Monday, November 16, 2015

Safest Place in America Essay

               You will be reading about the safest place in America. I wondered as a kid where the safest place in America is but now I know, it is Allentown, PA. The reason that my team and I found this is we went on a long journey through the internet, well not literately we just did a lot of research. I know this because it has barely any earthquakes, no tornadoes and no tsunamis. If you don't believe me yet or you want to know more read this essay. I hope you will enjoy.

               "rumble" You will not be hearing or feeling that here in Allentown. The first kind of severe weather it is safe from is earthquakes. A earthquake is when two or more plates overlap, crash, slide past each other or grow apart causing the ground to shake, usually a lot. Allentown barely ever has earthquakes and even when they do the are small and cause little damage. Allentown is not on any of the coasts and it mainly happens on the coast. Allentown is safe from earthquakes.

               "SPLASH!" You will not hear or feel that in Allentown, PA. The second kind of severe weather is a tsunami. A tsunami is when a gigantic wave comes and does a lot of damage and kills many people. Allentown doesn't have any tsunamis because it is not on the west coast of the USA because that is where the ring of fire is. Also it not on a coast of the USA and how could a tsunami occur in the middle of the USA.

               "Whoosh!" That tornado was close, I wish that I were in Allentown the safest place in the USA. A tornado is a violent rotating column of wind that causes damage. Allentown is not a part of Tornado Alley and it has mountains preventing the tornadoes to grow. For a tornado you need a warm, moist air mass from the Gulf of Mexico and a cool, dry air mass from Canada. Allentown is not in danger of a tornado.

               What we learned today is that Allentown is the safest place in America because it is safe from weather that can cause major damage like tornadoes, tsunamis and earthquakes. Do you agree because you should. A different website that was published says that Corvallis OR is the safest place in America but how could it be? Corvallis could have tsunamis because it is on the west coast of America. It is proven that Allentown is the safest place in the USA.




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