Sunday, May 27, 2018

Weekly Blog for 5/27/18
        There are lots of different kinds of birds and lots of these birds will eat different things. There are some bird that will drink nectar and eat things like insects and arachnids. Some examples of these birds are like sun birds and hummingbirds and they tend to have longer and thinner beaks for getting and drinking the nectar along with catching small insects. There are also birds that will eat meat from rodents, reptiles, any small animals and other birds. Some examples of meat eating birds are like hawks and falcons and to catch and eat their prey the usually have larger claws and then their bears are short and thick. There are other birds that will eat things like fish, algae and sea life and these are birds like flamingos. Did you know that flamingos are born a grey or white kind of color and they turn pink with the things they eat? There are also some cool birds like kingfishers that will eat anything and kingfishers usually eat fish but they can eat things like insects, reptiles or anything else that they can catch.

S&EP: SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information
        For a little while me and my partner Audrey have been researching about birds and then we had to make a presentation and evaluation for our class. We had to go and teach the class about our topic which was birds diets and what helps them to get and eat their food. For our lesson we started out by having a do now that would ask them to name a bird and what it does or what you think it eats. For the next part we presented about some birds and their diets and when we were done we let people go get their computers. After everyone had their computers they got into and after everyone was in we started the kahoot. The class did mostly good and some questions we had on their were what do kingfishers eat and also what birds will eat other birds. Over all teaching the lesson was fun bit it was also hard with the nerves and keeping the class quiet.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Weekly blog 5/20/18

I turned a assignment pass in already to the assignment pass bin

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Weekly blog 5/13/18
        Stress is something that is rarely good and it is mostly good for things like presentations and things to help give you a quick burst of energy but stress can be very bad for your brain. There are studies that show too much stress can actually lead to you having brain shrinkage and it` makes it so that it is hard to focus and it is hard to remember things. It can also make it so that you have stomach pains and too much stress can also eventually lead to depression and even Alzheimer's. Some ways that yo can help with stress is breathing deeply and focusing on breathing and talking to people like therapists and councilors. You can also exercise and journal your thoughts to help with you getting over stress.

S&EP: SP2: Developing and Using Models:
        After we did our research and learned more about stress, its side effects and how you can help to get rid of it we created a info graphic about stress. For the info-graphic we had to have at least 3 of the side effects of stress and have at least 3 ways to help with getting rid of it. For our person we pointed to the place that is causing it or mostly being effected and then we wrote down some of the things that we found in all of our research. The effects of stress that we decided to put is anxiety/ PTSD, Alzheimer's, brain shrinkage, fast heart beat and stomach pains because they are some of the effects that stood out most to us. The ways to help with stress that we put was exercise, journalism(writing thoughts down), talking to people like a therapist and deep breathing like meditation.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Weekly blog for 4/27/18
        There are lots of different kinds of galaxies and they are spiral, elliptical, peculiar, and irregular galaxies. Spiral galaxies have a red center because the center is made of older stars and the other stars, gas and things or the “arms” are shaped like a spiral and they are like flat disks. We live in the milky way and the milky way is a spiral galaxy. Elliptical galaxies are shaped like spheres or they can also be shaped like a football type shape, they are mostly made up of older stars. Peculiar galaxies have a weird and a hard to make out shape but they are mostly products of galactic collision. Irregular galaxies also have a weird and no distinct shape, and they larger ones are possibly caused by galactic collisions.

S&EP 1: Asking questions and defining problems:
        We asked a scientific question and it was, "how does the distance of a planet from the sun affect the planets?". Even though this seems super obvious the further away from the sun the colder the planets are and one of them even is made of partly ice. We also found out that the further away the planet are the longer the years are because it takes a longer time to actually orbit around the sun due to it being further. Another thing that we found out is that when the planets are further for the sun they can have a longer sunlight time like how uranus is the 7th from the sun and it has sun for around 42 earth years at a time. There are tons of other factors that make planets different like some are gas giants (they are mostly made of gas and have many rings and moons) and some are rocky planets9 mostly made of rocks and metal with no rings and few moons if there are any).

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Weekly blog 4/20/18

       There are 8 phases of the moon and they are the new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, wast quarter and waning crescent. The waxing stages are when the moon is "growing" from a new moon to a full moon and waning is when it is "shrinking" from a full to a new moon. The reason why it looks like their are different "stages" of the moon is because of how much is visible on earth.  The earth rotates which gives us days and nights and the moon orbits the earth which makes it get closer or further from the sun. The closer the moon is to the sun the less the moon shows and the further it is from the sun the more moon shows. The moon does not actually change its shape but it looks different because it orbits the earth. Each cycle the moon goes through takes about 29 days so it will look different on different day of the month.

S&EP: Developing and using models:
        We were doing a formative and we had to do lots of drawings to show the different phases of the moon and seeing what the moon was like on certain days. We had to see what phases of the moon would it be for this whole month  and we had to see what phase the moon was o during our birthdays. From looking and drawing these things I found out that on the day I was born and I found out I was born on a full moon and this year my birthday is going to be between a last quarter and a waning gibbous. I also found out that this month the full moon is going to be on the 1st, 29th and the 30th. We had t do lots of drawings of the phases of the moon to show what the moon will be like during certain times and all of the phases of the moon.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

instrument and sound project blog
       Sound is caused by molecules vibrating and then entering your ear and because of the fact that molecules are closer to each other in solids it travel 18 time faster then in air and it air sound travels the slowest. A crest in the top of a wave like a sound wave and a trough is the bottom of a wave. Amplitude is the height from the middle of a wave to the top, or the height of the wave and changing the amplitude will change how loud it is for sound waves. Frequency is how fast the wave is moving and vibrates and this is what changes how high pitched something is. Wave length is the length from one crest to the next crest or one trough to the next. There are two types of waves and they are mechanical and electromagnetic and the difference is that mechanical waves do need mater or a medium to pass through and electromagnetic don't. Sound is considered a mechanical wave because it does need a medium or matter to pass though like air, water or a solid.

Backward-looking: How much did you know about the subject before we started?

        Before we did this sound unit I knew the basics like how it is caused by vibrations and that there are sound waves but most of it was new. I knew that with air the molecules were spread further apart in air and they were closer together in things like solids but I did not know that sound traveled faster in solids. I also did not know  what the parts of  a wave were and what they represented but I knew what frequency and a few other words meant prior to this unit. I knew that tension was how tight or lose something was and I knew that to make something higher pitched you have to tighten or shorten it. I did not know and learned a lot from this like how there are multiple types of wave and I also knew a little bit before we did this.

Inward-looking: Have you changed any ideas you used to have on this subject?

        I think that this was something that was a challenge at the beginning because we had to change it quite a bit with the strings and then I was going to have the washers be on a nail but then I just bent a paperclip and different things. It was also hard to tune the straws because when you cut some off you can not just glue it back on so I was originally going to have 6 straws but then I took 3 of them off because they were bad. I also was going to but my rubber bands and then hot glue them but then they would come off and things so I tried to use a binder clip and that worked. I had to change some of my ideas to make my instrument better and in the end it made them so that they were better and it was not pretty and not perfect but it worked and it got the job done. I wish I could have done a little better but I still think it was good. 

Outward-looking: Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?
        I think that everyone had a similar work process and we would all make our instrument and then we would learn more about sound from different assignments and then make changes to our prototypes. It was similar because we all ad to make an instrument made with everyday items and then we also had to make it have 3 notes on the percussion, strings and wind. We also did it in a similar way because lots of people used pipes, straws, card board, rubber bands, and more. It was different because everyone's looked and sounded different then the others. Everyone's instrument played different notes and sounded different them the others but that is what made everyone's great.

Forward-looking: One thing I would like to improve upon is ...
Something that wish I improved on it how it looks because it looks kind of messed up and there are some parts that are colored with sharpie. I wish that I added some sort of paint or something to make it so that the instrument did not looks so messed up and so that it did not look as plain as it does. I also wish that I made it so that you could tune it and I wish that it would have more notes with the wind. I think that I did good but I also could have used something other then washers so the different jingling noises sounded more different from each other. I got a good score on the project and I think that I like how it turned out but it could have been better.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Sound waves blog
A wave is caused by a disturbance in something and a wave is something that travels from one place to another. There are lots of examples like sound waves and how they have the molecules hit each other and vibrate to get from one place to the next. A crest is the top of a wave and the bottom is called a trough. Amplitude is a part of a wave and it is how large the wave is from the middle to the top or the middle to the top or bottom. The wave length is how long it is from one though or crest to the next. Frequency is what changes the wave length and it changes the speed of the wave. Tension is how much slack something has so the higher the tension the smaller the waves because there is less slack.

We used a rope to show waves and we wanted to find out how we could change all of the things like the amplitude and frequency. We would place our rope on the floor and we would have one person hold one end still and the other would move the other end of the rope. To make it so that we would change the frequency aka the speed what we did is we would move it side to side faster or slower. To change the amplitude what we would do is we would move our arm side to side further so we would make it so that we would start out with small motions and we moved to larger motions to increase the amplitude. We also changed the tension by moving further and closer to each other and the further we were the harder it was to move.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Weekly Blog

I am going to turn in an assignment pass for this blog

Sunday, March 11, 2018

3/11 sound blog
Sound is caused when molocules vibrate and they molocules hit eachother and they make the sound travel. Sound travels about 18 times faster through solids becaue solids have their molocule closer together so they hit eachother faster. Pitch is when a sound is higher or lower and a tempo is how fast or slow the sound is in things like a song. Pitch and tempo can do lots of things like change the mood and they can can set the tone for things like movies. Higher pitch and faster tempo is usually for happy moods and deeper and slower is usually more for sad. Sound is very important to know what is happening around you and to make having a conversation easier.

We did a lab where we would have different amounts of water in glass bottle and we would blow into them to see which ones would make a higher and a lower pitch. We found that when you are blowing into the bottle that the more water that there is the higher the sound is and the quieter it is . Then we would have to hit the same bottles to see if it would be the same situation. What we found is that when there is more water in the bottle that the sound is lower and the louder it is. When you are blowing into the bottle the air molocules vibrate because it makes a vacume of you blowwing the air in and the air that is coming out. When you hit the bottle the glass vibrates which vibrates the water and then the air which causes the sound.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Should you listen to music while working? WAC

Should you listen to music while working? WAC 
        Do you enjoy listening to music while you are working or at school? Some people like listening to music and it helps them but other people think that it is too distracting. Music can be beneficial and it can be a good study tool because for me it helps to drown out other people talking and allows me to get in the zone of working. For me music helps to motivate me to work and it gives me something to listen to and allows me to work for longer. Another thing is that it can help to calm me down and it allows me to focus on the work that I am doing. Music can help people to work and and motivate themselves and their work that they have to do.

        Music is something that can help you mostly when you are working in school to drown out all of the other students. When you are doing independent work music can help to drown other music out from other students or things around you in the class. Daniel Shader said "Music Definitely has and effect on the way you think and act... But I think it does help me concentrate because then I can drown out the other [students]". I agree with him and I do think that it does affect you but it does also help to allow you to concentrate and drown out all of the other noises and all of the talking from other students.

        When I am working it helps me to listen to music because it allows me to calm down and focus on what I am doing and not the people around me. It allows me to go and zone out into my own little world and it allows me to focus on my own work. Ms. Chester says "Plus classical stuff helps [the class] calm down and focus". For her and her class music is found to be beneficial in classes and Ms. Chester also says that it can help to convey emotion for classes like history when you have to study a certain era. Music can help people to calm down and focus which is good for when you are working and when you are at school

        There is always another side to every argument and people can say that finding the perfect song can distract you and cause you to get distracted. If the person creates a play list or finds a radio station that they like they should be able to listen to their music fine without getting distracted. CNN said "you have every available genre of music available to you in the form of online radio stations". I think that CNN is right and there is something that should be good for everyone. Most of the time music can be good as long as you have a good station set up that you know you like.

        Music is beneficial to me while I am working and it also seems to help other classes like Ms. Chesters. Music is something that can help people to focus and it can help to be something that motivates them to work for longer and to work harder. It can also help to pass the time and it can help people to also drown out all of the other background conversations and all of the other people that are in your class or work space. Music may seem distracting but as long as you find a radio station or a playlist that you like you should still be benefited  by listening to music. Music can be helpful while you are working to keep you focused and motivated.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Roller Coaster Project blog
         In this project we made a model roller coaster that would use a marble to run and we would use insulation tubing, dowels, cardboard, cups, tape, hot glue and a base board. In order to make a real or model roller coaster you have to understand things like acceleration, gravity, friction, newtons laws of motion, etc. When you want to have a loop, turn or hill on a roller coaster that you have enough acceleration to get it through the loop, turn or hill or it will not work. When we were making our model we had to consider gravity. Gravity naturally wants to pull the marble down to the table or ground so we had to make sure that we had enough acceleration and everything perfect to make the ride work. We had to make sure that there was extremely precise in order for everything to work like we wanted it to. Making a working model of a roller coaster can be hard but in the end it is very fun and exciting to watch.

Backward-looking: What process did you go through to produce this piece?:
          To make this roller coaster we had to do many things and it took a long time. The first things that we had to do was fill out 6 different worksheets about different things like acceleration, motion, and more to understand more about the science behind our roller coaster. Then we had to plan everything out and see how much money we had to spend on supplies and we earned all of the money from the worksheets. Then we would have to buy all of our supplies to make out roller coaster and then we had to actually put it together. We would test it to make sure it works and then we would improve it and make sure it works completely. Then at the end we would have to do the design brief and then do the final interview to end it.

Inward-looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece of work?
         I love this piece of work because of how interactive it was but I think that the worksheets to it was less fun but interesting to learn about. I like that we were able to make our own roller coaster and customize it to our liking as well as it being interactive. I did not like how long it took to actually start building because of all of the work sheets that we had to do. I think that in the end it was worth it and it was fun to be able to roll the marble down and to be able to watch it so many times and know that we made it. I enjoyed presenting it to lots of people at the exhibition night and see what they think and most of the time people thought it was very cool.

Outward-looking: What is the one thing that you particularly want to notice when they look at your work?
         The main thing that I would want people to notice is how much work we put into our roller coaster. I want people to see our roller coaster and want to ride it themselves one day. I want to show people how much fun we had when we were making this project and how much fun we had when we were testing it and making it work. Every time when we would test it and it would work (especially when other people were watching) we would get excited. When we would get excited we could tell that the people watching would get happy for us too. I think that we showed what we wanted to and I think that we did super good on this project.

Forward-looking: One thing that I would like to improve upon is...
         Something that I would like to improve upon is how many decorations that we put on because we did not put any decorations. I think that if we managed out time a little better that we would have been able to add decorations to make out ride a little more visually appealing. Another thing is that when we showed it at exhibition night that we lost out paper with our information so we had to redo the paper and I think that that made out time harder to deal with so I wish that we were a little more responsible with the paper. I think that over all this project was super fun and something that I would love to do again if I could.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

weekly blog
        When you are making a roller coaster you have to make it so that if you have any loops or hills or turns that you have enough acceleration to keep you going. You have to remember that gravity will push you down so you have to have enough acceleration and force to overcome that inertia. You also have to make sure that you have enough supports to keep your roller coaster up and make sure that it does not lean and the supports don't break. Whenever you are making a real roller coaster you have to make a model to see if everything works and if you have a good enough amount of acceleration to keep the riders going. Another thing is to make it fun and interesting for your riders and make sure that you have twist, turns, loops, hills, a big drop, etc. There are lots of things that go into making a roller coasters and you have to understand gravity, acceleration, newtons laws of motion and more.

S&EP: SP2: Developing and using models:
        This week we had to make a roller coaster model using insulation tubing, dowels,hot glue, masking tape, and cardboard. We also have to make sure that we have a loop and or a hill to make it interesting and we used a marble in place of the riders. We had to make it so that the marble could go on our full roller coaster without falling off and if it did fall of then we would have to fix it. We before studied gravity, acceleration, force, newtons laws or motion,etc, to prepare for making the roller coaster and through assignment we would find out how much money we have for materials. This was something that took a little bit of time but in the end it was fun and exciting to see the marble make it all the way through our roller coaster without falling off. This was fun to do to learn more about gravity, acceleration and more and it was fun too.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Newton's laws of motion- weekly blog

        Newton's first law of motion is something that is already in motion tends to stay in motion and something that is not moving stays still. An example of this is when you have your bike you have to gradually use force to make you go  and you have to overcome the inertia. The second law is that the more weight that you have to more force you have to use to move and the more force you use the faster you go. One example of this is if you have tons of weight on your bike it will be harder to go faster and the faster that you pedal the faster you move. The 3rd law of  motion is for every action there is always going to be a reaction that is equal and opposite to the action. A example of the 3rd law is when you drop or throw a bouncy ball it will bounce back as the reaction to you dropping the ball.

S&EP: SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data:
        There was a forces lab that could also be applied to newtons laws of motion that we did in class. For one of them we had to have a note card with a penny on it while the card was on a cup. You would flick the card and what happened is the card would fly off the cup and the penny would stay in the penny would go into the cup because it was not in motion so it wanted to stay still. Another one was where would would sit on a rolling chair, then you would jump and see how far you went with depending on the amount of force you use. The second law applies because the more force you use the farther it goes and the less force that you use the less it goes.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Energy weekly blog
        Potential energy is energy that is stored by something and it is when the energy is not being used yet and the object is not in motion. Kinetic energy is energy that is the energy of motion and it is when something is moving and is no longer potential energy. Potential energy becomes kinetic energy when the object stats to go into motion and when the stored energy that the object had is released. Energy can not be formed of destroyed but it can change form according to the law of conservation of energy. The unit that you have to use while talking about energy is joules and to find potential energy you would be the objects weight times the height. To find kinetic energy you would have to do 0.5 times the mass times the speed squared.

S&EP: SP1:
        This week we had to ask what the difference between kinetic and potential energy is and how to make one into the other. We found that potential is just the stored and the possible energy while kinetic energy is when the object is moving and the potential energy is released. To potential energy into kinetic energy you have to get the object to releases the potential energy aka move the object and put it into motion. One example is when a rock is on the side of a cliff but it has not fallen or rolled down but if it got pushed and rolled or fell down then it would be kinetic energy while it is in motion.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Acceleration weekly blog
Summary: Acceleration is how fast somethings speed or velocity changes. When you are speeding up you are accelerating, when you are at a constant speed you are not accelerating and when you are slowing down you are decelerating. An acceleration graph shows you the velocity of a certain object and one certain time, it tells you if something is staying at a constant speed, speeding up or slowing down. To make an acceleration graph you have to have speed as the y-axis and have time as a the x-axis, then you have to make the line and its slopes that represent how much something is accelerating at certain times.

S&EP: SP2: Devloping and Using Models: We started an experiment where we would have to take a hot wheels car and we would make a slope to observe acceleration. We would have to have different amounts of books to create more or less of a slope for more or less acceleration. We would also have to have different amounts of time from 1 to 4 and we would have to do 3 trials for each time and for 1 height to get more accurate results. We would have one person to let go and tell when it reaches a certain amount of seconds and another that would mark were it was at the certain time and they would measure were the other would record and help to observe and things the others needed help with. We did not finish but we got mostly consistent times for each trial for the certain slopes.