Friday, November 21, 2014

Reflective of Mr. Cuttatree letter

We did a letter to Mr. Cuttatree and we learned about what will happen without the rainforests. We also learned how many trees he is cutting down and why.

Backward looking: I knew nothing about the topic before we started but now I know alot about it. For example now I know about deforestation and before I never heard of the word. I also learned about how important our rain forest is and that when people cut down trees it affects oxygen, animals, plants, and medicine for people.

Inward looking: I thought that it was satisfying that we got the time to do it on Monday and that we did not have to turn it in on Friday. I also liked the project and learned a lot, but it was a little hard at some points. I also found it satisfying that we got to write to Mr. Cuttatree and tell him what he is doing will affect us all including him.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Letter to Mr. Cuttatree

Dear Mr. Cuttatree, 

I heard that you are thinking about cutting down trees for the uppity resort. You should not do this because we all will lose so much stuff that is very important to our survival and environment. Some of the things we will lose are important animals, plants, and medicine. We will lose the beauty of the rain forest and no one will like the smell that will be caused by you cutting trees. It will affect the oxygen and we will lose our loved ones and we will all have a bigger chance to die. We will not have some important medicines that the rain forest provides.

Cutting down the trees will cause the loss of plants, animals and medicine. The animals are important to a lot of stuff like population and a lot more. The plants are needed for the humans and animals and some plants give us the food that we eat. The medicine helps us when we are sick and if it is not there we will have to suffer being sick and possible die. The trees will keep us alive because they breathe out oxygen and breath in carbon dioxide.

Building the resort will affect the food chain and food web. It will make an unhealthy population of animals and plants. It will cause some animals to become extinct and what it eats will overpopulate. If you build the resort, the animals that have not yet become extinct will have less food to eat. The thing that it eats will be eaten too fast and become extinct too which will cause animals to become extinct. 

Cutting the trees will make it so the plants can not make oxygen for us to breath. It will kill tons of people and then people will become extinct. It will kill every living thing that you can see and living things that you can't see. It will make it so even you die and no one will go to your resort. It will affect oxygen, people, animals and plants.

You and others like you will be the one that ends the world for everything. You should NOT build your resort because of all the things it will affect. You will affect the environment and we will never be able get it back. Your resort may be nice but it won't be once things start to smell and we don't have enough oxygen to breath. Think about all the things the rainforest provides!  

Thursday, November 13, 2014

11/14 Deforestation

I learned that deforestation means to cut down trees or in other words destroy trees. I also learned that it will cause it to smell and it will make it so there's not much oxygen in the world.

Backward looking: I knew nothing about the topic before we started and I never heard the word "deforestation" before we started to learn about it in class. I also did not know that their is a man that is cutting down trees for a uppity resort. I did not learn anything about this in my old school. I have learned so much more at "Adventure" and a lot about deforestation now that we are studying it.

Inward looking: My goals were that I finished everything that I was/am assigned in class and at home. For example, I started my letter to Mr. Cuttatree and plan on finishing this on Monday. My goals did not change and I am still working on the goals that I set for this week. I so far met my goals and I think that I will continue to meet my goals in the future.

Friday, November 7, 2014

11/7 Jaguar

I learned that the jaguar is one of the biggest cats in the cat family. The jaguar is a wild cat and is a carnivore. It hunts at night while some or all of its prey are asleep and it sometimes hunts in the day. The jaguar sometimes sleeps on branches of the trees that are provided in the rainforest or near a bunch of trees to stay hidden and protected. It is way bigger than a house cat and it is pretty big compared to some wild cats.

Backward looking: I used some websites and I would want to use them all again. The resources that I used were good and none were bad. Here are a couple of the websites that I used and really liked a lot. and

Inward looking:  I liked how we got to pick our animal for the animal report. I liked it because sometimes we are assigned a certain animal and this time I got to choose what animal I wanted to research. I chose the Jaguar because it is in the cat family and I love all kinds of cats.  I also liked how we got to pick the name for the blog post.