Sunday, December 11, 2016

Charity fair
        In the charity fair we get to make up a hand made product to sell at the Charity fair. You give the money you raise to a charity that the student council chooses based off of the presentation. MY group made bags that were made out of old t-shirts. The charity that we chose was CCFA or Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. This charity wants to help people that have these diseases. Crohn's is a disease that makes it so that your intestines develop cysts that can make you feel abdominal cramps and tenderness. You also may feel extremely tired, feverish, and have a huge loss in appetite.  Colitis causes your intestines walls to be bumpy and out of shape. This causes major discomfort. 1.6 Million people have Crohn's and 907,000 have Colitis.

Backward-looking: Have you done a similar kind of work in the past (earlier in the year or in a previous grade; in school or out of school)?:
        We do this every year at school around Christmas time so that we can raise money for charity and give it go to a good cause. In the previous two tears I donated to St. Jude. The first year I made art and some white chocolate chex mix with my partner and all of the money went to St. Jude. The second year was the first year the student council voted so it did not go to St. Jude but it was still a great charity. That year we made hair bands out of hair ties. Every year we have to do the cost and profit, make a presentation, make a tri fold, make a product, pick a charity, etc. Every year this is an important and fun thing that our school does.

Inward-looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
        I feel like this piece of work is a great way to give money to charity and to teach us more about the problems that have happened and how we can help fix them. It helps bring awareness to problems and I love that we get to do this. I like that we get to get in a group and come up with a product that we want to sell to people and that we get to choose a charity that we think is a good charity. I dislike that I did not have my priorities straight and that one night I had to stay up late to do the script. I enjoy that we got to present one by one so that wen people come by to buy our stuff they already know everything about our charity and why we like this charity.

Outward-looking:Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?:
        All of the students at adventures goal was to make a product that we would be going to a charity and to have a good presentation to persuade people into helping our charity. We all had to pick a handmade product that had to be from $0 to $5 and we all had to make a presentation and present about what our charity is and why we chose it or the cause of what this is helping. We all did it different because most of us had different charities and all of the products and their prices were unique. Our process was similar but the end result was different for each and every group that did this project to help charities.

Forward-looking: What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
        If I had the chance to redo this project I would try to make it so that we worked on it more over the break so that we did not have to worry about doing the script and the tri fold all at one time. I would make it so that we were not as behind because it took us a long time to come up with a product as well as a charity. I would make it so that when we were doing the vinyls to put on the shirts we did not wait to do it all last minute so that we did not have to work on it at home and so that we did not have to do some of the printing and the pressing the on of the vinyls because it was stressful. I think there was a lot more small things that we could have changed but I loved the end result.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Weekly blog human genetics
        All humans genes are all %99.5 the same. For babies to get Tay-Sachs disease both parents have to have the defective gene and this disease happens to 1 in 9 babies. This disease is a disease that causes your brain to slowly destroys your brain and might die. This caused a kid named Hayden to have about 10 seizures in a day and he died before he even turned because the fatty substances destroyed his brain. Your DNA is about 3 meters long in just one of you cells and could reach from the earth to the sun 3 times.

S&EP: SP2: Developing and using models:
        This I drew a picture of a super hero that is based off of the animal the Pit Viper. The picture had to be a human with the traits of the animal and the super powers that animals have. The Pit Vipers super power is that they can see in infrared. My character had scales on her outfit that was on the bottom of her dress and she had scales that went on her arm. She had a green and slightly brown outfit that made it so that she looked like a scaly snake. I drew her in a desert area and she had her hands on her hips.

XCC: Structure and Function:
        Pit Vipers can see in infrared and they can see what is warm and what is cold. This allows them to "see" at night because they can find you even if it is dark because they can see your body heat. The Pit vipers are able to do this because there are holes that are on their face that can detect the radiation and the hat that comes from your body and then they can see infrared. The holes that find your body heat are called pit organs. The holes are on their face and can detect our body heat which allows these amazing animals to see infrared.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Human body redesign project blog

        The immune system protects your body from all kinds of sicknesses but it has some problems. The white blood cells are cells that get rid of the virus by shooting antibodies and other white blood cells will come and devour the sickness. One problem is that the white blood cells can take a long time to get rid of a sickness. The white blood cells will also sometimes attack your red blood cells or your good cells. The skin also has some flaws like. The main one is that the skin is easy to puncture and for things to get through for things to get into your body. We want to make it so that the skin is thicker so that it is harder for things on the outside of the body to get into the body. We would have to make it so that the skin is stretchier and there are more ways to sweat so you don't overheat. We want to make the white blood cells smarter and so that there are more white blood cells.

Backward-looking: What process did you go through to produce this piece?

        To make this piece we had to start out alone and write 8 blogs in 2 weeks about each of the systems and we had to have an idea of what we could change about that system to make it better. We also had to make sure that all of them had 35 or more points in order to work in groups. When we got into our groups we had to find out what system we wanted to re- design. We had to talk and find out what we wanted to redesign about that system and why. After we had an idea we had to start working on a document asking things like what the original design was, what we wanted to redesign, etc. Then we had to write an essay based off of the questions. When we were done with the essay we had to create a presentation that we had to present to the class. Finally we presented and watched each other get to present.

Inward-looking:  How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?

        I enjoyed getting to do this project with my group and that we got to learn lots about the human body and what can be different about it to make it better. I liked that we did most of the re-search before we started the project so that we had an idea about what we were doing before we did it. I did not like that we had to write so much before we got to start the project because for me it was a little hard. I enjoy this piece of work because we did not get to chose our groups because most of the time we would just chose our friends. I like that we got to all do different things like how some of the people did board games and how we got to play them when they were done. I enjoyed that we all got to have fun presenting and getting to write about each other's presentation.

Outward-looking: What the one thing you particularly want people to notice when they look at your work?
        When people watch our presentation I want people to be able to recognize that we put lots of effort into our work. I also want people to notice that the body that we have may not be the best design that it could be but that sometimes different designs could not work or be very hard to accomplish. When people read our essay I want them to know that we put lots of effort into making it at the same time as having a little bit of fun learning about the different things that our wrong with our body and how we can fix them. I want them to know that we did lots of research to find the stuff that we did like how we can make it so that the white blood cells can reproduce fast by adding a couple mouse genes into it. 

Forward-looking: What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
        If I got to do this project over again I would make it so that my group worked a little more on the script part of the presentation so that we would not mess up. I would want to make it so that we would have done the project faster and so that we had extra time after we were done to work on final touches. I think that we could have made a couple of changes to the essay and to the presentation. I would want to make sure that when we were presenting we would not get confused and that we would not have said anything like umm. I would like to change that in the presentation we repeated ourselves on somethings. I think that we did good but there were definitely some things that we could have changed.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

weekly blog 11/7-11/16
        There are different kinds of white blood cells. White blood cells work together to get rid of viruses and disease that is in your body. A problem with your white blood cells is that they will sometimes attack your red blood cells which are good for your body. Your white blood cells also can take a little while. Your skin is made to be the first layer of protection from any disease and viruses that are trying to get into your body. A problem with your skin is that it is easy to penetrate and things like mosquitoes can bite you and give you things like malaria.

S&EP: Did you ask a scientific question?:
I asked what was wrong with the immune system and how can we fix it? I found that the white blood cells will sometimes attack the red blood cells which is not good. The white blood cells can also take a while to find and kill the virus. To fix this we should make it so that the white blood cells are programmed better and there should be more of them so that it can do its job better. I also found that the skin is easy to penetrate. To fix it we could make it so that the skin is thicker but it would make it harder to stretch and to sweat so you would over heat.

XCC: Structure and function:
The skin is made thin so that the skin can get rid of water and make sweat to cool your body as well as being able to easily stretch. If the skin was any thicker it would have to have bigger or more pores to get rid of sweat and would have to be made differently in order to stretch. The white blood cells are about as big as a red blood cell so that it is able to do its job more efficiently and to not take up too much space.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

WAC: Is it healthier to be a Vegetarian or Omnivore:

        Is it healthier to be a Vegetarian or Omnivore? 

        Being an omnivore is healthier to the human body than being a vegetarian. I know this because meat gives your body amino acids, iron, zinc and vitamin B12. Meat also gives you fats that help improve your nervous system and your immune system, which are two important systems in your body. Human digestive systems are made differently than herbivores. Our body is made to use the animal foods we eat and it not made for only or mostly plants.  

        My first reason for why being an omnivore is healthier is that meat and other animal products contain amino acids, iron, zinc and vitamin B12. I know this because the article, Should People Become Vegetarians by ProCon.Org says, " In one serving, meat provides all the essential amino acids(the building block of proteins) as well as essential nutrients such as iron, zinc and B vitamins. Most plant foods do not provide adequate levels of essential amino acids in a single serving. 

         My second reason is the fats that are in meat help to improve your nervous system and your immune system. Your nervous and your immune system are two very important systems to your body that keep you alive. According to the article, Should People Become Vegetarians by ProCon.Org says, "Eating meat provided healthy saturated fats, which enhance the function of the nervous and immune system." This shows that meat is important to your health and is important to your body. 

        My third reason is the human digestive system is made for digesting animal meat and other products along with plants. Our stomachs are different than herbivores. The article, 7 Reasons Why Not to Avoid Meat (Unless if you want to), by Kris Gunnars states," Our digestive systems are well equipped to make full use of the fats, proteins and nutrients found in animal foods" This shows that our body need the fats, proteins and nutrients and that our digestive systems are not meant to only digest plants. 

        You could argue that vegetarian diets have less fats and you would be less over weight and are less likely to get some diseases like cardiovascular diseases. I know this because in the article, Is It Healthier to be a Vegetarian or an omnivore by Sencer October 12 2016 says, "With the increase in plant-based foods in the diet, more phytochemicals are consumed, thus reducing risk of chronic diseases linked with animal fats, such as overweight, obesity, cardiovascular disease and hypertension." You might be heavier if you eat meat but it is not true that you are more likely to get cardiovascular diseases from fats in meat.  I know this because the article, 7 Reasons Why Not to Avoid Meat (Unless if you want to), by Kris Gunnars says, "Studies now show that saturated fats in the diet is not linked to heart disease." This shows that fats in meat doesn't cause cardiovascular disease.  

     In conclusion, based on the information I have read, being and omnivore is actually a healthier choice than a vegetarian. It is easier to get the amino acids, iron, zinc and vitamin B12 in your diet. Our body needs fat from meats to help improve your nervous and immune system. Our bodies were made to digest meat. Your digestive system is made to use the protein, fats and nutrients that meat provides. Being a vegetarian is not bad for your body but being an omnivore is better and has several advantages. These are just a few reasons why being a omnivore is better for you than being a vegetarian. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Immune system

Function: The function of the immune system is to help keep your body healthy and to make sure you don't get sick. 

Skin: Your skin is the first thing that the bacteria and the viruses have to get through and the skin protects your body from all of the germs that try to enter.
White blood cells: Your white blood cells work to get rid of any viruses that somehow gt into your immune system.
Nose: Your nose works to trap all of the bacteria that gets past your skin so that the bacteria doesn't get into your bloodstream.
Stomach: Your stomach helps because if the bacteria gets in your food and into your body your stomachs acids will help break down the bacteria
Phagocytes: They work to eat and get rid of he bacteria that gets in your blood stream and that is making you sick.
Tonsils and lymph nodes: They work together to help get rid of the bacteria to help fight off invading germs.

There are many more that do important jobs for the immune system as well. Some others are your spleen, appendix, bone marrow, etc.
Other systems:
The Systems that the Immune system works with is the circulatory system. Your circulatory system is the system that gets infected by bacteria because the blood is part of the system. The circulatory system transports all of the white blood cells to fight off the bacteria. The immune system helps keep the circulatory system safe while having the circulatory system transport your white blood cells to help. The circulatory is very important to the immune system. Your immune system also works with the digestive system because the digestive system breaks down some of the bacteria that gets in your body.
The immune system is like soldiers because:
  • Both of their jobs is to protect something 
  • When something bad happens they both have to fight the enemy off
  • They body is like the country that they are fighting for because they are both important 
The immune system and soldiers are similar because they both are very important to something big. Both of their main jobs is to protect something. When ever something bad happens they have to fight it off like how the soldiers have to fight when there is enemy's or a war and your immune system has to fight off sickness. They both have to protect something that is important like how the immune system protects your body and soldiers protect their country.

Structure and function:
The main function of the skin is to make help make sure no bacteria gets into your body. The skin is make just to do this.
1. The skin is make to be stretchy so that you can move because if it was hard or not stretchy you would not be able to move very well or your skin would tear.
2. Your skin is on the outside of your body because if it were on the inside it would not be able to protect your body it would let all of your insides be exposed to bacteria.
3. Your layer of skin is thin because it allows it to be stretchy. If the skin was too thick you could not move as much and your skin would be very hard. If your skin was any thinner than you would get hurt a lot more and it would be easier for bacteria to get in your system.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Blog 10/14/16

        There are multiple steps to mitosis. Mitosis is when your cells duplicate. They are interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase and cytokinesis. Cells make up everything in you body and more. Cells make up tissue, tissue makes up organs, organs make up organ systems and organ systems make up organisms. The different systems in your body is the skeletal system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, muscular system, urinary system, nervous system, respiratory system and the immune system.

S&EP: SP2: Developing and using models
        I made a mitosis flip book. This flip book had drawing of each part of mitosis so that when you flip the book it looks like it is moving and the cell duplicates. I had to had draw all of the pictures, number them, cut them out and then staple the pages together. I had to draw the different parts of interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, etc. I think that this was very fun and a good way to remember the different parts of mitosis. 

XCC: Cause and Effect
          When a cell grows up it is then able to duplicate its DNA. When the DNA is then duplicated it is then able to get ready to duplicate. When a cell duplicates it allows the organism to grow. If a cell duplicates its self wrong it will cause cancer which can lead to death. Your connective tissue connects you bonces and allows your joints to move so that you can walk, talk, move you arms, move your fingers, etc. Your heart beating allows you to live and you get blood transferred all around your body. When you put food in your mouth it starts your digestive system.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Weekly blog 10/7/16

          Cells and eggs have a semipermeable membrane which has small holes that let liquids in and out. When something is isotonic it means it has the same amount of solute concentration so the water would go in and out of you cells. When something is hypertonic it means more solute concentration which means so the water would go out of your cell and your cell would shrivel up. When something hypononic less solute concentration, so the water would go into your cell and would get very large. When cells replicate they have to go through 3 main stages and one of them includes replicating their DNA. They also have to stretch and replicate when they are large enough cells.

S&EP: SP2: Developing and using models: Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?:
When cells multiply they have to duplicate their DNA and they have to grow so they don't just get smaller and smaller. When we were learning this the teacher asked who knew what cells have to do to multiply and no one raised her hand. The teacher got a paper and ripped it in half then in fourths ,etc. With this visual we all figured out that if cells rapidly multiply they would just get smaller and smaller and they would probably mess up when the multiply. Before cells multiply they have to grow big and they have to multiply their DNA.

XCC: Cause and Effect:
If something has more solutes or if it is hypertonic that means your cell would shrivel up because the water would come out of the cell. If something has less solutes or it is hypontonic, your cell will grow very large because the water would only go into the cell. If something has the same amount of solutes or it is isotonic, your cell would stay the same because the water would go in and out of the cell. When cells get large enough they replicate their DNA and then they duplicate or they replicate.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Science Blog 9/30/16
        Animals need plants to survive because plants produce oxygen but, plants don't need animals to live. Photosynthesis produces oxygen(O2), glucose(C6H12O6) and energy. Respiration produces water(H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Respiration is breathing. Respiration is related to photosynthesis because they are a cycle and their reactant and their products are they exact opposite of each other. The suns energy helps photosynthesis.

S&EPDid you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?:
  I created a fold-able about photosynthesis and about respiration. The foldable says what photosynthesis and respiration does, the organelles that these happen in, reactants and products of each of these. You also had to have sentences on the front about the importance of photosynthesis and respiration. I also had to have hand drawn pictures to illustrate each of the processes. For respiration I had a picture of a person and how they breathe and a picture of how they breathe. For photosynthesis I had a picture of a plant getting energy from the sun and making sugar, energy and oxygen.

XCC: Cause and effect:
        Plants produce oxygen which allows animals to live because without oxygen we would not be able to breathe. Photosynthesis takes water and carbon-dioxide and makes oxygen and glucose which. Respiration takes the oxygen, glucose and energy to make water and carbon dioxide. This shows how they power each other and how photosynthesis effects respiration and how respiration effects photosynthesis. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Weekly blog 9/23/16
        The elements of living things are Carbon, Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus. Organic compounds contains carbon. Some organic compounds are proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids. Proteins are stuff like meat and other animal products and proteins forms most organelles and parts of the cell membrane. Lipids are fats and waxes and lipids act as energy storage for the cell. Carbohydrates or carbs are sugar and carbs provide energy for the cell. Nucleic acids are your DNA and RNA and they give the cell information on how to function and codes for making proteins.

S&EP: SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions: Did you explain something through your work?:
Blue light is absorbed well by plants and helps increase the amount of oxygen produced. Green light is not absorbed by plants and doesn't help increase the amount of oxygen it might even decrease it. The amount of light intensity, temperature and the amount of CO2 matter to the amount of oxygen a plant produces. If the temperature is to high or low the plant will not produce as much oxygen. If the light is too little for the plant the plant has no light to absorb. If the CO2 level is too low the plant does not have anything to create into oxygen. This shows that a plant need proper care in order to create oxygen and stay healthy.

XCC:Cause and Effect:

Proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids are very important for your body. If your body doesn't receive enough proteins the body will grow weaker and your muscles will try to eat themselves and you would eventually die. If you don't receive enough nucleic acids you will die because nucleic acids allow your cells to do their job and without it your cells would die. If you do not have enough carbohydrates your brain, muscles, etc. can't function properly. If you don't have enough lipids your body can't produce some fats and you can get dry, flaky, bumpy, etc. skin and brittle hair.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Cell Wars Project blog 9/16/16

        The cell wall helps support plants and keep them staining strong and tall. The cell wall can also adjust to plants to allow them to bend in the wind or stand strong and tall. The cell walls will also allow the plant to bend to show it needs water and then it will bounce back up. The cell wall protects the cell from invaders such as small insects that get in the plant and attack. The cell wall transfers water, nutrients, proteins, etc. to other cells nearby. The cell wall can also help change the water pressure if the water has to much water to not burst and if the plant has too little water it will not shrivel up and kill the cell. The cell wall is a very important to the plant cell and is not in animal cells only plants.

Backward-looking: Have you done a similar kind of work in the past (earlier in the year or in a previous grade; in school or out of school)?:
        In 5th grade we learned about cells and we had partners and did a different project. I was a vacuole with Sienna. We had to make a poster that had some information about our organelle ours said that the vacuole holds water, food and waste. The vacuole looks like a big bubble in plant cells and are small bubbles in animal cells. The vacuole works with the cell wall to allow plants to grow and stand up straight. This shows that the vacuole is very important to the cell and that I have done work like this in 5th grade in partners.

Inward-looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?:
        I enjoyed this project a lot because I got to have fun and we got the work done. I liked my group because it was people that I would not usually group with and  I got to see how I work with others. I liked most of it but I had a little bit of trouble because we argued about the script a little and I was worried that we would not finish in time but we got the work done. I liked getting to edit the video because I usually don't do it because it is not my dad computer but it was fun to learn more about editing and I like how the video turned out. Overall I loved the project.

Outward-looking: Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?:

        I think that our group did all the same things as all other groups but we were also unique with our video because lots of other people had animations or voice overs but we filmed our video. I know that other groups filmed theirs too but if they did they did not do a news report. All of the groups had to work their own way with their groups but one things all the groups had in common is that we all had to work together to get the work done. My group was different because when we filmed we had to change our script a little because someone from our group was sadly gone during the day that we filmed. I think we all had similarities and differences.

Forward-looking: One thing I would like to improve upon is ...

I would like to improve upon my teamwork because at certain points of the project we argued a little bit but we got the job done. I would like to have a better plan for when we will do everything so that we have time to be able to have extra time for extra details. I would like to get better at editing so that the next time I create a video I will be able to do a better job with the editing and know more about how to edit. I would like to improve on not waiting till the last minute to do everything and make sure it is all done. i have lots of stuff that i would like to improve upon and be better at.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Cell wars 9/10

        Animal cells have lots of small vacuoles and plant cells have 1 large vacuole because plants can't move to get water, but animals can. The cytoplasm is a clear jelly fluid and without the cytoplasm the cell would be deflated and would make it difficult for material to pass through. The Cytoskeleton can help cause a DMD that causes you muscles to become weak. The cell wall has holes that help transfer things like nutrient, proteins, etc.

S&EP: SP7 Arguing from evidence
        On cell wars(a place where you post things about other organelles) I commented and posted a couple things recently. I commented on someones post that said the Endoplasmic Reticulum creates steroids and thinks that we are not strong enough. My comment said that in the article she provided it says that the steroids the  Endoplasmic Reticulum produces have many uses. I also commented on someones post that said we should not vote for the cytoplasm because it looks like snot and the president should be a symbol of power. My comment said that it should not matter what the president looks like and without the cytoplasm a cell would be deflated and make it difficult to transfer materials. I posted that the vacuole stores waste along with water and food and that you should vote for the cell wall instead.

XCC: Structure and function
        The Cytoplasm is a clear jelly fluid that fills the cell and keeps the cell from deflating. This is good because it would be very hard for the cell to transfer material. The vacuole has to be bigger for plant cells because plants have to store lots of water because they can not just simply get up and get water. Animal cells have smaller vacuoles because animals are able to move to get water and do not need to store a lot of water.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Cell wars 9/4/16

         Ribosomes are the part of the cell that grows your hair. Ribosomes are also known to help cause Alzheimer's, which causes people to forget things quickly. The Golgi Body is known to help causes cells to explode. Cytoskeleton causes muscle degeneration and makes you very weak and can possibly kill you. The mitochondria produces energy but, it can help cause dementia, seizures, and liver diseases.

S&EP: Arguing from evidence:
On Edmodo we have to post arguments against other organelles that will help us win, it is called cell wars. Sometimes on the comments people will try and defend their own organelle. I put a smear about the Golgi body which said the Golgi Body helps cause Achondrogenesis. Achondrogenesis is a disease that causes bones and cartilage to have a hard time developing. I looked at other peoples smears for inspiration to write mine. Some of the things that other people wrote was that the vacuole can make your muscles weak and how the ribosomes help cause Alzheimers.

XCC: Structure and function:
          I looked more into the structure and the function of orgenells like the cells walls structure supports the plant and keeps it standing tall and strong. The vacuole's structure is important to the cell because it stores food, water, nutrients, etc. The ribosome's structure allows the ribosome to produce proteins and grow your hair. The lysosomes structure is important because it  allows the lysosome to digest/ break down you food for you. All of the above are examples of structure and function because the structure supports the function.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Cell wars

      Cells make up all living things and atoms make up everything even cells. The nucleus works as the brain or the control center of the cell. The mitochondria is like the power house of the cell and it produces energy for the cell. For a project called cell wars my group is the cell wall. The cell wall is unique and it is only in plant cells not animal cells. The cell wall is a layer that is around the cell and helps protect the cell.

S&EP: SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions:
This week through my work I explained that I think the cell wall is very important because the cell wall helps protect the cell and helps the structure. The cell wall also helps with giving the plant, shape. I controls what goes in and out of the cell to keep the cell safe. The cell wall lets in nutrients and gets rid of waste. I think that the cell wall is a very important part of the cell that helps keep it safe and helps give it shape.

XCC: Structure and function:
      Cells are the structure of all living things and the function of cells is to keep us alive and growing. The cell wall acts as the support of the plant and keeps it up and not bent. The cells nucleus works to keep the cell working and telling the cell what to do. The mitochondria works to create energy for the cell to be able to work properly .

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Weekly Blog 5/16 - 20/16

          150 trillion calories are wasted each year and the average kid needs 1,900 calories each day which is about 8 oz. of food. 2.3 billion tons of food are wasted each year and that is about the weight of 300 million elephants! About 21 thousand people die each day because of hunger or things related to hunger and about every 10 seconds a child dies from hunger. 60 percent of people buy too much food and waste some of it. People think that the expiration date means when food is no longer safe to eat but that is not correct the expiration date only tells when the food is at its freshest.

SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data: Did you create a graph, table, drawing, etc. of the data you obtained in an experiment?
This week me and my team worked on a tri-fold and Sophie drew imperfect foods and we surveyed people to see if they could eat it. We found that for the tomato drawing with a little bit of mold and small scratches 21 people would eat it and 6 would not. For the apple 17 people would eat it and 2 would not. For the banana 15 people said yes, 1 said maybe and 1 said no. After we got the data we made pi charts for each drawing.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Weekly blog 5/9 - 13/ 16

          Food is thrown away because it look ugly, has bruises or has scratches because they won't sell. The average person throws away about 20 pounds of food each month. There are about 50 million people struggling to get food in there house while others are just throwing away good food. Best by, use by, and sell by dates do not show when food is bad it is usually just the deadline for when food is the freshest. About 80% of the world eats insects and that helps reduce food waste. Without insects we would not be alive.

SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence: Did you participate in a class discussion providing evidence for your answers, and/or used the ACE strategy in your work?
          I participated in 2 class discussions this week providing evidence for my answer. They both were Stun Conferences about food waste. In the first stun conference we talked about how we should sell foods that do not look perfect for less money instead of putting them in the trash. People talked about different  ideas and some facts about it from different sources. In the second one it was hard to hear but we talked about efficient cooking where we talked about how we could cut down on waste like making a cooking calendar and having sections in your fridge for leftovers. Some of the ideas were from sources I read.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Project Blog Biome / deciduous forest

          The deciduous forest is a temperate forest/ temperate broad leaf forest. The deciduous forest has has warm humid summers and it has mild winters. The trees in the deciduous forest lose their leaves each year. People caused some of the animals in the deciduous forest to become endangered because of hunting. Some of the animals that have gone endangered are the red and grey wolf, the European mink and the giant panda.

Backward-looking: How much did you know about the subject before we started?:
          I had an idea of what a biome is when we started but I did not know what a deciduous forest is.  I did not know that red and grey wolfs are endangered. I did not know that the European mink and the giant panda re endangered too. I also did not know that people caused the animals that are endangered there to become endangered because of hunting. I did not know that 
the air in the deciduous forest is polluted.

Inward-looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?:
I feel good about this piece of work because I feel I did good and I thought it was fun. I liked getting to learn about ways to survive in the deciduous forest. I disliked that we used wix because there was only one editor at a time and everyone's work kept getting deleted but it was good because I copy pasted mine into a document. I enjoyed when I was done because I was able to help a friend that needed help.

Outward-looking: What grade would you give it? Why?:
I feel for this project my team and I deserve a 98% because we worked very hard on our project. I think sometimes we were off task or we were helping a different team when we were done. I feel like we did a good job on the website and the diorama. I worked hard on my research and so did the rest of my group. We all did a part of the project and I feel the project turned out very well. I feel like we should get a A but maybe not 100%.

Forward-looking: What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?:
If I had to re-do this I would not use wix because only one editor was allowed at a time and it was annoying that everyone had to re-write their page. I would make sure that no one would lose any of their information by coping it into a google document. I would also make sure that everyone got to work on the diorama because I did not get to do much of it. I would also make sure that we always had something to do.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Weekly blog 4/25 - 29/ 16

          The deciduous forest is a temperate broad-leaf forest. The deciduous forest has rivers, streams and other water resources. The deciduous forest has eatable plants that can keep you alive. Some animals that live in the deciduous forest are black bears, eastern chipmunks, coyotes and many more. Some plants that live in the deciduous forest are Lade Ferns, American Beech trees, Mongolia's  and many more. 

S&EP: SP1: Asking questions and defining problems: SP1: Asking questions and defining problems:
          I was working on page for a website that is about surviving in the deciduous forest. I had to figure out if the deciduous forest has food and water that people can eat and drink. I searched for resources that might help me figure this out and I found that the deciduous forest has drinkable water and eatable food. The water resource that I used for the website is a river and the food that I put is berries and fruit.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Project Blog for message in a bottle

Ocean currents are caused by wind currents. Ocean currents can carry objects all over the world. Objects can make it to places you would not expect because of ocean currents. Cold water is more dense than hot water. Salt water is more dense than fresh water.The more dense something is the more it skins. The less dense something is the more is rises.

I knew that heat rises and that cold sinks. I also knew that ocean currents can carry objects around the world. I knew that ocean currents can take objects to unexpected places.  I did not know that all of the ocean currents had different names and where they all are.  I also did not know that the wind currents effected the ocean currents.

I feel like we should have had a little more time on this project. I liked making up the story because I got to use my imagination. I disliked drawing the map because I could not draw a clear picture so I had to trace it. I also did not like having to do some of the work because I did not know how to do it at first. I enjoyed getting to see my map when it was done because it ended up looking really cool.

Outward- looking:
I personally would give my self an A because I worked hard on my project. I would also give myself an A because I feel like I did a good job on the work. I would not give myself an 100% because I feel like I could have done better if I had a little longer time and help. I do not know exactly what the teacher wanted but I did try hard to get an A.

Forward- looking:
If I had to re-do this project over again I would make sure that I would not spend to much time on the map. I would also do more work on the story and the other things that I typed. I would make sure that I looked more at the rubric so that I could feel more confident on what I did. I think that I could have re-done a lot of things and I wish that I would have done those the first time.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Weekly blog 4/11 - 15/16

Saltwater is heavier than fresh water. Salt water sinks while fresh water stays at the top Cold water is heavier than hot water. Cold water sinks while hot water stays at the top. Ocean currents are all around the world and can take things around the world. A gyre when wind and the rotation of the earth cause the ocean to form a large circle. Objects can get stuck in a gyre like trash and can collect until it becomes like an island.

S&EP:SP2: Developing and using models: Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?:
This week I drew a map of part of the world for a project. I did this because I have to show which currents a message in a bottle took. I know where the bottle started and ended so that I can see which currents the bottle took. It took me a long time to draw the map because I could not draw the area's clearly so I restarted and made them more clear.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Weekly blog 4/4 - 8/16

Nike sneakers fell into the ocean and have been carried all over the place by ocean currents. Ocean currents are mostly or all caused by wind. Waste in the ocean spreads all around the ocean and pollutes the ocean. The waste spreads spreads faster because of ocean currents. Wastes collides and takes over lots of the ocean and most of the pollution starts on land.

S&EP:Developing and using models: Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?
This week made a model of the ocean and toxic waste. We first filled a tub with water, then we added to rocks as land. Then we added ice. We got 4 colored food colorings and added 4 drops of each except for the yellow we added 8 drops. We observed which of the colors spreaded the most. My team and I observed that the yellow spread the most out of all the colors. We also observed that the colors did not collide until we blew some wind through the straws. We noticed that the color blue spread away from the ice. We also noticed that the green took over.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Who killed the fish? WAC

Have you ever seen  dead fish and wonder what killed it? In the Grey area there are lots of fish dying caused by pollution. We do not know what is causing all of the fish to die so we can not fix it yet. I think that Sandy Trapp is causing most of the pollution. Sandy Trapp is the owner of the golf course. People in there homes are also causing the phosphates.

The golf course uses fertilizer. Fertilizer has phosphates that runs into the river. Phosphates are bad for a river because they can harm wildlife. Sandy Trapp said, “We need to add more fertilizer and water to our lawn.” This is showing that she adds lots of fertilizer and water to her golf course’s lawn and she waters the lawn which causes the phosphates to run into the river.

The golf courses drainage has lots of phosphates from the fertilizer. I know this because me and my team did a test on The Cattle ranch drainage, The Golf Course drainage and The Small Town drainage. The golf course drainage was the only drainage that had too many phosphates. I know that the golf course drainage had phosphates because we dropped a liquid in that would change color if the water had phosphates.

The local people are also causing the phosphates with fertilizer. The local people use fertilizer for their grasses. Sometimes the fertilizer will run into the river causing the river to have more phosphates. In the text it says, “At Lake Tohoe, the phosphates are coming from the fertilizer at golf courses and homes.”

I believe that phosphates are causing most of the pollution. The phosphates are coming from the golf course and local homes. The golf course uses fertilizer and fertilizer has phosphates. There are phosphates in the drainage from the golf course. The local homes are also using fertilizer that gets in the river. Next time you look at a river think about all the small things that cause a huge impact on the environment.