Friday, December 19, 2014

Severe Weather Project Reflection

Summary: I learned tons from this game like how to manage my time better and that if I do than I can have more fun rather than rushing. I learned tons of facts like that rain can evaporate in the air before it hits the ground and that it can snow with clear skies. I learned what thundersnow is and I learned so much more.

Backward-Looking Reflection: I knew a little bit about the topic like the basic facts like what the severe weather does and what it is called. I now know so much more than I did before like a lot of the facts and more about them and I did not know most of the facts that I now know. For example I now know more about severe weather than I did before this project.

Inward-Looking Reflection: I liked the work of this week and our board game looks amazing but it was hard to do. I liked how we got to play the board game and that we got to have fun making it. I disliked how hard it was to make the board and the cards but it was fun overall. 

Outward-Looking: If I was the teacher I would give myself a good grade because I worked really hard on this so it to me is worth a good grade like at least 100%. That is my opinion of what I should get and I hope I do get at least 100%. I hope that I get all the points that I can gain and that I do not fail.

Forward-Looking: One thing I would like to improve on is managing my time better. I would like to do this so that I do not have to rush last minute to get my stuff done. I do hope I can do it so I do not stress about getting every little thing done.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Severe weather board game

I learned more about snowstorms for the board game cards that Ishita and I are planning. We have been trying very hard to gather information about severe weather. We split up the work to try to make it easier for the board game.

Backward looking: I knew about most severe weather but I did not know much about them. For example I knew about the names and the things that they do but not that many facts. I've heard of snow storms and I've been to Michigan where my Grandpa and Grandma live and have played in the snow but I have not experienced a major storm where we have lost electricity and how people have been stranded and died from hypothermia. 

Inward looking: I liked this week but some parts were not my favorite, for example I did like how we got to pick but I disliked that we had to write the daily papers. Another example is that it was hard to collect information and I liked other stuff like how we had the choice to partner. The last example is that I liked how we had resources for us to find info instead of searching for one and I disliked how you could only have a certain amount of partners.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

5th Weather EdHEADS 12/08/14 Quiz corrections

How do weather patterns generally move across the United States?

I answered B. which is East to West but the correct answer is A: West to East. West to East is correct because of the jet stream. I found this information on  East to West is wrong because that is not the way that the wind patterns blow.

Can't find picture

To predict the weather, you do NOT need to know which of the following

First I answered C. To predict the weather, you do NOT need to know which of the following but the correct answer is D. the current phase of the moon. C. is not correct because if the temperature is high than it can not be much different from the day before. D. is correct because the moon has nothing to do with the temperature. 

Which of the following systems would most likely have the greatest amount of moisture associated with it?

First I answered B. but the correct is A. because the wind is coming from the ocean and it is supposed to rain. B. is wrong because H means it will be clear and sunny skies, clear and sunny skies mean that their is not much moisture.

Where in the diagram would the air pressure be the greatest?

I answered D. but the answer is A. because the most air pressure is at the bottom not the top. D is Wrong because it is the exact opposite of the correct answer.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

12/5 water cycle

I learned about the water cycle and the parts of the water cycle especially after we watched the video. We also did the water cycle data game and made the story. 

Backward looking: Before I only knew a little about the topic for example, I only knew evaporate, condensate, and precipitate and their meanings. I also learned in 4th grade this song and hand motions. Here is the link: please watch. 

Inward looking: I loved all that we did this week because it was a lot of fun. For example, I loved how we got to create the story of the water droplet on paper. It was fun to draw and color. It was also a lot of fun to figure out how to paste it with it in the folder. I did not dislike anything of the whole week it was all a lot of fun.