Friday, January 30, 2015

Weekly Blog 01/26

Surprise: I was surprised that our second guess on the unknown crystal was right. I was surprised when we were doing the last curious crystals experiment and looked at the crystals to see which one is the unknown crystal.

Summary: This week all that we worked on is our Matter background research.We also worked on atomic research this week. The matter that matters background research is where we do research and then we do a document. The atomic research is similar except that we have to research on different stuff and do a different sheet. We also saw which the unknown crystal is.

Backward looking: I only knew a little bit on the topic. For example my friends dad showed us a little bit in 3rd grade he showed up and taught us some stuff about atoms but I forgot the stuff by this time. I did not know anything besides what he taught us. I did not get it back then so I practically knew nothing.

Inward looking: My goal this week is to stay on time with everyone else. I sort of made my goal because I turned everything in on time but some of it was not finished. My goal changed to that I would like to finish everything on time because we had to turn it in ahead of time. My changed goal I think got met.

Outward looking: My work worked the same as others but our grade could have been different and our thinking of things. I think that they were similar for the most part but it was slightly different for some people and really different for some people. For example, people probably got 100 and were not the only one but if you have a 0 you might be on your own.

Forward looking: If I had to redo the work then I would change the pace on when I get things done because I just barely turned it in on time or I turned it in late. For example, my Bird Brain reading and quizzes: I did some of them but the last one I got late. I would also change that I had to redo the quiz on the "If you were made of legos".

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