Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Skeletal System

        The function of the skeletal system is to give you support, allows you to move, gives you shape, and protects your organs. 

The skeletal system is made of:

Bones: Your bones are the main part of your skeletal system and they are the main support of your body. Your bones also store calcium that your body needs.

Ligaments: Ligaments are made of very tough tissue which connects your bones.

Tendons: Tendons are made of tough tissue too and they connect your bones to you muscles. 

Cartilage: Cartilage is like rubber that is between your bones that helps so your able to move your body.

Joints: Joints allow you to move easily and they are made of you bones, tendons and ligaments.

Other systems that work with the skeletal system:
        The skeletal system works with the muscular system in order for you to move. Your bones are supports you and makes you able to stand but,  your muscles give you the strength. Without your muscles, tendons and ligaments your body would be a pile of bones. Without your bones your body would not have any support. Your bones gives your body support and shape and you muscles allows your body to move and so you can control what you do.


A house frame and a skeleton both:
  • the frame and your bones both provide support.
  • they are both very important to what they make up as a whole. 
  • They are both strong
  • They both provide shape
  • The both protect the inside of what they make.
        Your skeleton is like the house frame because they provide the shape, strength and the structure. They both are also very strong and they both are very important parts to something. Everything is connected with something like with bones it is tendons and ligaments and with a house frame it might be something like nails. They both have ways to move like how we have joints and houses have hinges like on doors.

Structure and Function: 

        The main function of your spine or your back bone is to give your support and to be able to hold the upper half of your body. Your spine was made just for this.
1. Your spine has lots of small bones called vertebrae that have cartilage between them to make your back able to move forward, backward and sideways.
2. Your spine makes it so that it is not painful to walk because  your spine has a curve which acts as shock absorption so that it doesn't hurt to move.
3. Your vertebrae made of hard bone tissue which makes them more supportive and it makes them harder to break or them get knocked out of place so you don't get paralized

Sources:    and       and

1 comment:

  1. I think that you can change the spine and make it so that it is harder to get misplaced because lots of people get paralyzed because of their spine.
