Sunday, September 4, 2016

Cell wars 9/4/16

         Ribosomes are the part of the cell that grows your hair. Ribosomes are also known to help cause Alzheimer's, which causes people to forget things quickly. The Golgi Body is known to help causes cells to explode. Cytoskeleton causes muscle degeneration and makes you very weak and can possibly kill you. The mitochondria produces energy but, it can help cause dementia, seizures, and liver diseases.

S&EP: Arguing from evidence:
On Edmodo we have to post arguments against other organelles that will help us win, it is called cell wars. Sometimes on the comments people will try and defend their own organelle. I put a smear about the Golgi body which said the Golgi Body helps cause Achondrogenesis. Achondrogenesis is a disease that causes bones and cartilage to have a hard time developing. I looked at other peoples smears for inspiration to write mine. Some of the things that other people wrote was that the vacuole can make your muscles weak and how the ribosomes help cause Alzheimers.

XCC: Structure and function:
          I looked more into the structure and the function of orgenells like the cells walls structure supports the plant and keeps it standing tall and strong. The vacuole's structure is important to the cell because it stores food, water, nutrients, etc. The ribosome's structure allows the ribosome to produce proteins and grow your hair. The lysosomes structure is important because it  allows the lysosome to digest/ break down you food for you. All of the above are examples of structure and function because the structure supports the function.

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