Friday, February 17, 2017

weekly blog energy pyramid and the food chain
        The energy pyramid and the food chain relate because in a food chain you have to have the parts of the energy pyramid. There are usually decomposes in a food chain and those are things like mushrooms and bacteria. There are producers which are things that are able to make their own food and don't have to eat other organisms like plants. Consumers that are the things that need to eat something to make their energy like how we are consumers and so are mice and other animals. When you are on the top of a food chain that means that you are only a predator and you are not prey to other animals. Humans are at the top of the food chain now but it wasn't always that way. The nitrogen cycle and the carbon cycle are two cycles that start as a gas and end as a gas.

S&EP: SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations
        On gizmos to investigate and experiment to see what happens in a food chain when you change different parts. Sometimes we might make a diseased animal that was sick or we might take away a certain amount of the animals. We would sometimes predict what we thought was going to happen and then we would test it out to see what actually happened. As well as the gizmos we played a board game of the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle. Some things that happened to me is I was in an animal and then it disposed, then I went to the surface water after I dissolved. a plant needed my nutrients to it took me, then the plant died then I decomposed. There was a forest fire so I went to the atmosphere,etc.

XCC: Cause and effect
        In the food chain every animal depends on another animal to be healthy and for them to have a large population. In the food chain if you did certain things like if you made it so that the producers all died then the rest of the food chain would die because the consumers need the producers to survive. In a food chain when you wipe out a animal or plant it would effect everything else as well and the population of things would go wild. The food chain might seem sad but it is very important to make sure all of the animals stay at a steady population and they don't over populate or go extinct. The food chain can be very delicate but sometimes with major disturbances the populations will go wild but eventually even out.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Genetic Super hero Project

        Genetic traits are passed down from each parent half and half. You can use punnet squares to see what possibilities of traits a child has by taking the parents traits and filling in the array. Your life choices and things that you are exposed to can cause you to have problems like if you are getting too little sleep you can get breast cancer, etc. A genetic mutation can be caused by someone getting exposed to something that causes their DNA to get modified. Some ways that you can get a genetic mutation is you can have insertions, deletions or substitutions. Insertions are when your DNA has extra bases added to your DNA and that can cause a genetic mutation. Deletions are when some of your bases are deleted and substitutions are when bases are paired with the wrong other base. Most of the time when people have mutations is is neutral and it doesn't help or harm the organism that it is effecting.

Backward looking: What process did you go through to produce this piece?:

        To make this project it took a long time. The first thing that we did is find out what animal we wanted our hero to be based off of and find what super powers it has. Then we had to create the rest of the concept work and we had to draw what we wanted our super hero to look. After that we had to learn more about genetic mutations and create the origin story about how our super hero got their powers. Then we got to chose a villain of the opposite gender and make a love story about how they met. Then we created their child and decided what the child was going to look like by using punnet squares. Then we did epigenetics for the kid and we used a coin to see how healthy our child was going to be based on the choices they made. Then we created our animator and out villain work on their looks and how they changed. Last we made how they became rivals and then we put all our work on a poster or trifold.

Inward-looking:How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?:

        This work took a long time and it was a very fun project and I liked that I got to be super creative with this project. To me I think that it was good project and it was a great way to learn about things like genetics. To me I enjoyed getting to do the work for the villain because we had to go into more depth about how the organs changed to give the villain the powers that they have. I also enjoyed getting to make the animator and getting to make the trifold or the poster. To me the thing that I liked the least is when we had to make the love story and how we had to choose a villain that already existed to be the mate but I still liked it and I liked everything else as well. I loved this project and that everyone's was unique and was special.

Outward-looking: Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?:

        Everyone's work was different and it was similar in some ways and they were all unique. My work was like  the others because when we set up the poster everyone's looked similar and was formatted in a similar way. I also had the same as as others and we all had to make a super hero, villain, offspring, a animator, etc. We all had the same instructions but mine was different because we all choose different animals to make the super hero based on. Everybody's offspring, villain, poster, etc. was different because we got to be as creative as we wanted and we got to make lots of choices and we got to decide a lot even though we had instructions it still allowed us make it unique and be creative. 

Forward-looking:As you look at this piece, what's one thing that you would like to try to improve upon:
        I personally think that there is a lot that I could have improved on and I think that I could have done better. The main thing that I would like to try and improve upon is that I with my drawings were better and I also would like to do more research about things like how genetic mutations and GMO's are caused. I wish I knew a little more so that I could have a better origin story. There was lots of things that I could have improved on and I wish that I did a little better but I am pretty pleased and happy with what I did. The main things that I would want to change or improve upon is my understanding of GMO's and genetic mutations and I would also like to be a little better at my art and how I drew all of my characters.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Weekly Blog 1/30-2-3/17
        To make a QR code from a google document you first have to publish the document you want to make a QR code to the web and get that link. Then you open a tab and type in and then you shorten your url. After you have got your shortened url you copy that into a new tab and before you hit enter you type .qr after your shortened link. When you hit enter it should take you to a picture of a QR code and then you can copy it into another document and print it if you would like or you can just scan the code. To scan the code you must have an app on your phone to do that. Then you can scan your code or have others scan it to get to the google document you want.

S&EP: SP2: Developing and using models:
        I started to make  a poster and a tri fold to organize all of my drawings and the super hero work that we all did recently and earlier. I am modeling all of my work on a tri fold so that I can present it at the exhibition night and so that all of my pictures and stories are all organized and easy to show and to look at. I had to make the QR codes so that if people have any apps on their phone they can scan the codes to get to my things like my origin story and so that they can get to the love story. I have to put all of the things on my trifold like my drawing of my hero and the drawing of her daughter and the drawing of the enemy or the villain of my hero and how all of the villains organs change when she changes her modes. 

XCC: Cause and Effect
I wrote a story about the cause and effect of why my super hero and my super villain are such rivals and why they are each other's enemy. They are enemies because the villain used to be a bully to the hero and when they got super powers they became even more of villains they started to fight because the villain started to use her powers to do bad and the hero wanted to fix it. Now they both fight and they are both trying their best to win against the other. The cause of them being enemies is because the villain used to bully her and they got powers and the villain used them for bad and they effect is now they are enemies and are trying to stop each other.