Friday, April 28, 2017

Article blog/ Cheetahs

        A cheetah is the fastest mammal and can run as fast as 60-70 mph but when it is chasing other animals and things for food it does not run that fast. Even though cheetahs are very fast they can not run for long and takes about half an hour to rest and to eat it's prey. This animal hunts in the day and has great eye sight for this and will bite into its preys neck to kill them for food. Cheetah's only weigh from 77-143 pounds and are about 6-8 and is considered a big cat. Cheetah's live for about 10-12 years, are carnivores and live in the grasslands. Cheetah's are endangered because of low food supply and more and we need to protect this species to make sure it does not become extinct.

Citation: "Cheetah." Kids' Games, Animals, Photos, Stories, and More. National Geographics, 31 Mar. 2014. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. <>.

S&EP:SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations:
                The authors of the national geographic, cheetah's article had to do lots of research to know all of the things about cheetah's in the article. They had to make sure that all of their facts were correct by doing investigations. National geographic had to plan out how they want to organize and how they want to format the site. They had to investigate live Cheetahs to see how they live and what their lifestyle is like in order to write accurate things about them. The authors must have had to have a long process and this must have taken lots of planning and investigations.

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