Monday, March 30, 2015

Review quiz 5th grade 03/26/13 w/electricity T/F question 21

Electric current cannot be converted into motion:

Wrong: I answered false because I was not sure what it was and I thought that it could not move something.

Right: The right answer is true because electric current can be changed into motion.

Review quiz 5th grade 03/26/13 w/electricity T/F question 19

An open circuit is a circuit with a lot of resistance:

Wrong: I answered false because it does not even go in a whole circuit but that was wrong because it does have a lot of resistance.

Right: The right answer is true because it is a lot of resistance is inability and it is inability to not be able to complete a circuit.

Review quiz 5th grade 03/26/13 w/electricity T/F question 7

The mitochondria of cells transform sugars into:

Wrong: I answered waste products because I thought that it was totally bad for you so it is just waste products but I was wrong.

Right: The right answer is the energy needed for different activities because it helps keep you awake and gives you energy.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Review quiz 5th grade 03/26/13 w/electricity T/F question 6

What is the waste product of photosynthesis?:

Wrong: I answered Carbon dioxide because I got it mixed up with respiration and I was not sure what the answer was.

Right: The answer was Oxygen because photosynthesis has to do with plants and plants breathe in carbon dioxide.

Review quiz 5th grade 03/26/13 w/electricity T/F question 5

What is the waste product of respiration?:

Wrong: I answered, oxygen and it is wrong because I got mixed up with photosynthesis. I also was not sure so I guessed.

Right: The right answer Carbon dioxide because respiration means the traveling of oxygen. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/27


               I was doing the experiments that we were assigned in class. We had to fill out the sheets of how bright or dim the light was. We learned how to build and how circuits work.  I was surprised that I was not extremely scared about the electricity hurting me because I was always scared of electricity. I got electrocuted by a kinked wire charging a chain link fence for days and I was even more scared of electricity after that. I did not know the fence was electrified and when I touched the fence my hand clenched to it because the electricity was controlling my muscles and I could not let go. I screamed at first and then I could not breath so I almost died but my mom saved me thanks to my friends screaming. I learned that not all electric things can hurt me and that I do not always have to be scared. I was surprised about how much I have learned about electricity in class for example: how electrician draw out and make blue prints before they make the circuits,

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The most powerful electromagnet

           The strongest electromagnet is Copper with a DC current, 100 winds and a thick wire. It is the strongest electromagnet that I could make on a website that we were assigned. It is call fossweb and the link will be below. I recorded all that we needed and it ended up being the strongest.

Try it on the website below 
       It is the strongest electromagnet that I made and it picked up 500 filings and that is all that was there. I think that it is the strongest because string could not pick any filings up so it was really a contest in between the Copper and the Aluminum but the Copper won the contest. The second best only picked up 333 so the winner won by 167 filings. The second place is the same thing except for that it had an AC current.

           I think that it is the strongest electromagnet in the world with a lot more winds. If you look up the strongest electromagnet the picture that I put is there. The picture definitely has more that 100 winds. The strongest magnet that I made on the website is still really strong. Remember that the strongest electromagnet that I could make is Copper with a DC current, 100 winds and a thick wire.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/13

Surprise: I was surprised when we were seeing how many washers a magnet could hold. I was surprised that when we got to 5 it started to not hold as many washers and that from 1 to 4 magnets I guessed how many washers it would hold and I was right. It was surprising because I thought that my guesses would be totally wrong. I can learn that I am not always wrong on what I guess.

Summary: This week we did some experiments with magnets and we watched a Bill Nye video and we did a worksheet about it. The first experiment that we did is we saw if the magnets only stuck to 2 poles. The second experiment is that we saw what magnetism could go through like paper and wood. The third experiment that we did is we saw how many washers a paper clip and a magnet could hold.

Backward looking: I knew quite a bit about the topic when we started like what magnets are and that they stick to only the opposite charge ot pole.  I knew that there are poles but I did not know what they were called. I knew that magnets could mess up your screen on your electronics. I know that because when I was little I did it in the corner of my grandparents TV screen but it is back to normal.

Inward looking: I loved that we got to do experiment and that we got to watch a Bill Nye video. I liked that this time it is something that I know a bit about instead of something that I have no idea what it is in the beginning, it is something that I know stuff about. I did not like that we had to write but it was important to write and I know that.

Outward looking: My table's work was slightly different than other peoples because we did not have the same amount of washers that fit on it. I think that on the other 2 experiments we got the same answer. I heard some people say numbers and some were that same and some were different. We all did the same thing with the same tools. 

Forward looking: If I got to redo the work I would make sure that we did the experiments all right and make sure that we do it on time or ahead. I would like to do this so that I do not have to rush and worry that we would not get something done. We did get about as far as other people but we were not the best out of the class but we did our best and that is all that matters.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Weekly Blog 03/06

Surprise: I was surprised that I got assigned a mineral instead of trying again to pick my own. I was surprised when we were sitting in the beginning of class listening to the teacher and she assigned some of us minerals. This is surprising because most people got to pick a mineral and ask for permission. 

Summary: This week we did a jilster assignment about a mineral but we had to do research on it though before we started. The page is about the mineral we are doing and we have to put stuff like its hardness and other ways to identify a mineral. We do not need a picture but a lot of people are putting pictures.

Backward looking: I had a problem that I did not know what chemical composition meant so I had to ask some people and they did not know it either. I tried to find out what it meant and I am happy that Alex helped me figure out what it meant. Now I know what chemical composition means and it means the same thing as chemical formula.

Inward looking: I found it frustrating that I took so long to do the reasearch and that I did not know what chemical composition means. I also found it frustrating that I am slow at this kind of work and I am not good at it. The last thing that I found frustrating is that I took so long to do the bird brain and always thought we could turn things in late in Science so I worked on my electives and other projects during that week and then was told I could not turn this in late and received a zero! I also forgot my zondle login. Justin helped me with my login so I know it now.

Outward looking: My work was similar to other people's because we all had to find the same research, we all did it on the same website and we all did it on a mineral. It was different from other people's because we all did different minerals, we all worded our work different and most of us have a different background.

Forward looking: I would like to improve on how fast I do my work and how to separate it. I would also like to improve on the way that I work so that I am on the same track as everyone else. I would want to do this because I am a slow worker and I am super bad at managing my time. I would also like to do this because it is one of the things that I am horrible at.