Friday, May 29, 2015

Weekly blog 5/29

Surprise:I was surprised when I was picking an article for my blog. The surprise is that the article is so short compared to other articles that I have read on National Geographic. It was surprising because I thought that it would be just as long as all of the other articles that I have read National Geographic. I can learn that nothing is always the same length.

Summary: The article was about cheetahs and how fast they are and what they do when they hunt for on prey for food. It also has a couple of facts about cheetahs. For example they run as fast as 60 miles and sometimes faster and that they are camouflaged because of their fur color. One more fact is that they have good eyesight to hunt in the day and that they bite their prey's throat. 

Complete Citation. "Cheetah." Cheetah. National Geographic, n.d. Web. 27 May 2015.

Backward-looking: I knew that Cheetahs could run 60 or more miles an hour. I also knew that their fur is the color it is because it helps them with camouflage.I did not know that cheetahs had to rest for 30 minutes before eating to catch their breath if they hunted. I can make a connection to the lion article I read before because it told what they do when they both hunt.

Inward-looking: The article reveled that I like to read articles about animals but mostly wild cats. I changed my thinking of cheetahs because the article said that they have to wait 30 minutes if they hunted to eat because they need to catch their breath. I choose this article because I like wild cats and I think that cheetahs are cool because they are the woulds fastest mammal. The information in the article did not really affect me this time at least not that I can think of.

Outward-looking:The information in this article affects the community because it tells them a lot about what cheetahs do in just a small article. It affects the environment because people might have wanted to hunt cheetahs but now they know that it would be hard and that they could come and fight quickly. It affects me in the future to go and possible want to go on a tour with people where they can show me cheetahs and other animals.

Forward-looking: The question that I had after reading that article is how long does it take for them to hunt and what gender hunts. If I got to ask the author to do add anything to the article I would ask them if they could add is what genders do what and how long it takes for the Cheetahs to catch prey and bring it back to their home.

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