Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/27


               I was doing the experiments that we were assigned in class. We had to fill out the sheets of how bright or dim the light was. We learned how to build and how circuits work.  I was surprised that I was not extremely scared about the electricity hurting me because I was always scared of electricity. I got electrocuted by a kinked wire charging a chain link fence for days and I was even more scared of electricity after that. I did not know the fence was electrified and when I touched the fence my hand clenched to it because the electricity was controlling my muscles and I could not let go. I screamed at first and then I could not breath so I almost died but my mom saved me thanks to my friends screaming. I learned that not all electric things can hurt me and that I do not always have to be scared. I was surprised about how much I have learned about electricity in class for example: how electrician draw out and make blue prints before they make the circuits,

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