Thursday, March 19, 2015

The most powerful electromagnet

           The strongest electromagnet is Copper with a DC current, 100 winds and a thick wire. It is the strongest electromagnet that I could make on a website that we were assigned. It is call fossweb and the link will be below. I recorded all that we needed and it ended up being the strongest.

Try it on the website below 
       It is the strongest electromagnet that I made and it picked up 500 filings and that is all that was there. I think that it is the strongest because string could not pick any filings up so it was really a contest in between the Copper and the Aluminum but the Copper won the contest. The second best only picked up 333 so the winner won by 167 filings. The second place is the same thing except for that it had an AC current.

           I think that it is the strongest electromagnet in the world with a lot more winds. If you look up the strongest electromagnet the picture that I put is there. The picture definitely has more that 100 winds. The strongest magnet that I made on the website is still really strong. Remember that the strongest electromagnet that I could make is Copper with a DC current, 100 winds and a thick wire.

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