Friday, November 10, 2017

Weekly blog (biological classification)
        A cladogram is something that is used to classify animals and show how they are related, it is like a family tree or a tree of life. A tetra-pod is an animal that has 4 limbs with movable muscles and joints. Humans would be technically considered tetra-pods because we have 4 limbs, joint's and muscles. The picture above is a cladogram and is is showing that similarities that animals have like how crocodiles and birds have eggs with shells and how rodent's, rabbits and primates have hair. Everything has a vertebrae in the picture and a vertebrae is very important because it has lots of nerves and things connect and send signals to your brain. Every part that an animal has is useful and important to what that animal does and where they live.

SP 2: Developing and using models:
        I had to use a cladogram to find my information and to find the similarities and differences in animals. We also read a google presentation about who first classified animals in a organized manner. There are lots of different animals and ways to classify them like with a cladogram to find the traits that match with different animals and connect them to a common ancestor. With a cladogram you can organize by finding what is a fungi, mammal, green plant, and more by finding what makes something put in a category like if something gives live births and needs to breathe air it is most likely a mammal. There are lots of different ways to organize animals and one of the ways is by using a cladogram.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Weekly blog (bone structure)
        Comparative analogy is when scientists compare different animals bone structure and their anatomy to see the similarities and differences. This is is something that shows things like common ancestors and it shows how closely related one animal is to another. The picture is showing how what the different bones are in animals and each color shows each part of the different animals like how humans and cats have fingers and a bat has longer finger type bones, while horses have a hoof, and more. In the picture the cat's arm looks closest to the human arm then anything else and that is showing how humans and cats are the closest to each other and could have a common ancestor. This is something that is to find the common an ancestors of animals and it is something to see how things are related.

SP 4: Analyzing and interpreting data:
        We made a graph this week to observe the similarities and differences in animals like T-Rex's and if they were extinct or things we would use the comparative analysis. We had to add a + or a - to show if the animal did or did not have a certain feature like hair and things but if we did not know like how we do not know if the T-Rex had hair we would put a question mark. The graph was to show the similarities and differences between animals. We also looked at the arm bones of different animals and color coated the bones to see what the bones were in one animal vs another. We did lots of different visuals and analysis of animals to find the similarities and differences.