Thursday, October 22, 2015

Project Blog 1018/1025

This is our model so it has no website    :  D

What we did for this project is we made a model and a IGNITE presentation. In order to o this we had to find pictures and do some research.  What I found from this project is that The Siberian traps caused the extinction of 96% of marine animals and 70% of land animals. Another thing that I found out during this project is that The Siberian Traps is 67 degrees north and 90 degrees East. The most interesting thing that I found from this project is that "traps" in Siberian Traps means stairs in Swedish because it has a stair like feature. What I did not find out is what size it is. I also did not find if people could visit it or if it has animals living around it. I found a lot of things but some things are undiscovered.

In what ways do you think you need to improve?
Some ways that I need to improve on is doing things about 2 or 3 days before it is due so that I do not have to worry about doing it all at the last minute because I waited and then had to do it at the last minute. Some other things are that when I can not figure things out I get mad and leave it to do it last which makes it worse. I need to have more of a plan for the model before we start because we had trouble but then my mom gave us a suggestion to use dirt instead of paint. I really need to improve on time management.

How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
I fell good about how it looked when it was finished. I particularly liked getting to make the model because it was fun to smear glue on the model and throw dirt on it. The reason I liked doing this is because I got to do it with my best friend that made me smile and helped. I did not like that we had to finish the presentation the day before it was due. I did not like this because I was stressed I would never get done. I enjoyed all the nice comments that people had like how big it was and how it was better than all of ours.

If you were the teacher, what comments would you make about this piece?
If I were the teacher I would have said that we should have been a little louder and more organized. I also would have said that I liked that we used natural resources and nor paint or clay. I would have commented that maybe we should have had everyone talk. I would have said that I liked our slides. Overall I would have said that I did good and that next time I could see if I could have made it a little better if you had one more person to help to.

What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
If i had to re-do this I would want to change my time management. Another thing that I would change is to make sure that if you do jobs you should make sure that they do it as soon as possible. I would have changed the presentation by speaking louder and giving everyone a chance to speak. I would have changed the model by using less hot glue because it all clumped up. The last thing that I would have changed is making sure that the script sounded right because some sentences were wrong.

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