Saturday, January 28, 2017

Weekly blog 1/23-27/17

        There are super powers that may be possible if you changed some of your organ systems. A way that you can see better in the dark is if your pupils got larger than usual because your pupils let in light and when you are in the light you have smaller pupils and if you are in the dark you have larger pupils. If you had pupils that were extra large you could let more light into your light you can see in the dark. You can also have lager muscles in order to do more and so that you can be a stronger person. There are many things that you can change of your body to make it better and more powerful.

S&EP:SP2: Developing and using models:
        I drew a super villain that is made up to be the enemy of our made up super hero. They have to have two modes a normal and a nefarious and in nefarious mode their organ systems change to give them powers. We had to draw the organ systems before and after. For me I changed the eyes, lungs, ears and muscles. The eyes change by making the pupil larger so that she can see in the dark, the lungs got larger so she can hold her breath longer, her ears got curvier and larger so she can hear better and she got larger muscles so that she is stronger and can do more.

XCC: Structure and Function:
In order for people to see in the dark their pupils have to grow larger to let in more light and the larger the pupil the more light you can see. If your lungs were larger you would be able to hold more air in your lungs for a longer time and you could do more stuff like be more active and still not be out of breath. If your muscles are larger than you become stronger and this means that you can do more things like lift more weight, jump higher, run faster, etc. If your ears got rounder and larger than you could hear more than you usually would and your ears are what make is to that you can hear so much in the first place.if you had rounder ears you could hear more like when you put your hands around you ear.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Weekly blog 1/13/27

        There are many kinds of genetic mutations. There are also many ways to get genetic mutations. You can have an external or an internal factor which means external is something that is outside that make you have a genetic mutation like toxic chemicals and an internal factor is when something inside goes wrong with cell duplication. You can have insertions, deletions or substitution, insertion is when you have an extra base added to your DNA, deletion is when you take away a base and substitution is when you have the wrong base with the wrong base. Most of the time when people have mutations it doesn't help them or harm them and it is just neutral to them but in rare cases the mutation can help the person or it can harm them.

S&EP:SP1: Asking questions and defining problems
        I asked the scientific question of what causes genetic mutations and what causes GMO and what is the difference? I found that GMO is when someone modifies their DNA on purpose and they do it when they want and they get to make the decision. Genetically modifying your DNA is when you don't get to make the decision and it happens when your cells duplicate wrong or when you have external factors like toxic chemical or somehow some outside force effects your DNA. The main difference is that one is when you choose and if you want it and one is just natural and you do not get to chose if it  happens.

XCC: Cause and Effect
        I had to find out what the cause and the effect of my my super hero got her powers. I got to make up the story and I had to have some scientific explanation behind it. the cause of my super hero getting her powers was she was investigating a recent case from her job as a police officer and when she was exploring she got bit by a pit viper and accidentally got some of the toxic chemicals in it. This causes her genes to have extra bases added to her DNA and so that is what caused her to get her power. There are many other ways that people can get genetic mutations and most of the time genetic mutations do not help. The cause and effect was she get bit and then she got an external factor or the chemicals into it and so then she got her genes to have insertions and so she had extra bases and she got her power.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Weekly blog 1/8/17
        Everything is made up of smaller and smaller parts. Our parents effect what we will look like. The decisions that our parents make while they are pregnant can cause you to be over or under weight, have a higher change of things like cancer and other diseases, etc. The choices that you make after you are born can effect things like your health too. Punnet squares can help figure out what someones bay's DNA is and can help figure out what they look like. To have a recessive trait you have to have two recessive genes one from each parent. Each parent gives their child one copy of two of their genes. Heterozygous is when you have two different alleles and you would be a hybrid. Homozygous is when you have two of the same alleles and you would be a purebred.

S&EP:Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?:
        I drew lots of small models of punnet squares to show what the off spring out our super hero and our villain would make. We uses the models to see what color hair our child would look like, for example their hair color and their skin color etc. We already found the DNA or alleles of our super hero and villain but we were seeing what they would look like. We also found how healthy they would be bases on a coin flip we saw the choices of our super hero and how they effected the child. I drew what I thought our child of our super hero and our super villain. I drew lots of stuff for the super hero project like the punnet square and the drawing our our child. 

XCC: Cause and effect
There are many factors that relate to what peoples child or children would look like. The alleles the the parents give to the child will affect what the child will look like. If the mother does things like eats too much and eats unhealthy it can cause the baby to be born unhealthy. If the mom has lots of stress when the child is born it can be born unhealthy as well. If the mom smoked or had alcohol the child could be born with disabilities and can have a higher chance of cancer because it goes through their blood stream. If two eggs are fertilized at the same time you will have fraternal twins or nonidentical twins. if and egg gets fertilized and splits you will have identical wins because they will have the same DNA but as they get older their choices can effect what they look like and what diseases they get. If the egg only gets partly split you will have twins that are stuck to each other or have two heads, etc.