Monday, October 6, 2014

Respiratory System

Function: Your respiratory system lets you breath and gives you oxygen and lets you breath out carbon dioxide for you to survive.

Organs it uses:
lungs: The lungs are what holds the oxygen that you breathe in. When your blood comes to get oxygen and give carbon dioxide you have to breathe again.

trachea: The trachea is the tube that carries the air to your lung and from your lungs back to your nose and mouth.

diaphragm: Your diaphragm is there so that your lungs can rest on them and when you take a breath they contract and when you exhale they expand.

bronchial tubes: Your bronchial tubes are in the lungs and it carries the air to your alveoli.

alveoli: Your alveoli are small sacks at the end of your bronchial tubes, that are surrounded by blood vessels and the oxygen in the alveoli are given to the blood cells and the blood cells get rid of the waste (carbon dioxide).

Other systems:
          The respiratory doesn't work alone. The respiratory system works with the skeletal system and the cardiovascular system. The respiratory system works with the skeletal system to protect the lungs, the rib cage surrounds the lungs to protect them. Your respiratory system works with the cardiovascular system in order to give the blood its oxygen and get it's carbon dioxide. The blood gives the lungs the blood which helps the blood and makes it oxygen rich.


Your  fish tank and your fish tank filter are like your respiratory system because:

  • They both get rid of the bad and they both give oxygen
  • They both have a pump like how the respiratory system has your heart and your fish tank filter has a pump in the filter.
  • The water is like your blood and the fish are like your cells that need oxygen
Your fish tank and filter and your respiratory system are similar because they they both have the function of getting rid of the bad stuff in the water and giving the water oxygen. They both have a pump like how the respiratory system has the heart and the filter has a pump. They both have something that is like the blood and the cells like for the respiratory system your have blood and cells and for the filter you have water an fish.

Structure and function:
The main function of the lungs are to give your blood the oxygen that it needs and to take the waste which is the carbon dioxide in the blood. The lungs are made just to do this.
1. The lungs are as large as they are because they need to hold lots of air so that all of your blood can get oxygen. If the lungs were smaller you would have to breathe a lot more often. If the lungs were any bigger they would take up too much space.
2. The lungs are where they are because they need to be able to work with the heart which gives the lungs the bad blood. The lungs also need to be close to the mouth and they need to be protected by the rib cage.
3. The  lungs are shaped like they are so that they can fit well in your body and so that they can hold the most air. They lungs also need to be able to rest on the diaphragm. The lungs need to be able to expand and contract easily.



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