Saturday, November 19, 2016

Human body redesign project blog

        The immune system protects your body from all kinds of sicknesses but it has some problems. The white blood cells are cells that get rid of the virus by shooting antibodies and other white blood cells will come and devour the sickness. One problem is that the white blood cells can take a long time to get rid of a sickness. The white blood cells will also sometimes attack your red blood cells or your good cells. The skin also has some flaws like. The main one is that the skin is easy to puncture and for things to get through for things to get into your body. We want to make it so that the skin is thicker so that it is harder for things on the outside of the body to get into the body. We would have to make it so that the skin is stretchier and there are more ways to sweat so you don't overheat. We want to make the white blood cells smarter and so that there are more white blood cells.

Backward-looking: What process did you go through to produce this piece?

        To make this piece we had to start out alone and write 8 blogs in 2 weeks about each of the systems and we had to have an idea of what we could change about that system to make it better. We also had to make sure that all of them had 35 or more points in order to work in groups. When we got into our groups we had to find out what system we wanted to re- design. We had to talk and find out what we wanted to redesign about that system and why. After we had an idea we had to start working on a document asking things like what the original design was, what we wanted to redesign, etc. Then we had to write an essay based off of the questions. When we were done with the essay we had to create a presentation that we had to present to the class. Finally we presented and watched each other get to present.

Inward-looking:  How do you feel about this piece of work? What parts of it do you particularly like? Dislike? Why? What did/do you enjoy about this piece or work?

        I enjoyed getting to do this project with my group and that we got to learn lots about the human body and what can be different about it to make it better. I liked that we did most of the re-search before we started the project so that we had an idea about what we were doing before we did it. I did not like that we had to write so much before we got to start the project because for me it was a little hard. I enjoy this piece of work because we did not get to chose our groups because most of the time we would just chose our friends. I like that we got to all do different things like how some of the people did board games and how we got to play them when they were done. I enjoyed that we all got to have fun presenting and getting to write about each other's presentation.

Outward-looking: What the one thing you particularly want people to notice when they look at your work?
        When people watch our presentation I want people to be able to recognize that we put lots of effort into our work. I also want people to notice that the body that we have may not be the best design that it could be but that sometimes different designs could not work or be very hard to accomplish. When people read our essay I want them to know that we put lots of effort into making it at the same time as having a little bit of fun learning about the different things that our wrong with our body and how we can fix them. I want them to know that we did lots of research to find the stuff that we did like how we can make it so that the white blood cells can reproduce fast by adding a couple mouse genes into it. 

Forward-looking: What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
        If I got to do this project over again I would make it so that my group worked a little more on the script part of the presentation so that we would not mess up. I would want to make it so that we would have done the project faster and so that we had extra time after we were done to work on final touches. I think that we could have made a couple of changes to the essay and to the presentation. I would want to make sure that when we were presenting we would not get confused and that we would not have said anything like umm. I would like to change that in the presentation we repeated ourselves on somethings. I think that we did good but there were definitely some things that we could have changed.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

weekly blog 11/7-11/16
        There are different kinds of white blood cells. White blood cells work together to get rid of viruses and disease that is in your body. A problem with your white blood cells is that they will sometimes attack your red blood cells which are good for your body. Your white blood cells also can take a little while. Your skin is made to be the first layer of protection from any disease and viruses that are trying to get into your body. A problem with your skin is that it is easy to penetrate and things like mosquitoes can bite you and give you things like malaria.

S&EP: Did you ask a scientific question?:
I asked what was wrong with the immune system and how can we fix it? I found that the white blood cells will sometimes attack the red blood cells which is not good. The white blood cells can also take a while to find and kill the virus. To fix this we should make it so that the white blood cells are programmed better and there should be more of them so that it can do its job better. I also found that the skin is easy to penetrate. To fix it we could make it so that the skin is thicker but it would make it harder to stretch and to sweat so you would over heat.

XCC: Structure and function:
The skin is made thin so that the skin can get rid of water and make sweat to cool your body as well as being able to easily stretch. If the skin was any thicker it would have to have bigger or more pores to get rid of sweat and would have to be made differently in order to stretch. The white blood cells are about as big as a red blood cell so that it is able to do its job more efficiently and to not take up too much space.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

WAC: Is it healthier to be a Vegetarian or Omnivore:

        Is it healthier to be a Vegetarian or Omnivore? 

        Being an omnivore is healthier to the human body than being a vegetarian. I know this because meat gives your body amino acids, iron, zinc and vitamin B12. Meat also gives you fats that help improve your nervous system and your immune system, which are two important systems in your body. Human digestive systems are made differently than herbivores. Our body is made to use the animal foods we eat and it not made for only or mostly plants.  

        My first reason for why being an omnivore is healthier is that meat and other animal products contain amino acids, iron, zinc and vitamin B12. I know this because the article, Should People Become Vegetarians by ProCon.Org says, " In one serving, meat provides all the essential amino acids(the building block of proteins) as well as essential nutrients such as iron, zinc and B vitamins. Most plant foods do not provide adequate levels of essential amino acids in a single serving. 

         My second reason is the fats that are in meat help to improve your nervous system and your immune system. Your nervous and your immune system are two very important systems to your body that keep you alive. According to the article, Should People Become Vegetarians by ProCon.Org says, "Eating meat provided healthy saturated fats, which enhance the function of the nervous and immune system." This shows that meat is important to your health and is important to your body. 

        My third reason is the human digestive system is made for digesting animal meat and other products along with plants. Our stomachs are different than herbivores. The article, 7 Reasons Why Not to Avoid Meat (Unless if you want to), by Kris Gunnars states," Our digestive systems are well equipped to make full use of the fats, proteins and nutrients found in animal foods" This shows that our body need the fats, proteins and nutrients and that our digestive systems are not meant to only digest plants. 

        You could argue that vegetarian diets have less fats and you would be less over weight and are less likely to get some diseases like cardiovascular diseases. I know this because in the article, Is It Healthier to be a Vegetarian or an omnivore by Sencer October 12 2016 says, "With the increase in plant-based foods in the diet, more phytochemicals are consumed, thus reducing risk of chronic diseases linked with animal fats, such as overweight, obesity, cardiovascular disease and hypertension." You might be heavier if you eat meat but it is not true that you are more likely to get cardiovascular diseases from fats in meat.  I know this because the article, 7 Reasons Why Not to Avoid Meat (Unless if you want to), by Kris Gunnars says, "Studies now show that saturated fats in the diet is not linked to heart disease." This shows that fats in meat doesn't cause cardiovascular disease.  

     In conclusion, based on the information I have read, being and omnivore is actually a healthier choice than a vegetarian. It is easier to get the amino acids, iron, zinc and vitamin B12 in your diet. Our body needs fat from meats to help improve your nervous and immune system. Our bodies were made to digest meat. Your digestive system is made to use the protein, fats and nutrients that meat provides. Being a vegetarian is not bad for your body but being an omnivore is better and has several advantages. These are just a few reasons why being a omnivore is better for you than being a vegetarian.