Saturday, December 19, 2015

Charity Fair Project blog

When we were doing the charity fair I learned that selling things could be hard or easy. I also learned that working ahead is a lot easier than being on time because it is less stressful and when you have to present you have more time to practice. I also learned where all of the things that we used to make our product came from, the sunglasses buttons, buttons and hair ties all came from China and the thread came from New Jersey. I also learned how the things we used to make our product got here. The sunglasses buttons, buttons and hair ties all got here by plane and the thread got here by train. I learned all that and more.

Backward-looking: Have you done a similar kind of work in the past (earlier in the year or in a previous grade; in school or out of school)? I have done one thing that was close to this and that was the charity fair last year. It was not the same as this year because we only worked on it in math so we did not do a presentation or a carbon footprint like we did this year. The similarities are that it is called the same thing as last year, we sold things and we did work in math. I like this year better if anything because we worked on it in every class.

Inward-looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work? I feel that this was one of my favorite projects. I like that we got to do a small part in each class to make one big thing. I also liked doing it with Sienna because I feel like we both worked equally. I can not think of anything that I disliked because it was all awesome.

Outward-looking: What's the one thing you particularly want people to notice when they look at your work? I want people to notice that it took a while to do and that we put time and work into doing this project. I also want people to notice that we are trying to donate to a worthy cause that helps innocent children that get cancer. I also want them to notice that we made a one of a kind hair band that is actually really easy to make.

Forward-looking: What's one goal you would like to set for yourself for next time? Next time I want to have it be the same because it was perfect this time because I got it done early and I loved it. The reason that I want it to be like this is because I had tons of fun doing this but I also got everything that I needed to get done, done. It was my favorite project that I have done this year. I want it to be the same.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Weekly Blog 12/7-12

What I did this week is we worked on finding what would be the best combo for a park so that no holes appear. What I got is Plant to help stop erosion, low incline, low amounts of water and silt sand. We had to write a paragraph about what the park should use to make it so that less erosion happens. We also worked on our charity fair carbon footprint. What we did is we had to find where all of our stuff to make the product comes from, how it got here and more.

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems:
This week I asked where the things to create my charity fair product came from? What I did to answer that question is I looked up the name of the item + country + manufacturer. I also got help from the teacher for the other ones. For the other things Mrs. Garcia came because my partner and I were having trouble and she said that they probably came from China. The last thing was thread and it came from New Jersey. For the thead we got the thread for the company and found where it comes from.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Weekly blog 1130/1204

This week we watched everyone's presentation about where the safest place in America is. I found from this that everyone has an opinion that has a good reasoning for that opinion. We also talked about weathering and erosion. What we talked about is that weathering is when you break down and erosion is when you move the weathered material. The last thing that we learned about this week is how important soil is. We started research for a project and the class watched a video about how we could not live without soil and the importance of soil. The things that we learned about this week was about the safest place in America, weathering and erosion and soil.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information:
This week we presented where we thing the safest place in America is. Previously we did the project so this week we had to present. Some people made a video and some made a presentation and spoke. My team and I made a video about how Allentown, PA is the safest place in America because my team and I did research that Allentown is safe from earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornadoes. Other people said what they thought like someone said that Henderson, Nevada is the safest place in America but it could have severe weather like wild fires.