Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Muscular System


Function:  The function of the Muscular system is to allow your body to move easily. Your muscles allows most of your body parts to move like your fingers, toes, legs, arms, etc.

Smooth muscles: Your smooth muscles or involuntary muscles which are muscles that you can't control even if you wanted them to stop they would keep on going. 

Cardiac muscles: Your Cardiac muscles are also involuntary muscles or muscles that you can't move. Your cardiac muscles keep on pumping and it is found in the heart. 

Skeletal muscles: Your skeletal muscles or voluntary muscles work together and are attached to your bones and skeleton to move your body. You can control your skeletal muscles to do what you want them to do.

Other Systems:
        Your muscular systems works with 2 other systems. Those systems are the skeletal system dn the nervous system. The skeletal system works with the skeletal system in order to move. The skeleton and the muscles are actually connected. Your muscular system works with the nervous system works with the muscles because your nervous system tells your brain what to do so if there was no nervous system you would not move because your brain would not know you wanted to move. Your spine is a big part of your nervous system so when your spine breaks you might get paralyzed.
Your muscular system is kind of like horses because:
  • They usually stay together so that they are able to survive better and so that they won't be alone.
  • They are both very strong and can carry lots of weight
  • They are both able to get stronger so that they can do more than they could before.

Horses and your muscular system are like each other because they are both strong and they can both grow stronger to preform more tasks.  They both can carry lots of weight. They both usually work together so that they can do more and so that they can survive easier and they will never be alone.

Structure and Function:
Your skeletal muscle are the kind of muscle that you control so they are voluntary muscles. Your skeletal muscle is made uniquely to preform its functions.
1. Your skeletal muscle are connected to the bones or the skeleton so that your joints can move. Without them being connect you would not be able to move.
2. Your skeletal muscle is connected to the bones in pair so that you can move your joints back and fourth. If you could only move your muscles one way you could not do much.
3. Your smooth muscle is able to get stronger because you use it lots. This allows you to carry more and more weight as you lift more weights and as you get older.




1 comment:

  1. I think we could make the muscles tougher so that they don't tear. I also think that we should protect the most important muscle which is the heart that when he get stabbed we don't hit the heart. I think that we should some how make it so that you can also do CPR when someone dies while having more protection.
