Thursday, March 12, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/13

Surprise: I was surprised when we were seeing how many washers a magnet could hold. I was surprised that when we got to 5 it started to not hold as many washers and that from 1 to 4 magnets I guessed how many washers it would hold and I was right. It was surprising because I thought that my guesses would be totally wrong. I can learn that I am not always wrong on what I guess.

Summary: This week we did some experiments with magnets and we watched a Bill Nye video and we did a worksheet about it. The first experiment that we did is we saw if the magnets only stuck to 2 poles. The second experiment is that we saw what magnetism could go through like paper and wood. The third experiment that we did is we saw how many washers a paper clip and a magnet could hold.

Backward looking: I knew quite a bit about the topic when we started like what magnets are and that they stick to only the opposite charge ot pole.  I knew that there are poles but I did not know what they were called. I knew that magnets could mess up your screen on your electronics. I know that because when I was little I did it in the corner of my grandparents TV screen but it is back to normal.

Inward looking: I loved that we got to do experiment and that we got to watch a Bill Nye video. I liked that this time it is something that I know a bit about instead of something that I have no idea what it is in the beginning, it is something that I know stuff about. I did not like that we had to write but it was important to write and I know that.

Outward looking: My table's work was slightly different than other peoples because we did not have the same amount of washers that fit on it. I think that on the other 2 experiments we got the same answer. I heard some people say numbers and some were that same and some were different. We all did the same thing with the same tools. 

Forward looking: If I got to redo the work I would make sure that we did the experiments all right and make sure that we do it on time or ahead. I would like to do this so that I do not have to rush and worry that we would not get something done. We did get about as far as other people but we were not the best out of the class but we did our best and that is all that matters.

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