Sunday, December 17, 2017

Charity fair project blog

        When you are looking to donate to a charity you always need to make sure you know how much is going to the cause and how much is overhead. You need to make sure that you know what your money is really going to in the long run. When you are pitching an idea you have or something that you are passionate about you have to make sure that you have compelling images with little to no words. The words can make your slides detracting and if your slides are automatic your presentation should not rely on your slides. You need to make sure that you are being as compelling as possible and that you are prepared to answer any questions that might come your way. Even when something goes wrong or you forget you have to move on and improvise. You should not memorize a script and only memorize the big idea of what you need to say in that time.

Backward-looking: How much did you know about the subject before we started? 
         I knew a lot about what we were going to do for the charity fair and I knew a lot about St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. I knew this stuff because this was my 4th and last charity fair that I will get to do and my mom has donated to St. Jude's in the past and taught me about it. In 5th, 6th and now 8th the charity I picked was St. Jude Children Research Hospital because 100% of donations go to a good cause and they focus on research and treating kids with no bills. I did not expect that our product would have to do with our charity each year and that we would have to do a map but most of the things I knew we were going to do. Charity fair is something we do every year and we always make it better and there is always new things and more to learn.

Inward-looking: How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?
        I love getting to do the charity fair each year and getting to see what people are selling and what charities people like. This is something that is like a AdVENTURE tradition and it is something that I look forward to all year. I like getting to present our idea, making and selling the items, the backboard, and getting to be creative. I do not like it when the teachers have lots of different things going on at once and when there are a bunch of things due on one day. I also do not like it when some teachers are working on charity fair and some are not because it gets me all jumbled up. I enjoy getting to know other people better through this projects and all of the memories. I like that we get to be creative and that we get to customize this project, we have lots of freedom for choice.

Outward-looking: Did you do your work the way other people did theirs? In what ways did you do it differently? In what ways was your work or process similar?
        Everyone is given the same standards, instructions, and overall project but there is a lot of creativity and lots of customization. Everyone was different because we all made different products and that is something that makes the charity fair fun. We also get to choose different charities that we like and that we feel happy and a connection with. We all were also similar in the sense that we all had to present an 8 slide presentation in 2 minutes and that we all were selling things from 1 to 5 dollars, we all had a backboard, cost and profit, etc. There were things that would make the groups similar and different but everyone made amazing and cool products to sell and let people buy.

Forward-looking:What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
        If I had to do the charity fair over again I would make sure that the money was not misplaced again and that we would practice a little more for the presentation. I would make it so that we would get ahead so that there was less stress and so that we had more time to improve our work. I think that in the long run it was a good charity fair and I think that it was fun and the experience I had was amazing. I would mostly just want to make sure we practiced more for the presentation and that we handed out more business cards to raise more awareness. I wish that I made the products weeks before charity fair because near the end I was rushing and it made it hard to practice presenting and not be stressed. Overall the charity fair was fun and something that I enjoy every year.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

weekly blog 12/8/17
        Distance is the path you go and how far you traveled overall. If you walk 1 mile north and then you run 1 mile south your distance is 2 miles because that is the total that you walked. Displacement is how far out of place you are from start to finish but it is not the path you took but the total you are displaced. If you walked the previous 1 mile north and 1 mile south you would have a displacement of 0 miles because you ended up where you started. Another example of displacement is if you walked 1 mile north, then you walked 1 mile east and then walk one mile south your displacement is 1 mile because you are 1 mile from where you started. and your distance is 3 miles. To find displacement you can use a2+b2=c2.

S&EP 3:
        We made drawings to represent and graph the distance that the path was and the displacement to see how far it was. We were given problems that we needed to solve so we would graph them and then we would use Pythagorean theorem to find our displacement. We also did a experiment where we went outside with a partner and then we would mark a starting spot. Then one partner would walk a certain about one way and then the other partner would measure. We would do that a few times for our distance and then find our displacement. At the end you had to graph one of the paths and then you would have to answer some questions about the experiment that you did.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Weekly blog 12/1/2017
        Anything that you have had to be made somewhere like China, the USA, Taiwan, etc. With google my maps you can mark where each of your thing you get and connect them to have a visual to show where the product had to travel. Knowing where your products come from may not seem important but your carbon footprint is. A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon a person leaves behind like fossil fuels. It is important to know how much carbon you are putting in the environment because we want to always make sure we are helping to save our environment. You want to buy things that are more local so that you do not leave as much carbon behind and so that you are doing your best to preserve the environment.

SP2: Developing and using models
        Using My Maps to create an interactive map my partner and I for charity fair made a model showing where our products were made and we also created lines showing where everything that we used traveled. We had to color coat things to show how they traveled like if they traveled by plane truck, car, train, etc. We had to make find the manufacturing address of all of our products to find where they are made. We had to also calculate our carbon footprint by guessing if it traveled by car, truck, plane or train so that we would know how much carbon we were leaving and how we are impacting the environment. In the end this was worth it and was a very cool and good visual.