Friday, September 25, 2015

Weekly blog 9/21-25/15
Summary: This week we learned about how all of the continents used to all be one thing and when it was it was called Pangaea. It all used to look like the picture that I have. Alfred Wegener was the first one that found this but then no one else believed him. He passed away because he traveled but got stuck in a blizzard. 30 years after his death a different scientist Hesse found out the same thing and he had proof so it was official that it is true. If  you do not believe that is why we have earthquakes because it is when to pieces of land rub against each other to make them both move.

S&EP:  Developing and using models
This week we made a model of Pangaea and the way that we did this is we got a paper with all of the continents and a little extra land because back then the places were bigger and the reason they are smaller now because the land go worn down.It also had pictures of animals and plants because the plants from one place had to match up with another.We colored the paper then we cut it out so that we could make the continents into Pangaea and after we got approval we glued it into our notebooks.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Weekly Blog 09/14-09/18


This week we learned about the rock cycle. We did this by playing a game with paper dice. In the game we had to roll the paper dice to see if we had to move to a different area or stay at the stage of the rock cycle that we were at. We learned about the kinds of rock there are in the rock cycle and way that they change from one rock to another. The other thing that learned about is the layers of the earth. What we learned about the layers of the earth is the names of each layer,how thick they are and what kind of matter they are.

S&EP:SP2: Developing and using models:
This week we made a model of a volcano but we never used it. We also drew a comic of the rock cycle that was about when we rolled dice and went places. This was made to represent the journeys that a rock can go on to change to different rocks like a sedimentary to a igneous and things like that. The kinds of rocks that it represents are sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. We it also showed the kinds of ways that a rock can change from on way to another and travel like how did it get from a volcano to a mountain to the river.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Weekly Blog 09/07-09/11

For this we got to draw a comic about the scientific method and when we did we had to pretend that they were doing a experiment while following the steps of the scientific method. When we did this we had to have an idea of what we were going to make then make them do a fun act of the scientific method. We had to first make a draft of what we were going to do and it did not have to have detailed pictures but you had to get approval from the teacher before you do your final draft. When we are done with all of the rough draft and the final draft you put them on a paper or a folder and you have to come up with a name for your story. 

I think that I need to improve on my drawing skills. I also think that I need to improve on my skills of drawing fast and being creative. The reason I think that I need to improve on my drawing skills is because I felt like I was a bad drawer when it comes to bodies. I need to improve on drawing faster because I draw slow when I want it to be good and detailed but when I  draw fast, I have less details. I would like to do both. The other thing that I need to improve on is drawing bodies because when I try to draw bodies is always looks weird or if it is on an animal it looks over or under sized. 

I like this work because I thought that it was fun to have to draw and color while doing a project. I also liked it because we had a lot of time to do this and we got to have a better chance of it being good because the teacher had to approve the draft. I did not like some thing like that it took me so long to draw and color because I finished it the day before it was due which is a OK time to get it done in considering some kids took longer than me. I also did not like that we had to take a picture because it keeps glitching and I could not get a good picture when  I tried.

I did this similar to some people because we all had to do a story about the scientific method. It was similar because we all had to get our draft approved and put it somewhere on a project. It was also similar because we all had to make it a comic and make a draft. I did mine different because we all had different topics stories and in our stories they all did the scientific method on a different thing. It was also different because some people did it on a different background like a poster, card board and other things.

If I had to do this project all over again I would have slightly changed the story line. I would have changed the story line to see if cats like one kind of food better than another. I also would have changed that I put it on the back ground of a folder. I would have either put a cut out of card board or a poster so that it would have been prettier and so that I did not have to worry about the small tab getting smashed. The last thing that I would have change is the amount of creativity I had on the story line because sometimes I take to long and get stuck.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Weekly blog 08/31-09/06
For this project every we had to come up with and question and our question was "what paper towel brand holds the most pennies when it is wet?" Then we had to think of our hypothesis and materials that we will need to perform the experiment that we were  doing and what we needed was a lot of pennies, paper towels, a spray bottle, a small tub tape. After we had to do the experiment and what happened is kirkland won with 417 pennies and the unknown lost with only 242 pennies.

We encountered that we did not know what brand one of them were. We also encountered that we accidentally mixed the two amount of pennies together. We also almost all had the same brand. We solved the problem of the brand by calling it the unknown brand or sometimes Joseph's brand because he was the one that brought them. We solved the pennies mixing by redoing the experiment. 

I liked when we got to do the experiment and it was just fun I was also challenging and then we got to count the pennies. I did not like that it took so long and that we smelled like pennies and that we had to redo the project a second time because we messed up. I did not like that we did not know what the brand was and that we had to try it with dry but when it did not work we had to do it with slightly wet. 

Outward- looking:
 Our project was kind of like others but kind of not. Ours was the same because we all had to do the scientific method and some people did things with paper towels too. Ours was different because some people did not do any thing with paper towels or weight. It was different because I did not know anyone in the class with pennies. It was different when we had to redo ours because most people did not have to redo theirs. 

I would change how many squirts we put on the paper towel. I would put three or four squirts to make it quicker.I would change that we had to redo it by making sure that we did not do the next paper towel while we are counting the first one. I would also make sure that we all knew the brand of the paper towels by when they get their paper towel they ask their parents or they look at a package. I would change that we had to smell like pennies by cleaning all the pennies and making sure that they do not smell.