Friday, May 12, 2017

Weekly blogs 5/8-12/17
        To make bases, acidic or to make them neutral you have to add acids and if you want it neutral you might have to add some neutral also. To make acids, basic or neutral you have to add bases and if you want it neutral you might have to add some neutral. To make something neutral basic you add a base and to make something acidic you add a acid. Human impacts on the world are most of the time bad and there are ways that we can help to slow down global warming, pollution and save the environment. Some ways we can help is walking, biking and using public transportation, having more shade to use less air conditioning and saving energy, stop deforestation, etc.

S&EP: Conducting investigations
        Alien juice bar is a game where you test the pH of different liquids to see how acidic, basic or neutral something is. After you know what is acidic, basic and neutral you have to try to balance liquids to be basic, acidic or neutral for your costumers. This helps you to see how to make an acidic solution into a basic solution and the other way around. I found that to make an acid or a base into the opposite then you have to add the opposite. I learned about different things that are acids and bases like how window cleaner, cough medicine and toothpaste are bases and how coffee, tea and soda are all acids.

XCC: Cause and Effect:
        When people do daily tasks like drive your car to school or to work,drive to the store or driving at all can increase pollution and smog. When you walk, bike or use public transportation that makes it better for the environment and does not create as much pollution and smog. When you throw trash away that goes into the landfill it will eventually turn into methane and increases pollution and global warming. When you compost and when you think more about it before you throw your trash away we can help to prevent this. All of these things that humans do impact the environment and most of the time we do not have a good impact.

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