Friday, November 7, 2014

11/7 Jaguar

I learned that the jaguar is one of the biggest cats in the cat family. The jaguar is a wild cat and is a carnivore. It hunts at night while some or all of its prey are asleep and it sometimes hunts in the day. The jaguar sometimes sleeps on branches of the trees that are provided in the rainforest or near a bunch of trees to stay hidden and protected. It is way bigger than a house cat and it is pretty big compared to some wild cats.

Backward looking: I used some websites and I would want to use them all again. The resources that I used were good and none were bad. Here are a couple of the websites that I used and really liked a lot. and

Inward looking:  I liked how we got to pick our animal for the animal report. I liked it because sometimes we are assigned a certain animal and this time I got to choose what animal I wanted to research. I chose the Jaguar because it is in the cat family and I love all kinds of cats.  I also liked how we got to pick the name for the blog post.     

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