Friday, September 23, 2016

Weekly blog 9/23/16
        The elements of living things are Carbon, Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus. Organic compounds contains carbon. Some organic compounds are proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids. Proteins are stuff like meat and other animal products and proteins forms most organelles and parts of the cell membrane. Lipids are fats and waxes and lipids act as energy storage for the cell. Carbohydrates or carbs are sugar and carbs provide energy for the cell. Nucleic acids are your DNA and RNA and they give the cell information on how to function and codes for making proteins.

S&EP: SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions: Did you explain something through your work?:
Blue light is absorbed well by plants and helps increase the amount of oxygen produced. Green light is not absorbed by plants and doesn't help increase the amount of oxygen it might even decrease it. The amount of light intensity, temperature and the amount of CO2 matter to the amount of oxygen a plant produces. If the temperature is to high or low the plant will not produce as much oxygen. If the light is too little for the plant the plant has no light to absorb. If the CO2 level is too low the plant does not have anything to create into oxygen. This shows that a plant need proper care in order to create oxygen and stay healthy.

XCC:Cause and Effect:

Proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids are very important for your body. If your body doesn't receive enough proteins the body will grow weaker and your muscles will try to eat themselves and you would eventually die. If you don't receive enough nucleic acids you will die because nucleic acids allow your cells to do their job and without it your cells would die. If you do not have enough carbohydrates your brain, muscles, etc. can't function properly. If you don't have enough lipids your body can't produce some fats and you can get dry, flaky, bumpy, etc. skin and brittle hair.

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