Saturday, February 13, 2016

Project blog Colorado river

The Colorado river started out as a flat seascape, and then uplifts from nearby mountain ranges. This formed the river and divert in several directions. The seascape eventually eroded away forming the Grand Canyon. I was doing some research on the Colorado river and The American Nile says “and the Colorado River itself, almost unbelievably, stopped flowing to the sea in most years after the completion of Glen Canyon Dam in 1966. The river hasn't flowed to the Sea of Cortez in Mexico since 1998.” I was doing some research on the Colorado river and The American Nile says “and the Colorado River itself, almost unbelievably, stopped flowing to the sea in most years after the completion of Glen Canyon Dam in 1966. The river hasn't flowed to the Sea of Cortez in Mexico since 1998.”

Backward-looking: How much did you know about the subject before we started?
I knew that the Colorado river formed the Grand Canyon. I knew that it was in Colorado. I also knew that the water was used for many things like drinking and for crops. I did not know a lot of things before we started like people built a dam that cause the river to stop flowing to the Sea of Cortez. Some more things that I did not know is that people need to save the Colorado river. I did not know that the river is religiously important because they used it to practice the dream song. These songs were shaman based, and sang by the shaman. They Lived in large bucolic villages.

Inward-looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
I feel good about this piece of work and I enjoyed doing it. I liked making the video because it was really fun and we all had a great time making the video. I did not like when our group was arguing because it made me really frustrated.  I like our video because we had good memories making it and it will turn out great.

Outward-looking:What grade would you give it? Why?
Would probably give us 99% because sometimes we would go off task or argued. I think that how the project turned out was great and I loved it. I think that we did really well on this project and I hope we get 100%. I think that even though we argued sometimes I think that we pulled it all together at the end. I would probably give us 99% because that is what I feel we deserve not 100% because we argued and arguing is not good for group work.

Forward-looking: What would you change if you had to do this piece over again?
I would change the script because I feel like some of us had trouble on our parts because we did not get to practice. I would also make sure that the research was better because we messed up and had to fix it which took more time. I would change the video because we had to many retakes because we would mess up a lot. I liked that I got to research how people changed the course of the river over time. I would want to make it so that the project was faster so that we had more time for the video.

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