Saturday, March 11, 2017

Eucalyptus leaf beetle invasive species project
        The eucalyptus leaf beetle or the eucalyptus tortoise beetle is an invasive species to California. This species is native to Australia and it came to California in about 2003. This beetle can come in many colors such as red, brown, grey, etc. and it is also a beetle that is about as small as a tic tac. This beetle eats the leaves off of eucalyptus plants and it don't have many predators in California because it is an invasive species. When the beetle eats some of the leaves it damages them and is not good for the plant and the leaf. This invasive species is being biologically controlled so that people can help to make this invasive species less of a problem and a threat. 

Backward-looking: What process did you go through to produce this piece?
        To make this piece we had to first come up with the animal or the invasive species that we wanted to do by looking at a long website with lots of different species. We choose three each as a partnership and then did a little background research. Then together we had to choose the species that we wanted to do. Once we did that we both choose a job and did the research for that job. Then we did research together and we made our poster. Once we made our poster digitally we then printed it and presented.

Inward-looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
        Personally I liked this piece of work because we got to learn more about what an invasive species is. I liked that we got to choose if we made a poster or a flyer or a video etc. because I feel like it gave us some room to be creative with it and to have more fun with it. I did not like that we only had about 5 in class days to work on it because it was hard to have to do the research then make a way to advertise it then present it because to me it was slightly hard to do. I enjoyed this piece of work because we had a variety of species to work with and to choose.

Outward-looking:Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?
        I did my work like some of the class but some of the groups were not teams of two but of three and when there was a group of three they got to work on the endangered species project. ours was different because lots of people choose different species to study and to advertise. Ours was also different because we did not make a brochure or a video or a website but we decided to make a poser/flyer. They were all similar because we all got to advertise a type of living creature and they all related because invasive species can cause or become endangered species.

Forward looking:One thing I would like to improve upon is ...
        One things that I would personally like to change or improve in our project is that we made a poster/flyer and the things that we knew about the species. I would like to do this because I feel like I did not know a lot of things about the species and it made it so that our presentation and product was boring. I also feel like if we made something like a website it would be more interesting and more interactive so that it could have drawn in the viewers . I wish that the end product that we made looked better and was more interesting to the people that looked at it.

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