Friday, December 19, 2014

Severe Weather Project Reflection

Summary: I learned tons from this game like how to manage my time better and that if I do than I can have more fun rather than rushing. I learned tons of facts like that rain can evaporate in the air before it hits the ground and that it can snow with clear skies. I learned what thundersnow is and I learned so much more.

Backward-Looking Reflection: I knew a little bit about the topic like the basic facts like what the severe weather does and what it is called. I now know so much more than I did before like a lot of the facts and more about them and I did not know most of the facts that I now know. For example I now know more about severe weather than I did before this project.

Inward-Looking Reflection: I liked the work of this week and our board game looks amazing but it was hard to do. I liked how we got to play the board game and that we got to have fun making it. I disliked how hard it was to make the board and the cards but it was fun overall. 

Outward-Looking: If I was the teacher I would give myself a good grade because I worked really hard on this so it to me is worth a good grade like at least 100%. That is my opinion of what I should get and I hope I do get at least 100%. I hope that I get all the points that I can gain and that I do not fail.

Forward-Looking: One thing I would like to improve on is managing my time better. I would like to do this so that I do not have to rush last minute to get my stuff done. I do hope I can do it so I do not stress about getting every little thing done.

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