Sunday, November 8, 2015

Weekly Blog 1102/1108

Summary: Just like last week this week we worked on some severe weather worksheets. The kinds of severe weather that Enya and I worked on is thunderstorms, tornadoes and Blizzards. The coolest thing that I learned about thunderstorms is that light travels faster than sound. The coolest fact that I learned about tornadoes is that in an average year about 1,000 tornadoes are reported all around the nation. The most appealing thing that I learned about blizzards or winter storms is that snow absorbs light. 

S&EP: SP2: Developing and using models
On the work sheet that we had to fill out had a black and white picture of the USA. What we had to do with it is we had to color in with any color where in the USA is prone to a certain kind of weather. They are usually all in a big clump except for wild fires and maybe some others. All of them were different but might have had some of the same state. For example hurricanes and tornadoes have a little bit of Texas as a state prone to the kind of weather.

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