Thursday, October 30, 2014

10/31 "Interdependence of Organisms - 2".

I learned that there is more than one kind of symbiosis and those are parisitsm, commensalism, and mutualism. I also learned the name and what symbiosis is and what it does. I also learned the nature and human versions of  symbiosis.

Backward looking: I only knew about fleas but I did not know the name like parasitism. I pretty much knew nothing about the subject until I watched the video in class. An example of symbiosis is that you allow us to improve our grade and I care about my grade so we are performing mutualism and hopefully we will both be happy with the details in my edited blog.

Inward looking: It tells me that when I work it helps to make a  flip project or a project or visual aid even if we have to turn it in. It helps me so I can visualize the project that we did. I visually learn and I learned that by doing the flip project it help me to remember symbiosis.   

Thursday, October 23, 2014

10/24 "Interdependence of Organisms - 1"

I learned that plants, herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores are part of the food chain. I also learned that you need a certain amount of each part of the food chain or a species of animal can possibly become extinct and it would affect the whole food chain. I knew that we are at the top of the food chain because no animals eat us but we eat animals and plants but some of us eat only plants.

I only knew a little bit about the food chain and nothing about the food web. I found it satisfying  that you allow us to retake tests and quizzes. Thank you so much for letting whoever wants to retake the human body quiz. It is great to have teacher that always wants to see her students succeed.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Nervous System

Function: The function of the nervous system is to send messages from your brain to your body and from your body to your brain. This is why you can feel things.

nerves: Your nerves are what the signals travel on to get to your brain and to get from your brain. When you touch something the signal travels from your nerves to your brain and when your brain wants you to do something the signal travels from your nerves to do it.
brain: Your brain is a very important part of the nervous system. It is what tells your body to do things and the signal travels through the nerves and you do it. When you feel something the signal goes to your brain so that you can feel what you are touching.
spinal cord: Your spine is another important part of the nervous system. The spinal cord is what the nerves connect to and it tells your brain stuff and your brain tells your body stuff. When you break your spine you will most likely get paralyzed so you can move or feel what is paralyzed.

Other systems that the nervous system works with:
          The nervous system work with all of the systems because it tells everything what to do. The nervous system works with the urinary system to tell your brain when to pee. Your nervous system works with the muscular system to know when to move. The nervous system works with the skeletal system because some of your nerves are in or are part of your bones like how the spine has a very important nerve in it. The nervous system works with the respiratory system to allow you to breathe. The nervous system works with the immune system to tell it when you are sick. The nervous system works with the circulatory system to tell your heart to beat. The nervous system works with the digestive system to tell your brain when to start digesting and when you eat food.

The nervous system is like mail because:
  • They both deliverer a message from one place to another
  • They both tell whatever is on the other end something
  • They both have have something this signal or the mail travels on like how the mail has roads and the nervous system has nerves.
The nervous system is like mail because they both have the goal of getting something from one place to another. They both tell something to something else. They both make it so that whatever is traveling or being deliver travels on something like how the mail has a road and how the nervous system has nerves.

Structure and Function: 
The main function of the brain is to tell your body everything it needs to do in order for you you to live. It also tells your body to move when you want it to move so that you can walk and you can move your arms. Your brain is made just for this.
1. The brain is as big as it is because if it was any smaller we may not be able to remember as much. We also would not be as smart as we are because if we did not have as much memory or as much storage then we couldn't remember things.
2. Your brain is in your head because it has lots of protection in the head because of the skull. The brain is also connected with your most important nerve which is your spine. your brain also need to be close to important parts of your body like your eyes, ears, mouth etc. because those signals need to get to your brain quick so you can react.
3. Your brain is shaped like it is because the different parts of your brain need to be able to fit together like how the brain stem has to connect to your spine and your cerebrum. Your corpus callosum need to be able to fit to connect the two halves of your brain. Your cerebellum needs to fit in the back of your brain.


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Urinary System

Function: The function of your urinary system is to get rid of liquid waste from your body. This liquid waste is water, salt and urea. Urea is a poising that is in your blood cells. 

Kidneys: The kidneys are shaped like beans and they work to filter the urea, unwanted salt and water out of your cells to make urine or pee.

Ureters: Your ureters are tubes that take the pee or urine from your kidneys and take it too the bladder. About every 15 seconds a little bit of urine drains into your bladder.

Bladder:  Your bladder is like a balloon that expands when it has lots of urine in it. When the bladder expands it tells your brain that you need to pee. 

Other systems:
        Your urinary system doesn't work on its own. Your urinary system works with your nervous system and your circulatory system. Your urinary system works with your nervous system because when your bladder is full and it expands your nervous system tells your brain that you have to use the restroom, pee or urinate. When you pee your brain tells your balder to contract and your sphincters (two ball shaped things that make sure your pee doesn't leak) to relax. Your circulatory system takes the blood to everywhere in your body including the kidney which filters the blood.
Your urinary system is like your trash because:
  • You separate the recycle from the trash or the good from the bad.
  • You throw away the trash or the bad (urine)
  • They both have a place to throw the bad away (the sewer or toilet and the landfill)
The trash and the urinary system are similar in some ways. They both separate the waste from what you need or what is good for you. They throw away what ever they don't need and the poisons. Their goal is to throw away the bad which is the trash and the urine. They both have some place that they get rid of their waste like the landfill or the toilet/sewer.

Structure and Function:
          The main function of the bladder is to store all of the urine that comes from the kidneys. The bladder also gets rid of the urine once the bladder fills up. The bladder is made just to do this.
1. The bladder is made of stretchy material so that it can hold lots of urine. If the bladder was made of bone it would be very hard for you to hold your pee and it would make it harder to pee because the bladder squeezes the water out.
2. The bladder is close to where the urine comes out so that when you have to urinate your urine doesn't have to travel everywhere throughout your body. This also makes it a lot easier for you because if it was along tube or something else it would take longer for you to urinate.
3. Your bladder is as small as it is because if it was too big it would take up more room and it would be harder to get it full. If it was too small you would have to pee very often and it would make it very hard for you.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Skeletal System

        The function of the skeletal system is to give you support, allows you to move, gives you shape, and protects your organs. 

The skeletal system is made of:

Bones: Your bones are the main part of your skeletal system and they are the main support of your body. Your bones also store calcium that your body needs.

Ligaments: Ligaments are made of very tough tissue which connects your bones.

Tendons: Tendons are made of tough tissue too and they connect your bones to you muscles. 

Cartilage: Cartilage is like rubber that is between your bones that helps so your able to move your body.

Joints: Joints allow you to move easily and they are made of you bones, tendons and ligaments.

Other systems that work with the skeletal system:
        The skeletal system works with the muscular system in order for you to move. Your bones are supports you and makes you able to stand but,  your muscles give you the strength. Without your muscles, tendons and ligaments your body would be a pile of bones. Without your bones your body would not have any support. Your bones gives your body support and shape and you muscles allows your body to move and so you can control what you do.


A house frame and a skeleton both:
  • the frame and your bones both provide support.
  • they are both very important to what they make up as a whole. 
  • They are both strong
  • They both provide shape
  • The both protect the inside of what they make.
        Your skeleton is like the house frame because they provide the shape, strength and the structure. They both are also very strong and they both are very important parts to something. Everything is connected with something like with bones it is tendons and ligaments and with a house frame it might be something like nails. They both have ways to move like how we have joints and houses have hinges like on doors.

Structure and Function: 

        The main function of your spine or your back bone is to give your support and to be able to hold the upper half of your body. Your spine was made just for this.
1. Your spine has lots of small bones called vertebrae that have cartilage between them to make your back able to move forward, backward and sideways.
2. Your spine makes it so that it is not painful to walk because  your spine has a curve which acts as shock absorption so that it doesn't hurt to move.
3. Your vertebrae made of hard bone tissue which makes them more supportive and it makes them harder to break or them get knocked out of place so you don't get paralized

Sources:    and       and

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Muscular System

Function:  The function of the Muscular system is to allow your body to move easily. Your muscles allows most of your body parts to move like your fingers, toes, legs, arms, etc.

Smooth muscles: Your smooth muscles or involuntary muscles which are muscles that you can't control even if you wanted them to stop they would keep on going. 

Cardiac muscles: Your Cardiac muscles are also involuntary muscles or muscles that you can't move. Your cardiac muscles keep on pumping and it is found in the heart. 

Skeletal muscles: Your skeletal muscles or voluntary muscles work together and are attached to your bones and skeleton to move your body. You can control your skeletal muscles to do what you want them to do.

Other Systems:
        Your muscular systems works with 2 other systems. Those systems are the skeletal system dn the nervous system. The skeletal system works with the skeletal system in order to move. The skeleton and the muscles are actually connected. Your muscular system works with the nervous system works with the muscles because your nervous system tells your brain what to do so if there was no nervous system you would not move because your brain would not know you wanted to move. Your spine is a big part of your nervous system so when your spine breaks you might get paralyzed.
Your muscular system is kind of like horses because:
  • They usually stay together so that they are able to survive better and so that they won't be alone.
  • They are both very strong and can carry lots of weight
  • They are both able to get stronger so that they can do more than they could before.

Horses and your muscular system are like each other because they are both strong and they can both grow stronger to preform more tasks.  They both can carry lots of weight. They both usually work together so that they can do more and so that they can survive easier and they will never be alone.

Structure and Function:
Your skeletal muscle are the kind of muscle that you control so they are voluntary muscles. Your skeletal muscle is made uniquely to preform its functions.
1. Your skeletal muscle are connected to the bones or the skeleton so that your joints can move. Without them being connect you would not be able to move.
2. Your skeletal muscle is connected to the bones in pair so that you can move your joints back and fourth. If you could only move your muscles one way you could not do much.
3. Your smooth muscle is able to get stronger because you use it lots. This allows you to carry more and more weight as you lift more weights and as you get older.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Digestive System

Your digestive systems function is to break down food and make it able for you to remove the solid or liquid waste from your  body. Your digestion process starts when you put the food in your mouth.

Mouth: The mouth is where the digestive process starts. The mouth chews up the food with mechanical digestion. Your spit in your mouth has enzymes that chemically break down the food. 

Esophagus: The esophagus brings the food from your mouth to your stomach. To make this easy your esophagus has mucus in it so that your food can run down your esophagus easily. 

Stomach: The stomach is were your food is churned and mixed with enzymes and other digestive juices. Your stomach breaks the food down into chyme.

Small intestines: The small intestines work to absorb the nutrients from your food. It also makes the chyme smoother and easier to be absorbed into your bloodstream. 

Large intestines: The large intestines work to absorb the water out of the chyme so that you stay hydrated  and don't get dehydrated.

Liver: The liver is important because the liver produces bile which is stored in the gall bladder and helps with digestion by breaking down fats or fatty acids. 

Pancreas: The pancreas is important because it makes enzymes or digestive juices that are released in the small intestines to help break down the food more.

Gall bladder: The gall bladder stores some stuff like bile and makes it more concentrated so that the bile can be more effective on the fats.

       Other systems the digestive system works with:  The Digestive system may do lots but it doesn't do it all alone. The digestive system works with the circulatory system. The digestive system breaks down your food and absorbs the nutrients but the circulatory system takes those nutrients and distributes them throughout the body. This is very good and important to the digestive system because what would your body do with those nutrients if the circulatory system didn't distribute them.

Your digestive system is like a garbage disposal because:
1. Your digestive system and your garbage disposal both grind or chew up the food or other stuff that goes into the mouth or the garbage disposal.
2. After your food is chewed your digestive system has your tong push the grinned up food down the esophagus while your garbage disposal takes the grinned up stuff and put it down a pipe.
3. Your garbage disposals process starts when you put the food in the "mouth" of the garbage disposal while your digestive system starts when you put the food in your mouth.

Your teeth are similar to the grinders in the garbage disposal because they both grind up whatever it takes in. Your esophagus is like the pipes because they both carry the grinned up food or whatever away.  It is very important for both of these to get their food into small enough shape before swallowing because it could get clogged if the food or other stuff is too big. They are both start when you put to the food into the "mouth".

Structure and Function:

The main function of the esophagus is to carry away the food from your mouth into your stomach where it will be digested. The esophagus also is a tube for air so if your try to breathe and swallow your food at the same time you might choke. 
1. Your esophagus has mucus which allows the food to slide quickly and easily down your throat like a water slide. This is important because without the mucus swallowing might be pretty hard. 
2. Your esophagus is the same tube that you breathe with and your body controls which tube is open so if you try to breathe while you are swallowing you will most likely choke.
3. The size and shape of your esophagus make swallowing fast and more efficient. If your esophagus was curvy it would make it so that the food goes back and forth and it would not be as direct of a path so it would not be as quick. If it had loops it would make it very hard to swallow and you might get the loop clogged.



Monday, October 6, 2014

Respiratory System

Function: Your respiratory system lets you breath and gives you oxygen and lets you breath out carbon dioxide for you to survive.

Organs it uses:
lungs: The lungs are what holds the oxygen that you breathe in. When your blood comes to get oxygen and give carbon dioxide you have to breathe again.

trachea: The trachea is the tube that carries the air to your lung and from your lungs back to your nose and mouth.

diaphragm: Your diaphragm is there so that your lungs can rest on them and when you take a breath they contract and when you exhale they expand.

bronchial tubes: Your bronchial tubes are in the lungs and it carries the air to your alveoli.

alveoli: Your alveoli are small sacks at the end of your bronchial tubes, that are surrounded by blood vessels and the oxygen in the alveoli are given to the blood cells and the blood cells get rid of the waste (carbon dioxide).

Other systems:
          The respiratory doesn't work alone. The respiratory system works with the skeletal system and the cardiovascular system. The respiratory system works with the skeletal system to protect the lungs, the rib cage surrounds the lungs to protect them. Your respiratory system works with the cardiovascular system in order to give the blood its oxygen and get it's carbon dioxide. The blood gives the lungs the blood which helps the blood and makes it oxygen rich.


Your  fish tank and your fish tank filter are like your respiratory system because:

  • They both get rid of the bad and they both give oxygen
  • They both have a pump like how the respiratory system has your heart and your fish tank filter has a pump in the filter.
  • The water is like your blood and the fish are like your cells that need oxygen
Your fish tank and filter and your respiratory system are similar because they they both have the function of getting rid of the bad stuff in the water and giving the water oxygen. They both have a pump like how the respiratory system has the heart and the filter has a pump. They both have something that is like the blood and the cells like for the respiratory system your have blood and cells and for the filter you have water an fish.

Structure and function:
The main function of the lungs are to give your blood the oxygen that it needs and to take the waste which is the carbon dioxide in the blood. The lungs are made just to do this.
1. The lungs are as large as they are because they need to hold lots of air so that all of your blood can get oxygen. If the lungs were smaller you would have to breathe a lot more often. If the lungs were any bigger they would take up too much space.
2. The lungs are where they are because they need to be able to work with the heart which gives the lungs the bad blood. The lungs also need to be close to the mouth and they need to be protected by the rib cage.
3. The  lungs are shaped like they are so that they can fit well in your body and so that they can hold the most air. They lungs also need to be able to rest on the diaphragm. The lungs need to be able to expand and contract easily.



Thursday, October 2, 2014

Circulatory System

The function of the circulatory system in to move the blood in your body form your heart and back to your heart. The circulatory system also delivers oxygen to your blood cells and removes waste.

heart: The heart works hard to push oxygen rich blood throughout your body. Your heart also works to get the oxygen poor blood back to it to got through the lungs for more oxygen.
veins: Your veins carry poor blood back to your heart and lungs for more oxygen so that it can become rich blood.
arteries: Your arteries carry your rich blood throughout your body. They carry the blood to everywhere in your body. 
lungs: When you breathe oxygen goes to your lungs where your blood cells drop of carbon dioxide and get oxygen.

Other systems: 
        Your circulatory system works with every other system because the circulatory system gives blood to every organ in the body. If you did not have your circulatory system nothing would work.  All of your systems need blood because they give your body oxygen and other nutrients.  All of your organs need oxygen and nutrients and your blood transports oxygen and nutrients. All of your organs and organ systems need your circulatory system.

The circulatory system is like the roads because:
  • You can go almost everywhere in the city and your blood goes everywhere through your body.
  • They can take you to and away from places
  • when you go you are going usually to get something and then you go
Your veins and arteries are like the roads because they take you places and they take you back. Your lungs are like the stores because you get stuff you need there. You, your car or another way of transport are like cells because you go through or you travel with the roads or highways or your veins and arteries.

Structure and Function:
Your lungs main function is to store the oxygen that you breathe so that your blood can get the oxygen. This a very important thing for your body.
1. You having two lungs makes it faster for your blood to switch the oxygen and the carbon dioxide. It makes it so that giving your blood oxygen is way more efficient.
2. Your lungs are not very large but they are able to hold lots of air. This is important because if your lungs were any small er you would have to breathe a lot more and it would be harder for your body to do this.
3.Your lungs are close to your heart which makes it so that when your heart is giving the blood to your lungs it is fast. If your lungs and heart were too far apart from each other they would not be able to give your blood to each other.
