Saturday, April 30, 2016

Weekly blog 4/25 - 29/ 16

          The deciduous forest is a temperate broad-leaf forest. The deciduous forest has rivers, streams and other water resources. The deciduous forest has eatable plants that can keep you alive. Some animals that live in the deciduous forest are black bears, eastern chipmunks, coyotes and many more. Some plants that live in the deciduous forest are Lade Ferns, American Beech trees, Mongolia's  and many more. 

S&EP: SP1: Asking questions and defining problems: SP1: Asking questions and defining problems:
          I was working on page for a website that is about surviving in the deciduous forest. I had to figure out if the deciduous forest has food and water that people can eat and drink. I searched for resources that might help me figure this out and I found that the deciduous forest has drinkable water and eatable food. The water resource that I used for the website is a river and the food that I put is berries and fruit.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Project Blog for message in a bottle

Ocean currents are caused by wind currents. Ocean currents can carry objects all over the world. Objects can make it to places you would not expect because of ocean currents. Cold water is more dense than hot water. Salt water is more dense than fresh water.The more dense something is the more it skins. The less dense something is the more is rises.

I knew that heat rises and that cold sinks. I also knew that ocean currents can carry objects around the world. I knew that ocean currents can take objects to unexpected places.  I did not know that all of the ocean currents had different names and where they all are.  I also did not know that the wind currents effected the ocean currents.

I feel like we should have had a little more time on this project. I liked making up the story because I got to use my imagination. I disliked drawing the map because I could not draw a clear picture so I had to trace it. I also did not like having to do some of the work because I did not know how to do it at first. I enjoyed getting to see my map when it was done because it ended up looking really cool.

Outward- looking:
I personally would give my self an A because I worked hard on my project. I would also give myself an A because I feel like I did a good job on the work. I would not give myself an 100% because I feel like I could have done better if I had a little longer time and help. I do not know exactly what the teacher wanted but I did try hard to get an A.

Forward- looking:
If I had to re-do this project over again I would make sure that I would not spend to much time on the map. I would also do more work on the story and the other things that I typed. I would make sure that I looked more at the rubric so that I could feel more confident on what I did. I think that I could have re-done a lot of things and I wish that I would have done those the first time.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Weekly blog 4/11 - 15/16

Saltwater is heavier than fresh water. Salt water sinks while fresh water stays at the top Cold water is heavier than hot water. Cold water sinks while hot water stays at the top. Ocean currents are all around the world and can take things around the world. A gyre when wind and the rotation of the earth cause the ocean to form a large circle. Objects can get stuck in a gyre like trash and can collect until it becomes like an island.

S&EP:SP2: Developing and using models: Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?:
This week I drew a map of part of the world for a project. I did this because I have to show which currents a message in a bottle took. I know where the bottle started and ended so that I can see which currents the bottle took. It took me a long time to draw the map because I could not draw the area's clearly so I restarted and made them more clear.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Weekly blog 4/4 - 8/16

Nike sneakers fell into the ocean and have been carried all over the place by ocean currents. Ocean currents are mostly or all caused by wind. Waste in the ocean spreads all around the ocean and pollutes the ocean. The waste spreads spreads faster because of ocean currents. Wastes collides and takes over lots of the ocean and most of the pollution starts on land.

S&EP:Developing and using models: Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?
This week made a model of the ocean and toxic waste. We first filled a tub with water, then we added to rocks as land. Then we added ice. We got 4 colored food colorings and added 4 drops of each except for the yellow we added 8 drops. We observed which of the colors spreaded the most. My team and I observed that the yellow spread the most out of all the colors. We also observed that the colors did not collide until we blew some wind through the straws. We noticed that the color blue spread away from the ice. We also noticed that the green took over.