Sunday, March 6, 2016

Weekly blog 2/29-3/4,h_525,al_c,q_85,usm

Summary: Acid rain is rain with more acidic chemicals than usual. It is OK if water is a little bit acidic but if it is to acidic it could affect the eco-system. The acid rain is mostly caused by cars and factory's. Sediment is dirt and other hard materials that are in or out of a stream. In the article it says that some things that sediment pollution can do to water life is "Sediment can cover the rocky bottoms of rivers and them fish (like salmon) can't dig holes they need to lay their eggs. Sediment can smother the eggs of water insects and suffocate newly hatched insect larvae. Sediment can damage of clog fish gills so they can not breathe. Ir can cut the light, making it hard for the water plants to grow. It can darken the water so it absorbs more of the suns heat."

S&EP: Engaging in argument from evidence: Did you participate in a class discussion providing evidence for your answers, and/or used the ACE strategy in your work?
This week I used the ACE strategy in my quiz's. ACE stands for Answer, C stands for Cite evidence and Explain. For example on of the questions on our quiz was "Where might the sediment be coming from?" I would answer that by saying something like, the sediment could be coming from people cutting down trees. Juan Tuno says, "I do know that logging, cutting down trees for lumber, can cause erosion. When trees are cut down, they don't hold down the soil anymore and the soil gets washed into streams, especially if workers log close to streams." Juan gives more details on where the sediment might be coming from.

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