Saturday, October 7, 2017

Project Blog Geologic time scale
The Paleozoic era was a time that had 6 different time periods in it called the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and the Permian time periods. Some interesting things about this era is that the continents had shallow water covering them, larger animals like 5.9 foot centipedes and things. In this time it had lots of marine life and the first jawed fish and the fish had certain body shapes and things for special tasks and fins for better swimming. There were 3 major mass extinctions, one of them was in the Ordovician time and the Silurian time where lots of the marine life was killed and reduced in numbers. Another one is in the late Devonian time 3/4 of life on earth died and it was not necessarily all at one time, it could have been over several years. The last mass extinction was the Permian mass extinction or the Great Dying where 96% of species went extinct and the 4% left is what all current life is descended from.  There were lots of crazy things that happened in this time that would be hard to imagine happening now.

Backward-looking: How much did you know about the subject before we started? 
I knew some basics about the dinosaurs that lived in the Mesozoic era and things like the meteor's but I did not know anything about the Paleozoic time or what it was. I have learned a lot of things from this project and I did not have any background on my era because I did not know about it. I am slightly happy that I did not know anything about it because it has taught me a lot and it is something that helped to keep me interested in it and something that was more fun and surprising. I did not know much so it was something that made me think more and was something that was cool and different to learn about. I did not know anything about this but it turned out fun and well in the end of it and I am happy with how it turned out.

Inward-looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
I think that this project was a great and fun project and it was not too long for time and not too short of time and I think that it was one of my favorites. I like this project because it had lots of creativity and flexibility to the end product like how we could make it with flaps, 3-D, a poster, diorama and more but it was definitely fun. I liked almost everything but it was hard because our team would argue and it would create more stress for the project and getting it done. I think that I would love to do more projects like this because it had lots of flexibility because everyone's was unique and it was fun getting to come up with and be creative. Overall this was one of my favorite projects and I would love to do more like it.

Outward-looking: Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar? 
Ours was different then everyone else's because we had the giant flap for each era and the small flaps on the inside and even when people did flaps they did not have a giant flap with smaller ones inside. Every groups was unique and In some ways it was similar because we all had the same base with the information about the era's but everyone wrote different things even if it seemed similar. The process was that we had to do the research and that we had to create the project in the end. This process was similar to everyone else's and we all did things around the same time but it always ended up different. Everyone did a great job and everyone made theirs different and unique which I liked.

Forward-looking: What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
If I did this again I would make it so that we would have done a little bit more at our house or met up after school so that we would have had extra time to add more drawings. I think that we did pretty well and I am happy about the end result of our project. I would want to do another project in a similar manner with the fact that the project was flexible for everyone to make something different. I think that our project looks great and even if we wanted to change anything it is done now and I am happy that we have it done and I am happy that our whole group was happy. Everyone did equal work which was nice and no one had to do someone else part and when it came to supplies we did not have to by much and some of the stuff our team already had or we used from the maker lab. I would not want to change much but it is over now and it was a great project that I would like to have another project done in the same matter.

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