Thursday, December 11, 2014

Severe weather board game

I learned more about snowstorms for the board game cards that Ishita and I are planning. We have been trying very hard to gather information about severe weather. We split up the work to try to make it easier for the board game.

Backward looking: I knew about most severe weather but I did not know much about them. For example I knew about the names and the things that they do but not that many facts. I've heard of snow storms and I've been to Michigan where my Grandpa and Grandma live and have played in the snow but I have not experienced a major storm where we have lost electricity and how people have been stranded and died from hypothermia. 

Inward looking: I liked this week but some parts were not my favorite, for example I did like how we got to pick but I disliked that we had to write the daily papers. Another example is that it was hard to collect information and I liked other stuff like how we had the choice to partner. The last example is that I liked how we had resources for us to find info instead of searching for one and I disliked how you could only have a certain amount of partners.

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