Saturday, March 24, 2018

Sound waves blog
A wave is caused by a disturbance in something and a wave is something that travels from one place to another. There are lots of examples like sound waves and how they have the molecules hit each other and vibrate to get from one place to the next. A crest is the top of a wave and the bottom is called a trough. Amplitude is a part of a wave and it is how large the wave is from the middle to the top or the middle to the top or bottom. The wave length is how long it is from one though or crest to the next. Frequency is what changes the wave length and it changes the speed of the wave. Tension is how much slack something has so the higher the tension the smaller the waves because there is less slack.

We used a rope to show waves and we wanted to find out how we could change all of the things like the amplitude and frequency. We would place our rope on the floor and we would have one person hold one end still and the other would move the other end of the rope. To make it so that we would change the frequency aka the speed what we did is we would move it side to side faster or slower. To change the amplitude what we would do is we would move our arm side to side further so we would make it so that we would start out with small motions and we moved to larger motions to increase the amplitude. We also changed the tension by moving further and closer to each other and the further we were the harder it was to move.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Weekly Blog

I am going to turn in an assignment pass for this blog

Sunday, March 11, 2018

3/11 sound blog
Sound is caused when molocules vibrate and they molocules hit eachother and they make the sound travel. Sound travels about 18 times faster through solids becaue solids have their molocule closer together so they hit eachother faster. Pitch is when a sound is higher or lower and a tempo is how fast or slow the sound is in things like a song. Pitch and tempo can do lots of things like change the mood and they can can set the tone for things like movies. Higher pitch and faster tempo is usually for happy moods and deeper and slower is usually more for sad. Sound is very important to know what is happening around you and to make having a conversation easier.

We did a lab where we would have different amounts of water in glass bottle and we would blow into them to see which ones would make a higher and a lower pitch. We found that when you are blowing into the bottle that the more water that there is the higher the sound is and the quieter it is . Then we would have to hit the same bottles to see if it would be the same situation. What we found is that when there is more water in the bottle that the sound is lower and the louder it is. When you are blowing into the bottle the air molocules vibrate because it makes a vacume of you blowwing the air in and the air that is coming out. When you hit the bottle the glass vibrates which vibrates the water and then the air which causes the sound.