Saturday, January 13, 2018

Acceleration weekly blog
Summary: Acceleration is how fast somethings speed or velocity changes. When you are speeding up you are accelerating, when you are at a constant speed you are not accelerating and when you are slowing down you are decelerating. An acceleration graph shows you the velocity of a certain object and one certain time, it tells you if something is staying at a constant speed, speeding up or slowing down. To make an acceleration graph you have to have speed as the y-axis and have time as a the x-axis, then you have to make the line and its slopes that represent how much something is accelerating at certain times.

S&EP: SP2: Devloping and Using Models: We started an experiment where we would have to take a hot wheels car and we would make a slope to observe acceleration. We would have to have different amounts of books to create more or less of a slope for more or less acceleration. We would also have to have different amounts of time from 1 to 4 and we would have to do 3 trials for each time and for 1 height to get more accurate results. We would have one person to let go and tell when it reaches a certain amount of seconds and another that would mark were it was at the certain time and they would measure were the other would record and help to observe and things the others needed help with. We did not finish but we got mostly consistent times for each trial for the certain slopes.

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