Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Weekly Blog 01/16

Surprise: I was surprised when we were doing an experiment with M&M's and colored corn syrup! I was surprised that the colors overlapped and did not mix. It was also surprising because some people including me thought that it would just mix. I learned that the M&M's do not mix and have their own area that will not let them mix unless you shake it.

Summary: What we did this week is some mysterious M&M's experiments.  Some examples are that we added some sugar to water, we used colored corn syrup and experimented with hot, room tempature, and cold water. There are a lot of things that I did not expect. I think that after the experiments it was explainable that the results were what they were because we knew why it happened after we saw it happen.

Backward looking: I have gotten better at not messing up and not really having to rush as much as last week to turn in my paper. I think that another way that I improved is that I do not have to ask my team what to do. I have been better on thinking of a hypothesis and what we will keep the same. For example the last time I was cleaning I spilled water on accident but I have improved on being more careful.

Inward looking: I feel good about my work this week because it was all fun and I think that I got a good grade on my papers. I found it satisfying that we got to do so many experiments.  For example the corn syrup experiment was fun so that was satisfying.  I did not like to have to fill out the slip of what we thought was gonna happen and what did happen (I don't like to be wrong). It also took a lot of time to do the writing. 

Outward looking: I found our work different from some and similar to some. Some people got different color M&M's so we had different results but ours were similar to the people that got the same color. The corn syrup experiment was similar to a lot of peoples because we all had the same colors of corn syrup. One of the experiments were sugar water, normal and a different amount of sugar and one of the teams did it wrong so that is an example of different work. 

Forward looking: I would like to improve on how fast I get ready to do the experiment. I would also like to improve on writing the papers and not rushing like normal. Another improvement would be on drawing the picture of the experiment better. The last thing that I would like to improve on is  writing notes as quickly as everyone else because then I do not have to ask what to write. 

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