Monday, February 26, 2018

Should you listen to music while working? WAC

Should you listen to music while working? WAC 
        Do you enjoy listening to music while you are working or at school? Some people like listening to music and it helps them but other people think that it is too distracting. Music can be beneficial and it can be a good study tool because for me it helps to drown out other people talking and allows me to get in the zone of working. For me music helps to motivate me to work and it gives me something to listen to and allows me to work for longer. Another thing is that it can help to calm me down and it allows me to focus on the work that I am doing. Music can help people to work and and motivate themselves and their work that they have to do.

        Music is something that can help you mostly when you are working in school to drown out all of the other students. When you are doing independent work music can help to drown other music out from other students or things around you in the class. Daniel Shader said "Music Definitely has and effect on the way you think and act... But I think it does help me concentrate because then I can drown out the other [students]". I agree with him and I do think that it does affect you but it does also help to allow you to concentrate and drown out all of the other noises and all of the talking from other students.

        When I am working it helps me to listen to music because it allows me to calm down and focus on what I am doing and not the people around me. It allows me to go and zone out into my own little world and it allows me to focus on my own work. Ms. Chester says "Plus classical stuff helps [the class] calm down and focus". For her and her class music is found to be beneficial in classes and Ms. Chester also says that it can help to convey emotion for classes like history when you have to study a certain era. Music can help people to calm down and focus which is good for when you are working and when you are at school

        There is always another side to every argument and people can say that finding the perfect song can distract you and cause you to get distracted. If the person creates a play list or finds a radio station that they like they should be able to listen to their music fine without getting distracted. CNN said "you have every available genre of music available to you in the form of online radio stations". I think that CNN is right and there is something that should be good for everyone. Most of the time music can be good as long as you have a good station set up that you know you like.

        Music is beneficial to me while I am working and it also seems to help other classes like Ms. Chesters. Music is something that can help people to focus and it can help to be something that motivates them to work for longer and to work harder. It can also help to pass the time and it can help people to also drown out all of the other background conversations and all of the other people that are in your class or work space. Music may seem distracting but as long as you find a radio station or a playlist that you like you should still be benefited  by listening to music. Music can be helpful while you are working to keep you focused and motivated.

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