Wednesday, February 3, 2016

W.A.C. Writing Across the Curriculum: Should China build more dams

          Should China build more hydro electric dams? I think that China should not build more dams. China already built one hydroelectric dam and it caused some problems. The dams only last from 30 to 50 years and what would they do with the dams after they stop working. It would also have a silt sand build up. It also costs tons of money. Here are three other reasons that I think China should not build more hydro electric dams.

          Hydro electric dams could cause problems with the ecosystem. The am is supposed to be friendly to the ecosystem but there is prof that it may not be. In an article it says, "Environmentalists are still concerned  about the changes to the local ecosystem brought by the dam." The ecosystem is important because wildlife is a part of the ecosystem and we need plants and animals to live. We also need fresh water to live.

          The hydro electric dam China built is already causing people to move. According to a article about 1.4 million people had to move because of all the space that the dam is taking up. It is important that China has a place for everyone to live because if they can not find a place for the people to stay they might have to be homeless or move away. It can also cause people to have to move from their family's.

          The hydro electric dam is causing farmers to get less farmland. In the article I read it says that the land the farmers are moving to is less fertile and less prone to mudslides. It is important that farmers get fertile land for growing crops. Some farmers have farmed their whole life and now they just have to leave. Farmers depended on the flooding of the rivers for moist soil and more minerals but the dam is stopping the floods. We also need fruits and vegetables to keep us healthy.

          China should not build more hydro electric dams because all of the problems will become bigger. It could cause wild life to become endangered or extinct for example salmon have to travel upstream to mate and if they can not get up stream what will they do. The dam is causing people to move and farmers are moving places with less fertile land. In my opinion China should not build anymore dams.

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