest place in America is but now I know, it is Allentown, PA. The reason that my team and I found this is we went on a long journey through the internet, well not literately we just did a lot of research. I know this because it has barely any earthquakes, no tornadoes and no tsunamis. If you don't believe me yet or you want to know more read this essay. I hope you will enjoy.

               "rumble" You will not be hearing or feeling that here in Allentown. The first kind of severe weather it is safe from is earthquakes. A earthquake is when two or more plates overlap, crash, slide past each other or grow apart causing the ground to shake, usually a lot. Allentown barely ever has earthquakes and even when they do the are small and cause little damage. Allentown is not on any of the coasts and it mainly happens on the coast. Allentown is safe from earthquakes.

               "SPLASH!" You will not hear or feel that in Allentown, PA. The second kind of severe weather is a tsunami. A tsunami is when a gigantic wave comes and does a lot of damage and kills many people. Allentown doesn't have any tsunamis because it is not on the west coast of the USA because that is where the ring of fire is. Also it not on a coast of the USA and how could a tsunami occur in the middle of the USA.

               "Whoosh!" That tornado was close, I wish that I were in Allentown the safest place in the USA. A tornado is a violent rotating column of wind that causes damage. Allentown is not a part of Tornado Alley and it has mountains preventing the tornadoes to grow. For a tornado you need a warm, moist air mass from the Gulf of Mexico and a cool, dry air mass from Canada. Allentown is not in danger of a tornado.

               What we learned today is that Allentown is the safest place in America because it is safe from weather that can cause major damage like tornadoes, tsunamis and earthquakes. Do you agree because you should. A different website that was published says that Corvallis OR is the safest place in America but how could it be? Corvallis could have tsunamis because it is on the west coast of America. It is proven that Allentown is the safest place in the USA.




Sunday, November 15, 2015

Weekly Blog 1109/1113

This week my team created a map of all of the natural disasters around the world to find where we think that the safest place in the USA. We found through our data that there where a few states empty so we searched more and we came up with Allentown PA. My favorite thing that I did this week is creating the video because I got to have fun while learning deeper into facts about sever weather. I learned that tsunamis occur because of the ring of fire. One more thing is that Tsunamis happen only on the west coast of the USA. I already knew that but it was really interesting because I have never heard or a Tsunami her in CA.

SP2: Developing and using models:
This week my group and I created a map of all of the Sever weather that occur a lot in one state. We ran into a problem that was we had multiple blank states so we just had to go find a little more information. When were found that we wanted to do Pennsylvania we had to find a city so we did one last bit of research and we were done with the map. Then we had to post a picture of our map and where we think the safest place in the USA is on Sesame. After we finished all of that we had to find exactly where on the map Allentown is but that was really easy.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Weekly Blog 1102/1108

Summary: Just like last week this week we worked on some severe weather worksheets. The kinds of severe weather that Enya and I worked on is thunderstorms, tornadoes and Blizzards. The coolest thing that I learned about thunderstorms is that light travels faster than sound. The coolest fact that I learned about tornadoes is that in an average year about 1,000 tornadoes are reported all around the nation. The most appealing thing that I learned about blizzards or winter storms is that snow absorbs light. 

S&EP: SP2: Developing and using models
On the work sheet that we had to fill out had a black and white picture of the USA. What we had to do with it is we had to color in with any color where in the USA is prone to a certain kind of weather. They are usually all in a big clump except for wild fires and maybe some others. All of them were different but might have had some of the same state. For example hurricanes and tornadoes have a little bit of Texas as a state prone to the kind of weather.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Weekly Blog 1026/1030

Summary: This week we filled out these sheets that were about a kind of sever weather. What we had to do on it is what kind of sever weather it is, what it is, where it likely to occur geographically, what it needs to form, links to the websites we used and a picture of the USA that we had to color the top areas it happens in. What I found out from all of the research is that in the USA California is the top state prone to wildfires. I found that a hurricane can let off 2.4 trillion gallons of water! One of the other things that I found is that hurricanes happen on the south side of the USA.

S&EP: SP2: Developing and using models
 This week we colored in some places of the USA. The places that we colored in are the places that had the most of a kind of sever weather. The reason that we did this is because we are trying to find the safest place in the USA. For example for wildfires we had to find the top places in the USA with wildfires and color them in with a bold color. For wildfires in the USA the state with the highest amount of wild fires is California. For hurricanes it was harder because we had to color more about edge on the south of the USA. So this week we colored parts of the USA.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Project Blog 1018/1025

This is our model so it has no website    :  D

What we did for this project is we made a model and a IGNITE presentation. In order to o this we had to find pictures and do some research.  What I found from this project is that The Siberian traps caused the extinction of 96% of marine animals and 70% of land animals. Another thing that I found out during this project is that The Siberian Traps is 67 degrees north and 90 degrees East. The most interesting thing that I found from this project is that "traps" in Siberian Traps means stairs in Swedish because it has a stair like feature. What I did not find out is what size it is. I also did not find if people could visit it or if it has animals living around it. I found a lot of things but some things are undiscovered.

In what ways do you think you need to improve?
Some ways that I need to improve on is doing things about 2 or 3 days before it is due so that I do not have to worry about doing it all at the last minute because I waited and then had to do it at the last minute. Some other things are that when I can not figure things out I get mad and leave it to do it last which makes it worse. I need to have more of a plan for the model before we start because we had trouble but then my mom gave us a suggestion to use dirt instead of paint. I really need to improve on time management.

How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
I fell good about how it looked when it was finished. I particularly liked getting to make the model because it was fun to smear glue on the model and throw dirt on it. The reason I liked doing this is because I got to do it with my best friend that made me smile and helped. I did not like that we had to finish the presentation the day before it was due. I did not like this because I was stressed I would never get done. I enjoyed all the nice comments that people had like how big it was and how it was better than all of ours.

If you were the teacher, what comments would you make about this piece?
If I were the teacher I would have said that we should have been a little louder and more organized. I also would have said that I liked that we used natural resources and nor paint or clay. I would have commented that maybe we should have had everyone talk. I would have said that I liked our slides. Overall I would have said that I did good and that next time I could see if I could have made it a little better if you had one more person to help to.

What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
If i had to re-do this I would want to change my time management. Another thing that I would change is to make sure that if you do jobs you should make sure that they do it as soon as possible. I would have changed the presentation by speaking louder and giving everyone a chance to speak. I would have changed the model by using less hot glue because it all clumped up. The last thing that I would have changed is making sure that the script sounded right because some sentences were wrong.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Weekly Blog 10/12-16/15

This week we worked on our land form project. What we did for the project is we worked on the research, IGNITE presentation and our model. When we did this I realized that the Siberian traps helped cause the extinction of a lot of marine animals and land animals. I also found that the Siberian traps were formed about 250 million years ago. I was looking for the location of the Siberian Traps and I found that it was 67° N, 90° E and that it is in Siberia, Russia. I thought that the most intresting thing that I learned is that it was a volcano that caused a lot of damage but it curently it is a mountain or close to a mountain.

This week we made a model of the Siberian Traps. What we used for this is cardboard, poster paper, glue, hot glue, dirt, moss, fake snow, and powdered sugar. What we did is we formed the shape of the mountain and after that we put glue and dirt on the mountain section after section. What we did after that is we hot glued the moss on and put the fake snow and the powdered sugar on the mountain. The closest thing that we did to this is we created our volcano model. When I started this I thought that it would not look good but it turned out to look really good.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Weekly blog 10/ 5-10 /15
This week we re-exploded our volcano and we pinned some things on a map. Re-exploding the volcanoes taught me that some volcano can get something to plug the top so that the magma can't get out. What this taught me is that when it does get plugged up the pressure inside of the volcano builds up and causes the volcano to blow the plug off. When we were pin pointing things on the map I realized how many volcanoes there are.  Another thing that we did is we started to figure out what we are going to do for a project. The two choices for the project were earthquake country and land form detective but everyone in the class did land form detective. What we did for this is we started to research about the Siberian Traps but I did not find much.

This week we created a model of a lava dome. What we did is we used our existing volcano model and we placed a tube of powder into the hole of our volcano. After we placed the tube in we got some liquid and poured 1/3 of it in the hole then put a cork on top of the tube and waited. After a few seconds the cork flew off of the volcano and the liquid flew up a little. If the cork did not fly off, you had to shake it and it would fly off because all the pressure built up. We got to do this three times with the same tube and the liquid each time we only used a little so we kept using that. The closest thing that we did is we exploded our volcano . The similarities is that we used powder, our volcano models and liquid. The differences are that this time we used a clear liquid not one with color, that this time we only used 1/3 of the liquid and not the whole thing, and that we had to put a cork on the tube after we were done.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Weekly blog 9/28 - 10/2 2015

This week we erupted our volcanos that we made. All the things that we made the volcano explode with smelled like food. We learned things about volcanos like how they die and form. Volcanoes  form when a plate moves over a hot spot causing the earth to form a volcano. Volcanos die when the plate moves away from the hot spot so that they can not erupt anymore. We also learned about when the plates move what it is called. We did a experiment to represent the plates moving and hitting each other. 

SP2: Developing and using models:
This week we exploded our volcano model. What we did is we had to put a tube of white powder in a hole of our volcano. After we put one of the tubes in we put one of the liquids that represented magma and stirred the powder and liquid so that the magma would start to flow. All of the magmas smelled really good like candy. We also made a model of when the crusts plates move and interact with other plates.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Weekly blog 9/21-25/15
Summary: This week we learned about how all of the continents used to all be one thing and when it was it was called Pangaea. It all used to look like the picture that I have. Alfred Wegener was the first one that found this but then no one else believed him. He passed away because he traveled but got stuck in a blizzard. 30 years after his death a different scientist Hesse found out the same thing and he had proof so it was official that it is true. If  you do not believe that is why we have earthquakes because it is when to pieces of land rub against each other to make them both move.

S&EP:  Developing and using models
This week we made a model of Pangaea and the way that we did this is we got a paper with all of the continents and a little extra land because back then the places were bigger and the reason they are smaller now because the land go worn down.It also had pictures of animals and plants because the plants from one place had to match up with another.We colored the paper then we cut it out so that we could make the continents into Pangaea and after we got approval we glued it into our notebooks.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Weekly Blog 09/14-09/18


This week we learned about the rock cycle. We did this by playing a game with paper dice. In the game we had to roll the paper dice to see if we had to move to a different area or stay at the stage of the rock cycle that we were at. We learned about the kinds of rock there are in the rock cycle and way that they change from one rock to another. The other thing that learned about is the layers of the earth. What we learned about the layers of the earth is the names of each layer,how thick they are and what kind of matter they are.

S&EP:SP2: Developing and using models:
This week we made a model of a volcano but we never used it. We also drew a comic of the rock cycle that was about when we rolled dice and went places. This was made to represent the journeys that a rock can go on to change to different rocks like a sedimentary to a igneous and things like that. The kinds of rocks that it represents are sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. We it also showed the kinds of ways that a rock can change from on way to another and travel like how did it get from a volcano to a mountain to the river.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Weekly Blog 09/07-09/11

For this we got to draw a comic about the scientific method and when we did we had to pretend that they were doing a experiment while following the steps of the scientific method. When we did this we had to have an idea of what we were going to make then make them do a fun act of the scientific method. We had to first make a draft of what we were going to do and it did not have to have detailed pictures but you had to get approval from the teacher before you do your final draft. When we are done with all of the rough draft and the final draft you put them on a paper or a folder and you have to come up with a name for your story. 

I think that I need to improve on my drawing skills. I also think that I need to improve on my skills of drawing fast and being creative. The reason I think that I need to improve on my drawing skills is because I felt like I was a bad drawer when it comes to bodies. I need to improve on drawing faster because I draw slow when I want it to be good and detailed but when I  draw fast, I have less details. I would like to do both. The other thing that I need to improve on is drawing bodies because when I try to draw bodies is always looks weird or if it is on an animal it looks over or under sized. 

I like this work because I thought that it was fun to have to draw and color while doing a project. I also liked it because we had a lot of time to do this and we got to have a better chance of it being good because the teacher had to approve the draft. I did not like some thing like that it took me so long to draw and color because I finished it the day before it was due which is a OK time to get it done in considering some kids took longer than me. I also did not like that we had to take a picture because it keeps glitching and I could not get a good picture when  I tried.

I did this similar to some people because we all had to do a story about the scientific method. It was similar because we all had to get our draft approved and put it somewhere on a project. It was also similar because we all had to make it a comic and make a draft. I did mine different because we all had different topics stories and in our stories they all did the scientific method on a different thing. It was also different because some people did it on a different background like a poster, card board and other things.

If I had to do this project all over again I would have slightly changed the story line. I would have changed the story line to see if cats like one kind of food better than another. I also would have changed that I put it on the back ground of a folder. I would have either put a cut out of card board or a poster so that it would have been prettier and so that I did not have to worry about the small tab getting smashed. The last thing that I would have change is the amount of creativity I had on the story line because sometimes I take to long and get stuck.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Weekly blog 08/31-09/06
For this project every we had to come up with and question and our question was "what paper towel brand holds the most pennies when it is wet?" Then we had to think of our hypothesis and materials that we will need to perform the experiment that we were  doing and what we needed was a lot of pennies, paper towels, a spray bottle, a small tub tape. After we had to do the experiment and what happened is kirkland won with 417 pennies and the unknown lost with only 242 pennies.

We encountered that we did not know what brand one of them were. We also encountered that we accidentally mixed the two amount of pennies together. We also almost all had the same brand. We solved the problem of the brand by calling it the unknown brand or sometimes Joseph's brand because he was the one that brought them. We solved the pennies mixing by redoing the experiment. 

I liked when we got to do the experiment and it was just fun I was also challenging and then we got to count the pennies. I did not like that it took so long and that we smelled like pennies and that we had to redo the project a second time because we messed up. I did not like that we did not know what the brand was and that we had to try it with dry but when it did not work we had to do it with slightly wet. 

Outward- looking:
 Our project was kind of like others but kind of not. Ours was the same because we all had to do the scientific method and some people did things with paper towels too. Ours was different because some people did not do any thing with paper towels or weight. It was different because I did not know anyone in the class with pennies. It was different when we had to redo ours because most people did not have to redo theirs. 

I would change how many squirts we put on the paper towel. I would put three or four squirts to make it quicker.I would change that we had to redo it by making sure that we did not do the next paper towel while we are counting the first one. I would also make sure that we all knew the brand of the paper towels by when they get their paper towel they ask their parents or they look at a package. I would change that we had to smell like pennies by cleaning all the pennies and making sure that they do not smell.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Scientific method 0824-0828

Image source

The scientific method always starts with a question. There are many different orders which it could be. We got to make our own way that we think it should be done. My favorite step is experiment because I believe that it is the most fun of them all. If you do not get the correct data for your hypothesis you would write a new hypothesis off of your data and redo the whole process. We got to go to sites to find answers for the scientific method refresher sheet because all the questions had to do with those websites.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information

This week I completed "The New Scientific Method sheet." We though about the order of the new scientific method. We also on the new scientific method sheet had to answer questions about the image in the middle of the scientific method order that you made up. I found out that some of the steps we can me around. I also completed the scientific method refresher. We had to read from websites that the teacher provided for us and then after we read that website then we go back and we answered questions about that website.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Goals for 2015-2016

 1- Get A+ in every class and if I do not I fix it.

2- Be a student that teachers can trust and is always on task.

3- In band to be a person that Mrs. Farmer can ask to help less advanced players and to be in Jazz band.

4- I want to get partners that I can trust to help equally and not complain about mistakes.

5- I want to have fun and not get to upset about things.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Weekly blog 5/29

Surprise:I was surprised when I was picking an article for my blog. The surprise is that the article is so short compared to other articles that I have read on National Geographic. It was surprising because I thought that it would be just as long as all of the other articles that I have read National Geographic. I can learn that nothing is always the same length.

Summary: The article was about cheetahs and how fast they are and what they do when they hunt for on prey for food. It also has a couple of facts about cheetahs. For example they run as fast as 60 miles and sometimes faster and that they are camouflaged because of their fur color. One more fact is that they have good eyesight to hunt in the day and that they bite their prey's throat. 

Complete Citation. "Cheetah." Cheetah. National Geographic, n.d. Web. 27 May 2015.

Backward-looking: I knew that Cheetahs could run 60 or more miles an hour. I also knew that their fur is the color it is because it helps them with camouflage.I did not know that cheetahs had to rest for 30 minutes before eating to catch their breath if they hunted. I can make a connection to the lion article I read before because it told what they do when they both hunt.

Inward-looking: The article reveled that I like to read articles about animals but mostly wild cats. I changed my thinking of cheetahs because the article said that they have to wait 30 minutes if they hunted to eat because they need to catch their breath. I choose this article because I like wild cats and I think that cheetahs are cool because they are the woulds fastest mammal. The information in the article did not really affect me this time at least not that I can think of.

Outward-looking:The information in this article affects the community because it tells them a lot about what cheetahs do in just a small article. It affects the environment because people might have wanted to hunt cheetahs but now they know that it would be hard and that they could come and fight quickly. It affects me in the future to go and possible want to go on a tour with people where they can show me cheetahs and other animals.

Forward-looking: The question that I had after reading that article is how long does it take for them to hunt and what gender hunts. If I got to ask the author to do add anything to the article I would ask them if they could add is what genders do what and how long it takes for the Cheetahs to catch prey and bring it back to their home.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Article Blog/ Weekly Blog

Surprise: I was surprised when I was reading the Sloth article on National Geographic. I was surprised that it said that sloths only go to the bathroom once a week. It was surprising because I thought that most animals go to the bathroom everyday or every other day. This tells me that some animals do not eat much and so they do not go to the bathroom much.

Summary: The article was about what sloths do and facts about them for example one of the facts are that sloths sleep 20 hours a day and that they only go to the bathroom 1 time a week. Another fact is that different sloths sleep in different ways. The last fact is that they stay in one place that algae grows on their fur.

Complete citation: "Sloth." Sloth. National Geographic, n.d. Web. 21 May 2015.

Backward-looking: knew that their were different kinds but I did not know most of the facts like that sloths only go to the bathroom once a week. I also did not know that different sloths sleep in different kinds of sloths sleep in different ways. I did know that sloths grew algae on them but I did not know why.

Inward-looking: It reveals that I like reading about animals more that other things like makeup. I have changed my thinking about sloths because I thought that they were just boring animals that I would not really want to learn about. I chose this article because it was appealing to me and I thought that it might be a good article and it was. The information affected me and how I think about sloths.

Outward-looking: It affects the community to know more about sloths. It affects the environment because when people see sloth they might know more about it and it would be a cooler experience. It affects the future because people could be planing to go see sloths and it would be cooler if they knew about it and if they were not they might go.

Forward-looking: I do not really have any questions but if I did I would look them up on Google. If I had to give feedback to the author I would ask if he could go more into what they eat and if they like the water or if they do not like it like cats.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Article blog

Surprise: I was surprised when I was reading the article. It was surprising when the article said that it that when a new male joins a pride it is common that the male will kill all of the cubs. It was surprising because I never thought that a male would KILL ALL or MOST of the cubs because with other animals like cats they do not usually KILL their children. I can learn that things that seem natural for us to KILL our children but for other creatures it could be common.

Summary: The article was about lions and if they all stay together or if they go alone. Most lions stay in prides but for other animals they call it other names like for example Zebras live in herds. It is also about what happens when males come into the pride and how many lions and lionesses live in a pride. It mainly gives facts about lions, for example a male lion in a pride will go and roar as loud as five miles to warn predators.

Complete Citation: "Lion." Lion. National Geographic, n.d. Web. 14 May 2015. 
just in case here is the link because I forgot how to use easy bib and my dad could not figure it out in the short time he had from work.

Backward looking: I knew that lions stayed together and that lionesses sometimes lets another lionesses cub feed on their milk instead of their mothers. I also knew that they hunt in the night while it is sunset or dark, but I did not know that the females did it. I did not know that a lion's roar can be as loud as to go five miles for other animals not to come. I also did not know that the dad Killed his own cubs when he just came to the pride. 

Inward looking: The article to me reveled that when I read or see something that I do not expect I stop and think it in my mind to my self then I keep going. I changed my thing of what male and female lions will do like females hunt and they hunt with other females and for the male that they roar at night and kill their cubs. It changed my mind because I thought that male lions would be super protective of their cubs. I chose this article because it was apealing to me and I love cats. The information affected how I think about lions and what they do.

Outward looking: It affects the community by the community knowing a lot about what lions do and what they do in their life. It affects the enviorment by knowing what all their sounds mean and what they eat. It affects the future for if you ever were near lions you would mostly know what to do like if you heard a loud roar that usually means back off.

Foward looking: When I read the article I had a question about can a pride have not males or are they always in every pride? I answered it by my dad giving his thinking and he said that a pride will most likely that if a pride had none they would get one quick. If I could ask the author to put something I would ask him to put if a pride has no males what would happen.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Weekly blog-Summary

This week I learned that at night it is a disadvantage to have solar power because if it runs out you have to use a different power source. I learned this from Eric because we were helping Jewel with her page (Advantages and Disadvantages) of our solar panel project and Eric said "A disadvantage about having solar panels is that it is likely to lose power in your house at night when the sun is down." I also learned that solar power started in 1876. I learned this when Aanchal asked "Do you think what I wrote for history is good" and I said yes. The last thing that I learned is that solar power helps us not to use fossil fuel. I learned this from me having to gather information for my page (Effects on the Environment).

Friday, April 17, 2015

Weekly Blog Surprise only

Surprise: I was surprised when we were getting ready for and on are Levis Stadium field trip. I was surprised that we got to go on a double decker bus and that we got to go to the practice field that the 49ers practice on. It was surprising because I thought that the bus would be a small school bus. It was also surprising because I thought that we would not see the practice field but just the play field. I learned what the inside of a double decker bus looks like and the size of the practice field.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Blog - Surprise Only

Surprise: I was testing Daniela and my cat house circuit project. The surprise is that we had 2 conductors and 3 lights but the lights were still pretty dim except 1 was brighter than the others. It was surprising because there were 2 batteries and only three lights but the lights were dim. I learned that 2 batteries are not that strong in a circuit and that white bulbs light up brighter than blue bulbs.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Review quiz 5th grade 03/26/13 w/electricity T/F question 21

Electric current cannot be converted into motion:

Wrong: I answered false because I was not sure what it was and I thought that it could not move something.

Right: The right answer is true because electric current can be changed into motion.

Review quiz 5th grade 03/26/13 w/electricity T/F question 19

An open circuit is a circuit with a lot of resistance:

Wrong: I answered false because it does not even go in a whole circuit but that was wrong because it does have a lot of resistance.

Right: The right answer is true because it is a lot of resistance is inability and it is inability to not be able to complete a circuit.

Review quiz 5th grade 03/26/13 w/electricity T/F question 7

The mitochondria of cells transform sugars into:

Wrong: I answered waste products because I thought that it was totally bad for you so it is just waste products but I was wrong.

Right: The right answer is the energy needed for different activities because it helps keep you awake and gives you energy.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Review quiz 5th grade 03/26/13 w/electricity T/F question 6

What is the waste product of photosynthesis?:

Wrong: I answered Carbon dioxide because I got it mixed up with respiration and I was not sure what the answer was.

Right: The answer was Oxygen because photosynthesis has to do with plants and plants breathe in carbon dioxide.

Review quiz 5th grade 03/26/13 w/electricity T/F question 5

What is the waste product of respiration?:

Wrong: I answered, oxygen and it is wrong because I got mixed up with photosynthesis. I also was not sure so I guessed.

Right: The right answer Carbon dioxide because respiration means the traveling of oxygen. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/27


               I was doing the experiments that we were assigned in class. We had to fill out the sheets of how bright or dim the light was. We learned how to build and how circuits work.  I was surprised that I was not extremely scared about the electricity hurting me because I was always scared of electricity. I got electrocuted by a kinked wire charging a chain link fence for days and I was even more scared of electricity after that. I did not know the fence was electrified and when I touched the fence my hand clenched to it because the electricity was controlling my muscles and I could not let go. I screamed at first and then I could not breath so I almost died but my mom saved me thanks to my friends screaming. I learned that not all electric things can hurt me and that I do not always have to be scared. I was surprised about how much I have learned about electricity in class for example: how electrician draw out and make blue prints before they make the circuits,

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The most powerful electromagnet

           The strongest electromagnet is Copper with a DC current, 100 winds and a thick wire. It is the strongest electromagnet that I could make on a website that we were assigned. It is call fossweb and the link will be below. I recorded all that we needed and it ended up being the strongest.

Try it on the website below 
       It is the strongest electromagnet that I made and it picked up 500 filings and that is all that was there. I think that it is the strongest because string could not pick any filings up so it was really a contest in between the Copper and the Aluminum but the Copper won the contest. The second best only picked up 333 so the winner won by 167 filings. The second place is the same thing except for that it had an AC current.

           I think that it is the strongest electromagnet in the world with a lot more winds. If you look up the strongest electromagnet the picture that I put is there. The picture definitely has more that 100 winds. The strongest magnet that I made on the website is still really strong. Remember that the strongest electromagnet that I could make is Copper with a DC current, 100 winds and a thick wire.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/13

Surprise: I was surprised when we were seeing how many washers a magnet could hold. I was surprised that when we got to 5 it started to not hold as many washers and that from 1 to 4 magnets I guessed how many washers it would hold and I was right. It was surprising because I thought that my guesses would be totally wrong. I can learn that I am not always wrong on what I guess.

Summary: This week we did some experiments with magnets and we watched a Bill Nye video and we did a worksheet about it. The first experiment that we did is we saw if the magnets only stuck to 2 poles. The second experiment is that we saw what magnetism could go through like paper and wood. The third experiment that we did is we saw how many washers a paper clip and a magnet could hold.

Backward looking: I knew quite a bit about the topic when we started like what magnets are and that they stick to only the opposite charge ot pole.  I knew that there are poles but I did not know what they were called. I knew that magnets could mess up your screen on your electronics. I know that because when I was little I did it in the corner of my grandparents TV screen but it is back to normal.

Inward looking: I loved that we got to do experiment and that we got to watch a Bill Nye video. I liked that this time it is something that I know a bit about instead of something that I have no idea what it is in the beginning, it is something that I know stuff about. I did not like that we had to write but it was important to write and I know that.

Outward looking: My table's work was slightly different than other peoples because we did not have the same amount of washers that fit on it. I think that on the other 2 experiments we got the same answer. I heard some people say numbers and some were that same and some were different. We all did the same thing with the same tools. 

Forward looking: If I got to redo the work I would make sure that we did the experiments all right and make sure that we do it on time or ahead. I would like to do this so that I do not have to rush and worry that we would not get something done. We did get about as far as other people but we were not the best out of the class but we did our best and that is all that matters.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/06

Surprise: I was surprised that I got assigned a mineral instead of trying again to pick my own. I was surprised when we were sitting in the beginning of class listening to the teacher and she assigned some of us minerals. This is surprising because most people got to pick a mineral and ask for permission. 

Summary: This week we did a jilster assignment about a mineral but we had to do research on it though before we started. The page is about the mineral we are doing and we have to put stuff like its hardness and other ways to identify a mineral. We do not need a picture but a lot of people are putting pictures.

Backward looking: I had a problem that I did not know what chemical composition meant so I had to ask some people and they did not know it either. I tried to find out what it meant and I am happy that Alex helped me figure out what it meant. Now I know what chemical composition means and it means the same thing as chemical formula.

Inward looking: I found it frustrating that I took so long to do the reasearch and that I did not know what chemical composition means. I also found it frustrating that I am slow at this kind of work and I am not good at it. The last thing that I found frustrating is that I took so long to do the bird brain and always thought we could turn things in late in Science so I worked on my electives and other projects during that week and then was told I could not turn this in late and received a zero! I also forgot my zondle login. Justin helped me with my login so I know it now.

Outward looking: My work was similar to other people's because we all had to find the same research, we all did it on the same website and we all did it on a mineral. It was different from other people's because we all did different minerals, we all worded our work different and most of us have a different background.

Forward looking: I would like to improve on how fast I do my work and how to separate it. I would also like to improve on the way that I work so that I am on the same track as everyone else. I would want to do this because I am a slow worker and I am super bad at managing my time. I would also like to do this because it is one of the things that I am horrible at.