Friday, February 16, 2018

Roller Coaster Project blog
         In this project we made a model roller coaster that would use a marble to run and we would use insulation tubing, dowels, cardboard, cups, tape, hot glue and a base board. In order to make a real or model roller coaster you have to understand things like acceleration, gravity, friction, newtons laws of motion, etc. When you want to have a loop, turn or hill on a roller coaster that you have enough acceleration to get it through the loop, turn or hill or it will not work. When we were making our model we had to consider gravity. Gravity naturally wants to pull the marble down to the table or ground so we had to make sure that we had enough acceleration and everything perfect to make the ride work. We had to make sure that there was extremely precise in order for everything to work like we wanted it to. Making a working model of a roller coaster can be hard but in the end it is very fun and exciting to watch.

Backward-looking: What process did you go through to produce this piece?:
          To make this roller coaster we had to do many things and it took a long time. The first things that we had to do was fill out 6 different worksheets about different things like acceleration, motion, and more to understand more about the science behind our roller coaster. Then we had to plan everything out and see how much money we had to spend on supplies and we earned all of the money from the worksheets. Then we would have to buy all of our supplies to make out roller coaster and then we had to actually put it together. We would test it to make sure it works and then we would improve it and make sure it works completely. Then at the end we would have to do the design brief and then do the final interview to end it.

Inward-looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece of work?
         I love this piece of work because of how interactive it was but I think that the worksheets to it was less fun but interesting to learn about. I like that we were able to make our own roller coaster and customize it to our liking as well as it being interactive. I did not like how long it took to actually start building because of all of the work sheets that we had to do. I think that in the end it was worth it and it was fun to be able to roll the marble down and to be able to watch it so many times and know that we made it. I enjoyed presenting it to lots of people at the exhibition night and see what they think and most of the time people thought it was very cool.

Outward-looking: What is the one thing that you particularly want to notice when they look at your work?
         The main thing that I would want people to notice is how much work we put into our roller coaster. I want people to see our roller coaster and want to ride it themselves one day. I want to show people how much fun we had when we were making this project and how much fun we had when we were testing it and making it work. Every time when we would test it and it would work (especially when other people were watching) we would get excited. When we would get excited we could tell that the people watching would get happy for us too. I think that we showed what we wanted to and I think that we did super good on this project.

Forward-looking: One thing that I would like to improve upon is...
         Something that I would like to improve upon is how many decorations that we put on because we did not put any decorations. I think that if we managed out time a little better that we would have been able to add decorations to make out ride a little more visually appealing. Another thing is that when we showed it at exhibition night that we lost out paper with our information so we had to redo the paper and I think that that made out time harder to deal with so I wish that we were a little more responsible with the paper. I think that over all this project was super fun and something that I would love to do again if I could.

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