Friday, February 2, 2018

Newton's laws of motion- weekly blog

        Newton's first law of motion is something that is already in motion tends to stay in motion and something that is not moving stays still. An example of this is when you have your bike you have to gradually use force to make you go  and you have to overcome the inertia. The second law is that the more weight that you have to more force you have to use to move and the more force you use the faster you go. One example of this is if you have tons of weight on your bike it will be harder to go faster and the faster that you pedal the faster you move. The 3rd law of  motion is for every action there is always going to be a reaction that is equal and opposite to the action. A example of the 3rd law is when you drop or throw a bouncy ball it will bounce back as the reaction to you dropping the ball.

S&EP: SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data:
        There was a forces lab that could also be applied to newtons laws of motion that we did in class. For one of them we had to have a note card with a penny on it while the card was on a cup. You would flick the card and what happened is the card would fly off the cup and the penny would stay in the penny would go into the cup because it was not in motion so it wanted to stay still. Another one was where would would sit on a rolling chair, then you would jump and see how far you went with depending on the amount of force you use. The second law applies because the more force you use the farther it goes and the less force that you use the less it goes.

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