Friday, September 30, 2016

Science Blog 9/30/16
        Animals need plants to survive because plants produce oxygen but, plants don't need animals to live. Photosynthesis produces oxygen(O2), glucose(C6H12O6) and energy. Respiration produces water(H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Respiration is breathing. Respiration is related to photosynthesis because they are a cycle and their reactant and their products are they exact opposite of each other. The suns energy helps photosynthesis.

S&EPDid you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?:
  I created a fold-able about photosynthesis and about respiration. The foldable says what photosynthesis and respiration does, the organelles that these happen in, reactants and products of each of these. You also had to have sentences on the front about the importance of photosynthesis and respiration. I also had to have hand drawn pictures to illustrate each of the processes. For respiration I had a picture of a person and how they breathe and a picture of how they breathe. For photosynthesis I had a picture of a plant getting energy from the sun and making sugar, energy and oxygen.

XCC: Cause and effect:
        Plants produce oxygen which allows animals to live because without oxygen we would not be able to breathe. Photosynthesis takes water and carbon-dioxide and makes oxygen and glucose which. Respiration takes the oxygen, glucose and energy to make water and carbon dioxide. This shows how they power each other and how photosynthesis effects respiration and how respiration effects photosynthesis. 

Friday, September 23, 2016

Weekly blog 9/23/16
        The elements of living things are Carbon, Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus. Organic compounds contains carbon. Some organic compounds are proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids. Proteins are stuff like meat and other animal products and proteins forms most organelles and parts of the cell membrane. Lipids are fats and waxes and lipids act as energy storage for the cell. Carbohydrates or carbs are sugar and carbs provide energy for the cell. Nucleic acids are your DNA and RNA and they give the cell information on how to function and codes for making proteins.

S&EP: SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions: Did you explain something through your work?:
Blue light is absorbed well by plants and helps increase the amount of oxygen produced. Green light is not absorbed by plants and doesn't help increase the amount of oxygen it might even decrease it. The amount of light intensity, temperature and the amount of CO2 matter to the amount of oxygen a plant produces. If the temperature is to high or low the plant will not produce as much oxygen. If the light is too little for the plant the plant has no light to absorb. If the CO2 level is too low the plant does not have anything to create into oxygen. This shows that a plant need proper care in order to create oxygen and stay healthy.

XCC:Cause and Effect:

Proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids are very important for your body. If your body doesn't receive enough proteins the body will grow weaker and your muscles will try to eat themselves and you would eventually die. If you don't receive enough nucleic acids you will die because nucleic acids allow your cells to do their job and without it your cells would die. If you do not have enough carbohydrates your brain, muscles, etc. can't function properly. If you don't have enough lipids your body can't produce some fats and you can get dry, flaky, bumpy, etc. skin and brittle hair.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Cell Wars Project blog 9/16/16

        The cell wall helps support plants and keep them staining strong and tall. The cell wall can also adjust to plants to allow them to bend in the wind or stand strong and tall. The cell walls will also allow the plant to bend to show it needs water and then it will bounce back up. The cell wall protects the cell from invaders such as small insects that get in the plant and attack. The cell wall transfers water, nutrients, proteins, etc. to other cells nearby. The cell wall can also help change the water pressure if the water has to much water to not burst and if the plant has too little water it will not shrivel up and kill the cell. The cell wall is a very important to the plant cell and is not in animal cells only plants.

Backward-looking: Have you done a similar kind of work in the past (earlier in the year or in a previous grade; in school or out of school)?:
        In 5th grade we learned about cells and we had partners and did a different project. I was a vacuole with Sienna. We had to make a poster that had some information about our organelle ours said that the vacuole holds water, food and waste. The vacuole looks like a big bubble in plant cells and are small bubbles in animal cells. The vacuole works with the cell wall to allow plants to grow and stand up straight. This shows that the vacuole is very important to the cell and that I have done work like this in 5th grade in partners.

Inward-looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?:
        I enjoyed this project a lot because I got to have fun and we got the work done. I liked my group because it was people that I would not usually group with and  I got to see how I work with others. I liked most of it but I had a little bit of trouble because we argued about the script a little and I was worried that we would not finish in time but we got the work done. I liked getting to edit the video because I usually don't do it because it is not my dad computer but it was fun to learn more about editing and I like how the video turned out. Overall I loved the project.

Outward-looking: Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?:

        I think that our group did all the same things as all other groups but we were also unique with our video because lots of other people had animations or voice overs but we filmed our video. I know that other groups filmed theirs too but if they did they did not do a news report. All of the groups had to work their own way with their groups but one things all the groups had in common is that we all had to work together to get the work done. My group was different because when we filmed we had to change our script a little because someone from our group was sadly gone during the day that we filmed. I think we all had similarities and differences.

Forward-looking: One thing I would like to improve upon is ...

I would like to improve upon my teamwork because at certain points of the project we argued a little bit but we got the job done. I would like to have a better plan for when we will do everything so that we have time to be able to have extra time for extra details. I would like to get better at editing so that the next time I create a video I will be able to do a better job with the editing and know more about how to edit. I would like to improve on not waiting till the last minute to do everything and make sure it is all done. i have lots of stuff that i would like to improve upon and be better at.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Cell wars 9/10

        Animal cells have lots of small vacuoles and plant cells have 1 large vacuole because plants can't move to get water, but animals can. The cytoplasm is a clear jelly fluid and without the cytoplasm the cell would be deflated and would make it difficult for material to pass through. The Cytoskeleton can help cause a DMD that causes you muscles to become weak. The cell wall has holes that help transfer things like nutrient, proteins, etc.

S&EP: SP7 Arguing from evidence
        On cell wars(a place where you post things about other organelles) I commented and posted a couple things recently. I commented on someones post that said the Endoplasmic Reticulum creates steroids and thinks that we are not strong enough. My comment said that in the article she provided it says that the steroids the  Endoplasmic Reticulum produces have many uses. I also commented on someones post that said we should not vote for the cytoplasm because it looks like snot and the president should be a symbol of power. My comment said that it should not matter what the president looks like and without the cytoplasm a cell would be deflated and make it difficult to transfer materials. I posted that the vacuole stores waste along with water and food and that you should vote for the cell wall instead.

XCC: Structure and function
        The Cytoplasm is a clear jelly fluid that fills the cell and keeps the cell from deflating. This is good because it would be very hard for the cell to transfer material. The vacuole has to be bigger for plant cells because plants have to store lots of water because they can not just simply get up and get water. Animal cells have smaller vacuoles because animals are able to move to get water and do not need to store a lot of water.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Cell wars 9/4/16

         Ribosomes are the part of the cell that grows your hair. Ribosomes are also known to help cause Alzheimer's, which causes people to forget things quickly. The Golgi Body is known to help causes cells to explode. Cytoskeleton causes muscle degeneration and makes you very weak and can possibly kill you. The mitochondria produces energy but, it can help cause dementia, seizures, and liver diseases.

S&EP: Arguing from evidence:
On Edmodo we have to post arguments against other organelles that will help us win, it is called cell wars. Sometimes on the comments people will try and defend their own organelle. I put a smear about the Golgi body which said the Golgi Body helps cause Achondrogenesis. Achondrogenesis is a disease that causes bones and cartilage to have a hard time developing. I looked at other peoples smears for inspiration to write mine. Some of the things that other people wrote was that the vacuole can make your muscles weak and how the ribosomes help cause Alzheimers.

XCC: Structure and function:
          I looked more into the structure and the function of orgenells like the cells walls structure supports the plant and keeps it standing tall and strong. The vacuole's structure is important to the cell because it stores food, water, nutrients, etc. The ribosome's structure allows the ribosome to produce proteins and grow your hair. The lysosomes structure is important because it  allows the lysosome to digest/ break down you food for you. All of the above are examples of structure and function because the structure supports the function.