Sunday, May 13, 2018

Weekly blog 5/13/18
        Stress is something that is rarely good and it is mostly good for things like presentations and things to help give you a quick burst of energy but stress can be very bad for your brain. There are studies that show too much stress can actually lead to you having brain shrinkage and it` makes it so that it is hard to focus and it is hard to remember things. It can also make it so that you have stomach pains and too much stress can also eventually lead to depression and even Alzheimer's. Some ways that yo can help with stress is breathing deeply and focusing on breathing and talking to people like therapists and councilors. You can also exercise and journal your thoughts to help with you getting over stress.

S&EP: SP2: Developing and Using Models:
        After we did our research and learned more about stress, its side effects and how you can help to get rid of it we created a info graphic about stress. For the info-graphic we had to have at least 3 of the side effects of stress and have at least 3 ways to help with getting rid of it. For our person we pointed to the place that is causing it or mostly being effected and then we wrote down some of the things that we found in all of our research. The effects of stress that we decided to put is anxiety/ PTSD, Alzheimer's, brain shrinkage, fast heart beat and stomach pains because they are some of the effects that stood out most to us. The ways to help with stress that we put was exercise, journalism(writing thoughts down), talking to people like a therapist and deep breathing like meditation.

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