Thursday, May 14, 2015

Article blog

Surprise: I was surprised when I was reading the article. It was surprising when the article said that it that when a new male joins a pride it is common that the male will kill all of the cubs. It was surprising because I never thought that a male would KILL ALL or MOST of the cubs because with other animals like cats they do not usually KILL their children. I can learn that things that seem natural for us to KILL our children but for other creatures it could be common.

Summary: The article was about lions and if they all stay together or if they go alone. Most lions stay in prides but for other animals they call it other names like for example Zebras live in herds. It is also about what happens when males come into the pride and how many lions and lionesses live in a pride. It mainly gives facts about lions, for example a male lion in a pride will go and roar as loud as five miles to warn predators.

Complete Citation: "Lion." Lion. National Geographic, n.d. Web. 14 May 2015. 
just in case here is the link because I forgot how to use easy bib and my dad could not figure it out in the short time he had from work.

Backward looking: I knew that lions stayed together and that lionesses sometimes lets another lionesses cub feed on their milk instead of their mothers. I also knew that they hunt in the night while it is sunset or dark, but I did not know that the females did it. I did not know that a lion's roar can be as loud as to go five miles for other animals not to come. I also did not know that the dad Killed his own cubs when he just came to the pride. 

Inward looking: The article to me reveled that when I read or see something that I do not expect I stop and think it in my mind to my self then I keep going. I changed my thing of what male and female lions will do like females hunt and they hunt with other females and for the male that they roar at night and kill their cubs. It changed my mind because I thought that male lions would be super protective of their cubs. I chose this article because it was apealing to me and I love cats. The information affected how I think about lions and what they do.

Outward looking: It affects the community by the community knowing a lot about what lions do and what they do in their life. It affects the enviorment by knowing what all their sounds mean and what they eat. It affects the future for if you ever were near lions you would mostly know what to do like if you heard a loud roar that usually means back off.

Foward looking: When I read the article I had a question about can a pride have not males or are they always in every pride? I answered it by my dad giving his thinking and he said that a pride will most likely that if a pride had none they would get one quick. If I could ask the author to put something I would ask him to put if a pride has no males what would happen.

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