Friday, November 21, 2014

Reflective of Mr. Cuttatree letter

We did a letter to Mr. Cuttatree and we learned about what will happen without the rainforests. We also learned how many trees he is cutting down and why.

Backward looking: I knew nothing about the topic before we started but now I know alot about it. For example now I know about deforestation and before I never heard of the word. I also learned about how important our rain forest is and that when people cut down trees it affects oxygen, animals, plants, and medicine for people.

Inward looking: I thought that it was satisfying that we got the time to do it on Monday and that we did not have to turn it in on Friday. I also liked the project and learned a lot, but it was a little hard at some points. I also found it satisfying that we got to write to Mr. Cuttatree and tell him what he is doing will affect us all including him.

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