Saturday, April 14, 2018

instrument and sound project blog
       Sound is caused by molecules vibrating and then entering your ear and because of the fact that molecules are closer to each other in solids it travel 18 time faster then in air and it air sound travels the slowest. A crest in the top of a wave like a sound wave and a trough is the bottom of a wave. Amplitude is the height from the middle of a wave to the top, or the height of the wave and changing the amplitude will change how loud it is for sound waves. Frequency is how fast the wave is moving and vibrates and this is what changes how high pitched something is. Wave length is the length from one crest to the next crest or one trough to the next. There are two types of waves and they are mechanical and electromagnetic and the difference is that mechanical waves do need mater or a medium to pass through and electromagnetic don't. Sound is considered a mechanical wave because it does need a medium or matter to pass though like air, water or a solid.

Backward-looking: How much did you know about the subject before we started?

        Before we did this sound unit I knew the basics like how it is caused by vibrations and that there are sound waves but most of it was new. I knew that with air the molecules were spread further apart in air and they were closer together in things like solids but I did not know that sound traveled faster in solids. I also did not know  what the parts of  a wave were and what they represented but I knew what frequency and a few other words meant prior to this unit. I knew that tension was how tight or lose something was and I knew that to make something higher pitched you have to tighten or shorten it. I did not know and learned a lot from this like how there are multiple types of wave and I also knew a little bit before we did this.

Inward-looking: Have you changed any ideas you used to have on this subject?

        I think that this was something that was a challenge at the beginning because we had to change it quite a bit with the strings and then I was going to have the washers be on a nail but then I just bent a paperclip and different things. It was also hard to tune the straws because when you cut some off you can not just glue it back on so I was originally going to have 6 straws but then I took 3 of them off because they were bad. I also was going to but my rubber bands and then hot glue them but then they would come off and things so I tried to use a binder clip and that worked. I had to change some of my ideas to make my instrument better and in the end it made them so that they were better and it was not pretty and not perfect but it worked and it got the job done. I wish I could have done a little better but I still think it was good. 

Outward-looking: Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?
        I think that everyone had a similar work process and we would all make our instrument and then we would learn more about sound from different assignments and then make changes to our prototypes. It was similar because we all ad to make an instrument made with everyday items and then we also had to make it have 3 notes on the percussion, strings and wind. We also did it in a similar way because lots of people used pipes, straws, card board, rubber bands, and more. It was different because everyone's looked and sounded different then the others. Everyone's instrument played different notes and sounded different them the others but that is what made everyone's great.

Forward-looking: One thing I would like to improve upon is ...
Something that wish I improved on it how it looks because it looks kind of messed up and there are some parts that are colored with sharpie. I wish that I added some sort of paint or something to make it so that the instrument did not looks so messed up and so that it did not look as plain as it does. I also wish that I made it so that you could tune it and I wish that it would have more notes with the wind. I think that I did good but I also could have used something other then washers so the different jingling noises sounded more different from each other. I got a good score on the project and I think that I like how it turned out but it could have been better.

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