Sunday, February 28, 2016

Weekly blog 2/22- 2/26,h_526,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/57c273_684ff45bd2fb476fbbc7763eb67dc598.jpg

Many things can cause fish to die. The reason that we have been studying about is chlorine. The chlorine is coming from a local waterslide. We know this because it shows on the map that the water slide is pouring the water into the river. The water park had a chemical test on the river but it said that there is no chlorine. A boy named  Juan Tuno tested the river for water fleas because water fleas only live in water with no or little chemicals. Juan tested the river upstream (where the chlorine is not dumped) for water fleas. Juan found there were about 16 water fleas upstream and a healthy river has about 14 water fleas. When Juan tested downstream (were the chlorine is) he only found 1 water flea.

S&EP: SP1: Asking questions and defining problems
 At the beginning I wondered if a the water slide was helping cause the fish to die.I knew that the water slide was near the river. I also knew that the water from the water slide went into the river after it was used. I did not know if the slide used chemicals in the water like Chlorine. When we went further into the project I found out that the waterside did use Chlorine. I do not think that the chlorine is the only thing killing the fish because there are lots of other things like a oil refinery, a farm, etc that could also cause the fish to die.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Project blog Colorado river

The Colorado river started out as a flat seascape, and then uplifts from nearby mountain ranges. This formed the river and divert in several directions. The seascape eventually eroded away forming the Grand Canyon. I was doing some research on the Colorado river and The American Nile says “and the Colorado River itself, almost unbelievably, stopped flowing to the sea in most years after the completion of Glen Canyon Dam in 1966. The river hasn't flowed to the Sea of Cortez in Mexico since 1998.” I was doing some research on the Colorado river and The American Nile says “and the Colorado River itself, almost unbelievably, stopped flowing to the sea in most years after the completion of Glen Canyon Dam in 1966. The river hasn't flowed to the Sea of Cortez in Mexico since 1998.”

Backward-looking: How much did you know about the subject before we started?
I knew that the Colorado river formed the Grand Canyon. I knew that it was in Colorado. I also knew that the water was used for many things like drinking and for crops. I did not know a lot of things before we started like people built a dam that cause the river to stop flowing to the Sea of Cortez. Some more things that I did not know is that people need to save the Colorado river. I did not know that the river is religiously important because they used it to practice the dream song. These songs were shaman based, and sang by the shaman. They Lived in large bucolic villages.

Inward-looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
I feel good about this piece of work and I enjoyed doing it. I liked making the video because it was really fun and we all had a great time making the video. I did not like when our group was arguing because it made me really frustrated.  I like our video because we had good memories making it and it will turn out great.

Outward-looking:What grade would you give it? Why?
Would probably give us 99% because sometimes we would go off task or argued. I think that how the project turned out was great and I loved it. I think that we did really well on this project and I hope we get 100%. I think that even though we argued sometimes I think that we pulled it all together at the end. I would probably give us 99% because that is what I feel we deserve not 100% because we argued and arguing is not good for group work.

Forward-looking: What would you change if you had to do this piece over again?
I would change the script because I feel like some of us had trouble on our parts because we did not get to practice. I would also make sure that the research was better because we messed up and had to fix it which took more time. I would change the video because we had to many retakes because we would mess up a lot. I liked that I got to research how people changed the course of the river over time. I would want to make it so that the project was faster so that we had more time for the video.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Weekly Blog

Please go see WAC

i think that you said the WAC is our weekly blog this week.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

W.A.C. Writing Across the Curriculum: Should China build more dams

          Should China build more hydro electric dams? I think that China should not build more dams. China already built one hydroelectric dam and it caused some problems. The dams only last from 30 to 50 years and what would they do with the dams after they stop working. It would also have a silt sand build up. It also costs tons of money. Here are three other reasons that I think China should not build more hydro electric dams.

          Hydro electric dams could cause problems with the ecosystem. The am is supposed to be friendly to the ecosystem but there is prof that it may not be. In an article it says, "Environmentalists are still concerned  about the changes to the local ecosystem brought by the dam." The ecosystem is important because wildlife is a part of the ecosystem and we need plants and animals to live. We also need fresh water to live.

          The hydro electric dam China built is already causing people to move. According to a article about 1.4 million people had to move because of all the space that the dam is taking up. It is important that China has a place for everyone to live because if they can not find a place for the people to stay they might have to be homeless or move away. It can also cause people to have to move from their family's.

          The hydro electric dam is causing farmers to get less farmland. In the article I read it says that the land the farmers are moving to is less fertile and less prone to mudslides. It is important that farmers get fertile land for growing crops. Some farmers have farmed their whole life and now they just have to leave. Farmers depended on the flooding of the rivers for moist soil and more minerals but the dam is stopping the floods. We also need fruits and vegetables to keep us healthy.

          China should not build more hydro electric dams because all of the problems will become bigger. It could cause wild life to become endangered or extinct for example salmon have to travel upstream to mate and if they can not get up stream what will they do. The dam is causing people to move and farmers are moving places with less fertile land. In my opinion China should not build anymore dams.